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  1. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    I know you can drill your own holes, I did in my first computer, HP was to small to put in a second harddrive, so made the room my self. But not everyone has a drill, or is willing to drill. Make sure if you do drill though, to have a vacum running at the drill spot, 1 metal filing could...
  2. G

    8x agp

    Nah, claims are true. I just turned 8x agp back on, and my gained 7 of the 8 fps i lost in Source back. The other FPS is lost in time. I'll dispact fox mulder after it.
  3. G

    Looking for a good hard drive

    Yeah do you have raid? and sata?
  4. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    Well, you'd be suprised how much a simple case fan can do. I've never bothered to add fans heatsinks to the actual card, i'll just place an extra case fan or two near card, and temp drops at least 10c. If you think about it, the biggest heat sink and fan on the card wont help, if the air...
  5. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    I would keep an eye on your temp though, maybe through in another case fan near it.
  6. G

    ATI tv-out

    Your parents wont let you? Why not? I mean, because they dont want you destroying something? playing with a soldering iron? You could do it with eletrica tape, just twist the wires together, and tape around it. But if your parents wont let you, smack them around, and explain how you will...
  7. G

    is this a good computer?

    bleh ignore him. Hes just jealous
  8. G

    Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock

    Woohooo. I'm happy to help someone.
  9. G

    8x agp

    Maybe its a fluke in my computer?
  10. G

    8x agp

    The pcs Were Different, one was a pentium, one was a athlon. 512 megs ram, compared to a gig in the athlon. The thing is, when you throw in my 4200 into each, and athlon is ahead by 10 or so. I'd like to correct my orginal post, 4200 should be 5900, i'm losing my mind today. Took me...
  11. G

    ATI tv-out

    I', 19, I've been doing this stuff since i was like 8, so age is no matter.
  12. G

    8x agp

    Bleh No..... What i mean is the 4x has more cpu, more ram. But scored 20 fps LOWER. 8x mobo has less cpu, less ram, scored 20 higher. This is in battlefield vietnam. My brand new computer, Scores 8 less in CS:S with 4x enabled.
  13. G

    ATI tv-out

    I made my own plugs when i did this. Just took an old RCA cable set from a PS2 or nintendo or something, Spliced the wires, and soldered them backtogether with a headphone jack. If you've got wire strippers, soldering iron, or electrical tape. Its a pretty easy job.
  14. G

    is this a good computer?

    did the math its about 1050$ US to 1500 aussie My system includes a 3 hard drives, a fan controller, a case, a a sweet 280 watt system. Overall your not bad, sounds like a decent deal
  15. G

    wow great update,way to drop my fps

    I had a slight drop overall, but FPs still doesnt drop in action or anything. Your giving negative feedback, you need to chill out, send them a bug report and let them know nicely whats wrong.
  16. G

    is this a good computer?

    whats that in US $. I just builtt a better system for 1100$ US Not including monitor. Its basicly what i just bought, except i got 3000+ and geforce 5900xt. I opted to save money on CPU, and get 2 80 gig Satas, in raid 0.
  17. G

    8x agp

    I just tuned my own mobo down to 4x. In my new computer. Lost 8fps in counterstrike source at 1024res Droped from aprox 51 to aprox 43 More then 5%
  18. G

    restarting computer

    Well plop the case open, hear any weird noises before it shuts down? Sometimes powersupplies will make a noise, or if the HDD is failing it will start to click weird, and if it makes any noises, it might not be getting power from powersupply. You might want to check the powersupply fan? if...
  19. G

    Weapons on your back (holster) ?!

    Yeah like in americas army.
  20. G

    8x agp

    Maybe you didnt understand what I was saying. "My geforce 4200, gets 20 more fps in my 8x machine, then my 4x. 4x meanwhile has more ram, and faster cpu." Meaning my 4x mobo. Same card, 20 more FPS. In my experience agp 8x is a life saver with higher resolutions. I mean if agp8x...