ATI tv-out


Apr 12, 2004
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ok.. i connected the tv-out thing so i can watch a movie on my computer on TV so everything is good even the picture quility....but how do i connnect sound to my tv so i can hear the wats goin on in the movie
connect the audio-out from your PC to the audio-in on your TV, perhaps :p

PS. there's a hardware/software thread for these kinda posts.
i got an onbaord sound card thing.... can u show me a pic of the pc audio in? i tried the hole were i connect my pc spkears too but that dont work
Depends on your TV - if it doesn't have an aux-input then you can't do it... and if it does you need a special cable that takes the audio-output from your PC and has the phono connector that goes into your TV ... but like I said if your TV doesn't have an aux-in then don't bother.
it does it has inputs for the yellow white and red cables
and i have the the cable for it all i need to know is were to connect it on my computer
marty905 said:
it does it has inputs for the yellow white and red cables

There is a way to do it with these, buy a 3.5mm jack to RCA male cable (looks like this: and plug each bit into their respective sockets and it should work.

Edit: Didn't read your latest reply. If the soundcard sockets are coloured (which they should be), look for the green socket and plug it in
I made my own plugs when i did this.

Just took an old RCA cable set from a PS2 or nintendo or something, Spliced the wires, and soldered them backtogether with a headphone jack.

If you've got wire strippers, soldering iron, or electrical tape. Its a pretty easy job.
I', 19, I've been doing this stuff since i was like 8, so age is no matter.
ya but my parants wont let me

i would try it no problem....
Your parents wont let you? Why not? I mean, because they dont want you destroying something? playing with a soldering iron?

You could do it with eletrica tape, just twist the wires together, and tape around it.

But if your parents wont let you, smack them around, and explain how you will never become an engineer this way.

haha, then when your done, say you need there credit card to order an adapter.

I bet they let you do it :)