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  1. polly-pocket

    Very early WIP of gm_dev_woodland

    This is a map with lots of little wooden huts in a forrest, a woodland village. I have only made one little cottage at the moment but your views anyway? Screenshots: And a nice comedy pic of a big AI war I created! I know it is a very early wip but could you...
  2. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    aww, how come?
  3. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Cheers, you and psycho are like the guides to my mapping :D I will probrly add skirting boards and door frames ect! EDIT: oh and wrong link, that link is to this page :D
  4. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    No, I took your advice mate, I am going to build the glass bridge thing, Im just thinking were to put oh and I will upload these update screenshots iwth "what I think" better lighting and better alligned things and so pshycho and unarmed can stop having to tell me basics, I have read a tut and I...
  5. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Why is everyone so aggresive, gosh. I am a noob at optimizing, I am new to it. But why be so intimidate. Oh well, thanks for the info though, I needed it cheers.:stare: But know Physcho is going to say "Hes not being aggresive and he's helping you so..." and so on. But oh well, I look like a...
  6. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    What do you mean? I was told that if you make brushes from world to func_detail it will optimize the map by loads!
  7. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    every single brush apart from the displacements and the skybox is/are func_details. I did that ages ago. My leafs are fine. In teh compile they take literally 15 seconds!
  8. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Would occulours and area portals help on vis? If so, I need to ad lots of them, I have never done lots of optimizing in a map simply because I have never needed to! But this is pretty laggy, Ill sort it out. Its only a tad bit lag though.
  9. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    It is already at 16 :( Oh and I might cordon of areas to see if its just afew lights that are messed up :(
  10. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Alot ....
  11. polly-pocket

    Do's and Dont's

    your skybox needs to be at co-ordinated 00,00,00
  12. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    I am using light_spotlight and light entitys together. I think there just to high up, there to near the light. And the textures are ugly because its an ugly office block... But I undertsand what your saying, I will try and add more detail. I will have update screenshots in afew mins! My build...
  13. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    I didn't mean to come across aggressive or ungrateful or childish. I really didn't so I am sorry. Can we just go back on topic? EDIT: Sorry, it was late and I probally came across ungrateful. Please forgive....
  14. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    No I havnt put any occulours or any of that in yet. I will do on final release. My vis is pretty smooth, but it lags abit so I will need more optimizing. I know what you mean ... Ive just never heard it in that form. No ones ever said "hows your vis" ... they usually say "what optimizing have yu...
  15. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Listen, i understood you. Thats why I said ... "If you mean optimizing then yes" I havn't place occulours yet, but its stil la WIP! And why do you assume Im a noob. FFS its a WIP! When otehr peopel have wips you don't call them noobs. EDIT: My FPS is liek that because when I take screenshots...
  16. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Depends what you mean. YOu talking about nodraw optimizing? I just foudn out.... it isnt my portal flow that takes years!!!! Its my face lights! Any thoughts why?
  17. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    Hmm, The portal flow eitehr take ages or crashes on "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9." Which does get irritating!
  18. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    why were you expecting something really crap from someone like me and with a crap name of a map? Although my map isn't brilliant its better than the stuff I have posted on here!
  19. polly-pocket

    [WIP] aim_sniper_skyscraper

    This is the first version of this map. It is almost complete, just need your views and what I could add and take away and of course critism and comments are welcome. I may improve this map by making a corridor thing between the two different buildings like in this picture...
  20. polly-pocket

    WIP: gm_smiverex_facility

    This is my first construct map, please DO be harsh seeing as I want to get good at these it is still at early stages. Constructive critism and compliments are welcome! Screenshots (movie coming soon): Please tell me what to add/take away from it and...