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  1. F

    MOD concept, GTA inspired

    And you will be doing... what ?
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    Rebirth 2074 (tentative name)

    This seems like a time for cliché "Help Wanted" thead reply #2 :- "What is it you'll be doing ?"
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    Making models start seated.

    I don't think you quite understand game-making... if a 'cheat' works perfectly and has no nasty side effects, it ceases to be a cheat. :)
  4. F

    Project: Dervish

    That doesn't sound like a yes... it sounds like a "the only HL2 thing I can do is map, and I want other people to do that for me"...
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    I'm ahead or behind my time?

    I don't understand the question...
  6. F

    Is this supposed to happen?

    I like the irony of your name. But the only "help" I can think of is possibly Zonealarm popping up in the background asking if HL2 can access the internet, and HL2 waiting for your decision before it continues loading... it did that to me.
  7. F

    Perfect Dark Anyone?

    That's possibly the stupidest thing I've heard anyone say all day... and that's usually quite a hard contest to win. Congrats.
  8. F

    Mapping roads, rails and rivers...

    ...and be completely out of place in anything but a HL2-based map. :)
  9. F

    Mapping roads, rails and rivers...

    What's the best/your favourite way of "ending" things like roads, train tracks and rivers that in the real world would carry on for miles ? People can only accept so many caved in tunnels and such... That's one thing that always screws me up while mapping. I'll get a nice area done, then...
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    Zombie Mod: Recruiting

    But it's true... sometimes the truth isn't the nicest thing to say, but it needs to be said. He has no modding skills at all, and is claiming (in effect) that he's going to make a game 1000x better than HL2... should everyone cry "excellent ! sounds great ! can't wait !" and get his hopes up...
  11. F

    Zombie Mod: Recruiting

    Anyone able to make a mod will have their own ideas. Therefore : 1/ You will never recruit a team willing to work with you if the only thing you bring to the table is "I'll organise it all". 2/ No-one is going to make your mod for you. Technicly this is the same as the first point, but needs...
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    Face Poser

    Just open up the barney 1 file (whatever it's called) and tamper with the sliders and buttons... eventually you'll get an idea of what's going on. Fun fun fun ! :)
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    AfterMATRIX: Help Wanted

    I can't believe no-one's thought of doing an IP-infringing Matrix mod before...
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    The 7th Hour

    Could The Seven Hour War overtake WW2 and Terrorism as "the most overused HL2 mod concept ever" ? I say... perhaps ! :P
  15. F

    Tiberian Sun: Armagedon (HL2 mod) HELP WANTED!!!

    I don't remember saying I thought a HL2 mod based on Red Alert was OK, (actually, I did in fact say the opposite... "Making mods based on the C&C universe for HL2 = Not OK") but that does explain Phoenixx's apparent want to believe that if you make your illegal mod and hide under a pile of...
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    Hostile Freedom

    Purely because of that post, even if you do release it that day I'm not going to download it ! Hurrah for terrible PR guys !
  17. F

    Tiberian Sun: Armagedon (HL2 mod) HELP WANTED!!!

    In this situation, with the company being EA, I hardly think they're going to be all nice and fluffy and "yea, sure, use our IP... go nuts".
  18. F

    Tiberian Sun: Armagedon (HL2 mod) HELP WANTED!!!

    I'm not sure I understand you, but it seems like you're saying "if EA try to shut down your C&C mod, you can use the excellent legal defence of saying that they didn't stop anyone making C&C mods on the C&C engines". The reason I'm not sure I understand you is because that's quite stupid...
  19. F

    Am I the only one who feels Valve's suprise for next week will be a disappointment?

    Perhaps it's the announcement of Half Life 3... coming September 30th 2005 (!) But yea, it's probably just going to be some screenshots of DoD:S or something.