I'm ahead or behind my time?


Nov 22, 2004
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I am currently trying to make my own mod, almost completely by myself. I am a high school senior who has had 6 semesters with 3d Studio VIZ and 2 semesters with DataCAD and AutoCAD. Now, is the reason why everyone else's mods and models look awesome is because you may be a little older than me with college experience or am I not up to beat on how to use programs and stuff?

I've seen others' work, and it looks beautiful. I look at my work and say, that kind of sucks. For example, I made a Beretta M96 .40cal in 3D Studio MAX and it looked horrible (my junior year). I saw some other guy's M4 and it looked exactly like it's supposed to.
You're making a critical mistake:

You're letting school get in the way of your education.

Don't ever think that the 3D stuff you learn in high school or even most colleges/universities will let you develop any serious skills. The people who do well in 3D art do it on their own, obsessively, competitively, for very long periods of time. If you want to be good, just start practicing for a few hours a day. Make a smaller project or join someone else's larger one (this is a good choice actually especially if you need encouragement at all).

Ahh, good point. I hadn't thought that even though someone has had training that they may not be good at it. I'm not sure I'd call it practise, but I love to sit on my computer and do stuff in Hammer. I was just curious as to what everyone else's experience and how long they had been doing this. I've only been exposed to Hammer for about a month, and I'm already attempting my own mod (however slowly I may be going).
I do want to slightly disagree on the analysis of education, basically I want to add the caveat that there are some teachers who tend toward a program agnostic view that provides you with insight into the art rather than purely the mechanics. I would also advocate traditional art, there is much there that can be applied to 3D work.
you are certanly ahed of me, i am making my own mod and im in my second yeahr of hi-school.
i have no almost computer and certanly no 3d education.
i have done 3d in my spare time for half a year, lerning from internett tutorials.

its all about setting realistic goales
Well, right now, all I have is about half of the first level. Most of the rooms are furnished, there is no lighting yet, and I'm desparatly looking for help on the animaions. I haven't plotted out the whole story, but I would say my goal is to at least make it as long as Blue Shift.

It would be the equivalent of Opposing Force 2, in which you are a combine. You start off in a Civil Protection HQ, from which you will go through a sector of City 17 (one I make, not in HL2) then go down in the sewers. I know that I want the player to end up in the canals at some point to weed out the Resistance Railroad. But I'll make it so the leader has fled before you got there, so you have to hunt him down. Where you go next, I'm not sure.

I'm going to try to get new things in (make the stunstick playerusable since you are a Combine, be able to drive an APC, etc.), but mostly it's however long I want it to be.

(BTW, this is my idea, please don't anyone take it)
Um, i dont think you reliase how much work it takes, you do know it will probably take over a year or 2 of dedication, but hey...Nothing to lose so go for it.
I'm gonna have to go with Dasparov on this one.

I've been modding for over 4 years straight now (you can look at my website - URL in sig). I made my own mod during that time. It is possible but it requires an extreme level of patience, persistence and effort.

If I was just starting out I'd seriously recommend you join an existing project. Modding is much, much harder and more time-consuming than you think.
Well, I think I'm doing fine. I really don't care if I get done or not (kind of. It's not a priority), I just like doing. I think it's fun. Whether it's hard or not depends on how fast I go, not whether I get frustrated and quit or not.