Survival Horror Mod -HELP WANTED-

Supernova Nexus

Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score

I am looking to make a single-player survival horror mod. I am the project leader, a level designer, and I also wrote the script for the story. I began working on this mod around December of 2010, but at the time I was just writing the script, creating characters and researching as to what I could do to make this mod an awesome one at best. When I discovered the Source SDK program in the summer of 2011, that's when I decided to start level development of my mod. Originally, I wanted to have this game done all by myself, but seeing as how I have little to no experience with 3D modeling, LUA scripting, or anything complex at that level, it would be hard for me to do so.

What I have as of now:
- Myself. Like I said before, I am the project leader, a level designer, I wrote the story and created all the characters, and a project manager.
- My friend who is also a level designer.
- Another one of my friends who is a voice actor.

What I need:
- Prop Modelers
- Skinners/ Texture Artists
- Sound Engineers/ voice actors
- 3D Animators (Someone who has experience with Valve's Face Poser program.)
- LUA scripters/ programmers
- Concept artist

I am also looking for people who have creative talent. While hard work is a must for this project, I also want other members to have fun and be creative with the ideas they dream up.

I will NOT disclose the title of my mod or any further information on this thread. If you are interested and would like more information regarding my mod, please contact me at

So you had an idea and now you need an entire team of people to make it for you?

The title of your mod is "facepalm"?