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  1. Keeson

    All this E3 stuff just to get funds?

    I've written a few paragraphs with my speculation about Valve's Evil Plan for 2003 in the thead below. <--- see this thread for my comments I think I agree with your line of thinking, Foggy I believe Valve's strategy for 2003 had...
  2. Keeson

    I've just been watching Gamesville....(Possible HL-2 release date info)

    This is fascinating - so, Valve is bullshitting ATI now. (maybe they're worried about getting their asses sued off) Just wait till June when the HL2 coupon holders start screaming :flame: to ATI about not having the game yet.
  3. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    Re: Re: the truth? But you see it does make sense. If Valve sits on HL2 till E3 2004 they lose big, key benefits to themselves: 1) Valve loses the 6 million from ATI. They need this to pay their development costs and continue their "self-funded" HL2 project (which isn't really going to...
  4. Keeson

    A Must !

    Here's what Tom's hardware says about the coupon: "Sources tell us that the bundling is very expensive for the card makers. ATI is asking for about $15 for a copy, which is 300% more than other game bundles. So you can expect that not every ATI board partner will feature this game bundle...
  5. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    :dork: I am not troll! I try to back up what I say with quotes and links and acknowledge the possibility that I could be wrong on some stuff. :dork: Well, actually I see myself as a sort of visionary colossus, a maverick of all that is just and fair and above all else a purveyor and believer...
  6. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    Re: the truth? Wow! Nice job summing up my thoughts from my really big post up above. (the one no one will touch with a 10 foot pole) Any minute now people will be calling you a dumbass, Glimmerman for only seeing the truth!!! But I agree with you at least... :dork: I think Valve's...
  7. Keeson

    A Must !

    For those not wanting to click the link to HARDOCP here is the info referred to: Half Life 2 will be shipping IN THE BOX (This has now officially changed to COUPON IN THE BOX - 10/01/03 - Kyle) with the 9800XT AND the 9600XT. This is the full retail version, no demo, no shareware, this is the...
  8. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    Ok lets do the math: MP2 ----> 10 hours gameplay in 1.5 years HL2 ----> 40 hours gameplay = 4 X 1.5 years = 6 years HL2 has been developed for 5 years, therefore they still have a year to go which means 2005!!!!!!! :dork: (let's be honest Valve haven't really put 5 years...
  9. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    So I am a dumbass for pointing out: Valve has a very high quality standard for its games. Valve wants 40 - 50 hours of gameplay for HL2 - direct quote from Gabe Max Payne 2 is 10 hours of gameplay, Max took what 2 year of development with no multiplayer That it take a long time to...
  10. Keeson

    A Must !

    Well the link I give is from Tom's hardware and this is a reputable site. Their info likely comes from people in the know. I will assume that Tom's Hardware attended the ATI's press event on Alcatraz Island (i.e. the Radeon 9800XT launch) on Sept 30th and got the info direct from the source -...
  11. Keeson

    A Must !

    Here is a clue for you!!! It is single player only <----- Click HERE!!!!
  12. Keeson

    A Must !

    Well there is clarification posted in the "Valve Info" thread on these very forums, it is the second post in the link posted below. The info is clarification about the HL2 packin coupon direct from ATI:
  13. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    No, very definitely 2005! Look Valve has an impossibly high standard for quality. :cheese: Here's what Gabe Newell said in the Gamespot HL2 developer interview around E3 2003: "as a gamer I'm kind of disappointed with the lack of progress in PC gaming I think were seeing a lot of fairly...
  14. Keeson

    Where is the truth?

    What happened??? A great question!!!! I am going to give my opinion, but beware if you are a fanboy you should stop reading. You see, I believe Valve had an Evil Plan for 2003 :cheese: Plan Goals: :dork: 1) Presell the unfinished, almost vapourware HL2 for a large pile of money...
  15. Keeson

    Gold date speculation

    That is a pretty good date!!! That's one of the first realistic dates I have seen posted here!!! :bounce: If Valve decides to rip the guts out of HL2 and start over (keeping Source Engine, nice models, textures as a base to start with) then obviously they won't get it out in 2004...
  16. Keeson

    A Must !

    Ummm what exacly is weird.... ??
  17. Keeson

    Gold date speculation

    When I say April 2005 is the release date I am actually being optimistic!!!!! :bounce: I am only claiming that it will come out that *soon* if nothing else bad happens between now and then. However, given how the HL2 saga has unfolded, I am not terribly hopeful that something bad...
  18. Keeson

    A Must !

    Thats ok Shuzer, I saved you image to my harddrive to add to my collection. Thanks for posting it. Just to clarify, according to the ATI website and the HL2 coupon itself, people will receive the "full" version of HL2. My Claims: :bounce: 1) I claim that people will receive...
  19. Keeson

    A Must !

    Ummmmm.... Shuzer look at my first post in this thread... at the bottom there is an attachment (the HL2 coupon) also see further down where I attach the Best Buy store ad.... We need clarification from Valve as to what will happen when people redeem... (of course they haven't been...
  20. Keeson

    A Must !

    When the original HL came out there was a video card pack in offer as well. Some video cards shipped with a HL1 version which contained about 1/4 of the game (I think is was called "HL: Day One" or something like that). This was not a full version. "Full" could mean a full version of...