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  1. G

    Funniest Pictures Of Half Life 2
  2. G

    Half-Life 2 only standart game ???!!! Lies about game.

    There is nothing to indicate the two Anon's are the same Anon, the second Anon knows nothing about programming and contradicts himself wildly.
  3. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    Valve have clearly rigged HL2 to favour ATI, as the beta shows little performace difference. It also uses OpenGL. The difference between ATI and nVidia is shader performance, as the beta graphics engine does not contain the final shader code implementation the difference won't be that much...
  4. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    This needs to be made a sticky again. Valve lied to us, the beta is nowhere near complete, how could they have been ready for september 30th? Games are built modularly, you don't want to compile the whole lot every time you adjust one thing. The AI team has the AI parts, the graphics team...
  5. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    I can confirm they aren't. The reason they look like pre-renders is the techniques is essentially the same as in Pov-ray/3D Studio etc. except in real time. The lead programmer is a moderator on a popular game dev board, he often talks about how it works in great detail where certain things...
  6. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    Carmack isn't by default the best, although well deservedly the most known. These screenshots are from an up coming engine by a small European delevoper producing an RPG with it, currently because of money shortages it's mostly used for military purposes. Bear in mind that these have a...
  7. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    Llevar is quite right, re-writing your own code, or to look like your own code is easy when you've stolen the idea, having the idea is much harder and that's the point. I transferred some (free) cell shading code from one language to another recently, however I didn't invent it's neat approach...
  8. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    I know little about networking, mostly graphics and AI. But yes, the code gives an understanding of how Steam operates in the first place however, it wouldn't be very clever to compile and run it straight off the bat, doing that will be while Valve change it. Mostly this source leak will cause...
  9. G

    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    Some have been asking questions about possible discoveries of anti-nVidia code, I'll try and answer. Highly unlikey, especially unlikely that even if there was you could pinpoint anything specific. nVidia and ATI have taken very different approaches to shader technology, much of HL2's...