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  1. MrBongo

    Which BLEEDING EDGE Feature is Valve Likely to add first?

    Couldn't have put it better myself. And about that Ultra setting, I don't see why you have it up there. Just because it was showcased in Doom III doesn't mean it's what made the game look good. In fact, it had almost no impact visually on the game anyway.
  2. MrBongo

    Which BLEEDING EDGE Feature is Valve Likely to add first?

    I would assume that they would add HDR to their list of features, mainly because it has been a major topic for discussion with Valve when it comes to the Steam engine and what it can do...
  3. MrBongo

    "Mr." Freeman?

    Men are typically addressed as "Mr." or "Mister", regardless of whether or not they're married. For an unmarried women however, they would be called "Miss" or "Miz".
  4. MrBongo

    Half-Life 2 may be Done

    I wrote Gabe only to get an email from him today, but as you said, he was very tight-lipped over whether or not the Gold-hoax was a fake (which we all know it was). Go and read it in the Valve Information Only sticky at the top of this room. Anyway, I tend to believe your theory of Valve...
  5. MrBongo

    Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

    I'm sure you've all gotten emails like this from Gabe, but for those of you who are interested.... From : Gabe Newell <[email protected]> Sent : August 30, 2004 7:25:36 AM To : "Mr Bongo" <*****> Subject : RE: A concern regarding the recent rumors... It...