Search results

  1. Phosis

    Half-Life 2 will be unlocked on Steam on November 16th as well. UNLESS...

    This sucks, none of my avatars will work. We need some 60X60.
  2. Phosis

    I want some new screenshots.

    Its called self control. . . And obviously none of us have it.
  3. Phosis

    I want some new screenshots.

    If only I would have kept the deLorean.
  4. Phosis

    I want some new screenshots.

    Lets be realistic people. THe game has gone gold and with most games going gold a new wave of screenshots appears to manhandle us into a state of waiting. Its a pretty finer request if you ask me.
  5. Phosis

    I want some new screenshots.

    I got two words for ya valve. . . . Come on.
  6. Phosis

    Wicked hl2 PIC!!

    WHAT A FIND!!! :sleep:
  7. Phosis

    Do you want Firearms Source?

    Screw that! We need some Wizard Wars:Source.
  8. Phosis

    HL2 gold tommorw cs nation resports

    And the winner is. . .Geometry?
  9. Phosis

    Screenshot frenzy

    Hey he's got hacked pics!!
  10. Phosis

    It's over, problem solved

    I still think my vigalante's could have beat their kneecaps in as dfast as you could say "loanshark".
  11. Phosis

    Day of Defeat: Source added to coming soon. Updated oct 6th

    I don't get why some mods just have to be based around some war. What happened to wizard wars? That was an excellent mod and had nothing to do with a non-fictional war. If you want to make it a war game try and expand on it by making it an alternate reality like in Iron Storm. Friggin' Clones.
  12. Phosis

    Day of Defeat: Source added to coming soon. Updated oct 6th

    No more WW2 Mods and/or games.
  13. Phosis

    The mods on this site are very fair...

    Post. . .. more like roast.
  14. Phosis

    Opposing Force - The Gman

    It would be cool to encounter Shepard. I think he would be pretty pissed at Gordon, and would make for good storyline. Shepard "You killed my buddies" Gordan ". . . ." Shepard "Touche"
  15. Phosis

    Strider Dropships?

    "Use the shwartz Lonestar"
  16. Phosis

    vivendi just lost vs valve

    Yeah its like saying a dollar store would go bankrupt if it lost its neon glow pens or lanyards.
  17. Phosis


    Where we come from. . .spelling doesn't matter. Just like avid fans. . . .they don't matter.
  18. Phosis

    Vivendi promotion gears in motion?

    I call Shenanigans. . . and lots of them in this so-called post. I don't care if you get a mug. . .I want a mug. .
  19. Phosis

    Xen Minibosses/Creatures...

    Yes exactly. . .. . The combine will have to wear them, and with the whole concept of us knowing where they are, and them walking around like livestock. . . Let the slaughter begin!!!
  20. Phosis

    retail and preload

    Me saying yes reinforces what the previous posts say. . . GRRR.