Search results

  1. JossiRossi

    Steam Top 10

    This is pretty bad. You could have spent this time looking for a mod to report about, or maybe think up an article to write. You're not going to toss a list of games onto the main page every week are you?
  2. JossiRossi

    Monday Night Combat Competition - Design Future Sports

    Cool, glad I managed to get in the top 5. I look forward to checking the game out.
  3. JossiRossi

    Monday Night Combat Competition - Design Future Sports

    Interesting idea, I'll throw in for the heck of it.
  4. JossiRossi

    Firearms: Source Hands On Preview by

    I don't want to just criticize the article out of the blue but I think it ought to be brought up. This hands on preview does not have much "Hands On". After a quick read, all I came away from this piece is that this is like the original Firearms in that it has lots of guns, only it is on the...
  5. JossiRossi

    Natural Selection 2 coming to Steam

    I don't believe they have a date set on the alpha testing yet, so the date is probably unknown even to them. This announcement makes winning the game in that contest a while back all the more awesome though. I'm glad I'll have access to it over steam.
  6. JossiRossi

    Looking For: Concept Artist

    I don't plan on bumping the thread more than this once. I've had a few very qualified applicants drop out unfortunately so I am still looking for someone to fill a concept artist role for the project. If you viewed this previously, I've added a writing example that you can read here...
  7. JossiRossi

    Looking For: Concept Artist

    Rewrote the "about the mod" part to ACTUALLY have content. I wanted to play it safe on not giving things away, but really just took that to too far an extreme.
  8. JossiRossi

    Looking For: Concept Artist

    Project Name: Swarm Project Type: Half-Life 2 Modification Position: Concept Artist Responsibilities: Taking initial descriptions of characters and creatures and illustrating examples and renditions for the purpose of modeling. Requirements for Position: Ability to draw (naturally). Capable of...
  9. JossiRossi

    ModDB Mod of the Year Announced

    If my mom dies I hope the guy who read these lines can break it to me. It sounded like he was giving really bad news the whole time.
  10. JossiRossi

    Natural Selection 2 Pre-order Bundle + Competition

    I kind of sqee'd a bit when I saw my name on the list. Quite exciting. I really can't wait to read/see the other winning entries as well. I bet they will be quite interesting.
  11. JossiRossi

    Natural Selection 2 Pre-order Bundle + Competition

    Will the submissions be posted for people to read after the competition closes?
  12. JossiRossi

    Friday Giveaway - Twin Sector

    I've gone through a few levels so far and I have to say I am enjoying it. It's a solid puzzler, we'll see how it stands up in the later levels but I'm certainly glad I get the chance to play this game.
  13. JossiRossi

    Friday Giveaway - Twin Sector

    Kick ass! Pleasure to have taken part! Look forward to giving the game a spin, it looks really interesting.
  14. JossiRossi

    Friday Giveaway - Twin Sector

    They said that I'd just fall asleep and wake up. This isn't what they told me would happen. I can think, I'm still alive. DO YOU HEAR ME!? I'M STILL IN HERE! I can't speak. No one would be around to hear me even if I could. I'm trapped within myself. There is no sight here. No sound, no taste...