ModDB Mod of the Year Announced

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
After a long time waiting, ModDB have announced the MOTY players choice. Many Source mods had made the top 100 but unfortunately it wasn't a Source mod topping the charts this year. MechWarrior: Living Legends for Crysis took the crown however the top 10 consisted of many well known Source mods, including:
  • Second place: Research & Development - A terrific single player mod (a real must play)[br]
  • Third place: NeoTokyo - A polished multi player mod based around tactical combat[br]
  • Tenth place: Resistance & Liberation - WW2 themed multi-player mod with a dedicated team updating & ensuring historical accuracy
See the video countdown below:[br]
<object ><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="true" ></embed></object>[br]​
Seconding Glenn here: if you have not played Research and Development, GET IT NOW! In my opinion, that mod far exceeded the puzzles of the Half-Life series, rivaling on Portal quality, and showed just how flexible the source engine can be with a genius behind the wheel.
btw, hl2:ep2 is required for the R&D mod. Wouldn't want anyone to waste their time like I did.

(I really need to buy that if it ever goes on sale again... )
If my mom dies I hope the guy who read these lines can break it to me. It sounded like he was giving really bad news the whole time.
Was wondering how I missed a high-profile, well-received single-player mod release for HL2 and realised it was because I was travelling back in July. Downloaded it and will play asap.
Was wondering how I missed a high-profile, well-received single-player mod release for HL2 and realised it was because I was travelling back in July. Downloaded it and will play asap.
Do it or you missed out in life.
Always interested in a good SP mod. Downloading R&D now (for some reason when I heard of this before I thought it was an old HL1 MP mod. Don't ask me why).
I've been watching this mod for over a year (MW/BT nerd here) and I still haven't built a new rig to run Crysis. I'm nearly jizzing in my pants at how great this is for the MW community.
It is jizz-in-your-pants awesome.

But only to MW fans. It seriously does EVERYTHING right, damage models, weapons, vehicle choices (you can be a tank, 'Mech, or fighter), and the graphics are as jaw-dropping as Crysis. I seriously had a hard time believing how well-executed this mod was compared to the alpha from this time last year. Look up some gameplay videos on youtube.

It's like the MW5 that Smith & Tinker haven't made yet.