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  1. JossiRossi

    re: depressed as hell. Looking for suggestions.

    This is astonishingly stupid.
  2. JossiRossi

    Starting a video series where I save scripted-to-die NPCs, two of Half Life 2's were up first...

    I can't believe you skipped the "MY GOD OPEN THE SILO DOORS!" guy!
  3. JossiRossi

    Starting a video series where I save scripted-to-die NPCs, two of Half Life 2's were up first...

    Deleted off topic and other junk. The video idea is too neat to have the thread mucked up. So I'll leave the apology, but we're dropping that part of the discussion away. Seriously this is a fun series concept.
  4. JossiRossi


    Honestly there's certain things that you can't fix, or just have go away while trying to retain some kind of friendship. As for why she would force something sexual on you, the ultimate cause is that she is ****ed up. A person has to be to do that. Do the details that won't make sense anyway...
  5. JossiRossi

    There may actually be an ARG

    Or it could be an included feature but not something that is required to play. You can still play L4D alone. They would naturally have better AI though I would hope.
  6. JossiRossi

    There may actually be an ARG

    That is currently not a confirmed certainty. It's just been mentioned that they feel that traditional singleplayer is going to be very different in the future. This might mean things like L4D coop features, or having humans play enemies. Things like that. I hightly doubt they ended Portal 2 and...
  7. JossiRossi

    There may actually be an ARG

    I repeat. I am so glad we don't post idle rumors on the main page.
  8. JossiRossi

    There may actually be an ARG

    ARG Speculation people are the worst. ARG investigators are ok though.
  9. JossiRossi

    *tap tap* Hello?

    I assume you got Black Mesa parking stickers?
  10. JossiRossi

    ValveTime Presents Dota 2 Announcer Pack!

    Not sure how else one would pronounce that honestly.
  11. JossiRossi

    UPDATED: Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Source 2 + Much More Found on Valve Project Tracker

    We try to be open and honest, and I'm never going to get mad at someone for having an opinion and trying to express it thoughtfully. I agree with Fatikis that I don't think this will be damaging and that the Beta leak was an entirely different kind of beast. I tried looking up people talking...
  12. JossiRossi

    UPDATED: Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Source 2 + Much More Found on Valve Project Tracker

    I am of the opinion that it was an unintentional leak personally. If I was going to leak something "accidentally on purpose" I'd not give someone access to such a deep management system. I'd do memos or internal emails or the like. This penetrates too far to be something a company would just...
  13. JossiRossi

    You've played TA and SUPCOM, now play PA

    Kickstarter is not supposed to be a pre-order system. You donate because you want a game made or to support a developer. The rewards are gifts back to thank you for the support. Beta access is not worth 90 dollars, and selling it for 90 is absolutely absurd and terrible practice.
  14. JossiRossi

    You've played TA and SUPCOM, now play PA

    There is a difference. Kickstarter was donations. That's like saying NPR should charge 100 dollars for their tote bags to not anger donators. Also I still don't get why waiting should be cheaper. After all when you play early you are doing something they should be paying people to do, which is...
  15. JossiRossi

    You've played TA and SUPCOM, now play PA

    Oh boy! 90$ to alpha and beta test their game for them!? Sign me up!
  16. JossiRossi

    Portal 2 Announcement ARG Detailed By Adam Foster

    He told you to read it Nick. Game. Set. Match.
  17. JossiRossi

    Augmented Reality

    Ok, I was skeptical before, but NOW I am finally ok with this information super highway thing.
  18. JossiRossi

    TF2 Community Contributions Pass $10m Milestone

    When you look at a spy, can you instantly tell what kind of cloaking abilities he'll have? Nope. In the past you could tell how it worked, now maybe he's got auto-cloak on damage, or maybe it's vanilla, or maybe it's who knows what else has been added or changed. You simply can not claim to...
  19. JossiRossi

    TF2 Community Contributions Pass $10m Milestone

    I see it as this, before you could easily tell at a glance what kind of threat you are being presented with. Now, that is impossible. It's less about skill and more about what you have. I don't really feel that the original loadouts are balanced compared to loadouts using new gear. I liked the...