You've played TA and SUPCOM, now play PA


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
PA stands for Planetary Annihilation, basically the love child of Total Annihilation and Supcom, it will bring RTS on inter-planetary scale, whereby an asteroid itself becomes a WMD. The game will be developed with enough funding. The kickstarter has only been going for about 1-2 hours, and its already at $9,000

Kickstarter Page

PC Gamer Interview

and Preview

Awesomeness Factors
-Total Annihilation inspired gameplay (Streaming Resource Economy)
-John Patrick Lowie, who narrated Total Annhilation (and is our very own favourite sniper from TF2) reprises his role as the Narrator
-RTS veterans developing project
-Multi Monitor Support (Draw yourself into a large battle whilst keeping an eye on your resource base)
-Advanced Command and Control that we are familiar with in TA and SupCom also in.
-1v1 20 minute battles or 40 players in 12+ hour games
-Procedual Planet Creator
-Stylised Art
-On a planetary Scale
-Client-Server Multiplayer
-Advanced Modding Features
Damn, this looks really cool and I loved SupCom, I just wish I had more than the prerendered video to go off of...
I looks gorgeous but I couldn't get into SupCom. Smaller scale is more my style. CoH, C&C and even UaW.
Damn, this looks really cool and I loved SupCom, I just wish I had more than the prerendered video to go off of...

Yeah, I understand your concern as to whether they can deliver on what is shown, I think the pre-render is what they are aiming for; visually highly stylized.

Development wise you have veterans of TA, SupCom, Demigod, Dungeon Siege an Generals doing the development, so I wouldn't be worried in the slightest.

Just looked at the numbers again and its already past 1/4 mark of funding
Anything that comes out of kickstarter is going to be bad.
This is my belief and I'm pretty sure I will be correct.
Anything that comes out of kickstarter is going to be bad.
This is my belief and I'm pretty sure I will be correct.

Having played something that got funded by Kickstarter, I can assure you that's incorrect.
I don't know their other games though I did love Supreme Commander.

Well as a company they have made Monday Night Combat and Super Monday Night Combat, however they have all worked in other studios including Cavedog(TA, TA:K), Gas Powered Games(SupCom, Demigod) and Westwood (Dune, C&C)
Omg used to love TA when I was younger!!! Can't wait! Will it be out on consoles?

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Omg used to love TA when I was younger!!! Can't wait! Will it be out on consoles?
I'm not trying to be PC elitist here, but why would you want to inflict playing a strategy game with a gamepad on yourself?
Ah man been a while since I've read these forums (sorry if offending but the new theme was just so f'king terrible).

Anyways I asked the team about competitive stuff like ladders etc. and they're in as well!
Looks like the early alpha is on Steam. I'm not a big fan of the visual style, preferred the metallic look of TA.
I've actually been wanting to play this game for a while, but I think the developers are taking the piss by charging over £60 for alpha access. You'd think they'd be more than willing to charge full price to A. Make some early sales and adopters, and B. To increase the amount of testers helping to refine the game.

But whatever, I'll probably try this out when the full game is released. Hopefully John P. Lowrie is in the full game, not just the trailer. You seriously can't go wrong with that man.
Oh boy! 90$ to alpha and beta test their game for them!? Sign me up!
I think the reason they did that was because only the $90 Kickstarter tier and above got alpha access. If they made it cheaper on Steam, they would've pissed off everyone who got that tier just for early access.

Yeah, it's expensive, but just wait for the final version for the reduced price. Not a big deal.
There is a difference. Kickstarter was donations. That's like saying NPR should charge 100 dollars for their tote bags to not anger donators. Also I still don't get why waiting should be cheaper. After all when you play early you are doing something they should be paying people to do, which is test their game.
I guess I just don't see it as being a huge difference. At the end of the day you are pledging support for the game before it's released, and as a result you get to play the game as it's developed before everyone else. Now, some people object to Steam being used in this way and that's fine, but that's a complaint that applies to the entire Early Access concept and not just this game.
TA was one of my fav RTS games years back. Still look out the disc every now and then for a skirmish. But this, to me, looks very 'meh'.
Hopefully John P. Lowrie is in the full game, not just the trailer. You seriously can't go wrong with that man.

I believe he will be recording things like 'nuclear launch detected' and 'your base is under attack'
Kickstarter is not supposed to be a pre-order system. You donate because you want a game made or to support a developer. The rewards are gifts back to thank you for the support. Beta access is not worth 90 dollars, and selling it for 90 is absolutely absurd and terrible practice.
I'm not debating what Kickstarter is supposed to be used for, I'm just explaining why they charged that much for the early access. You don't have to agree with their strategy, but thats why they did it.
I don't really object to Kickstarter being used in this way (I'm not so chuffed about Steam doing it), but 90 dollars for alpha is retarded and completely ass-backwards as compared to just about every successful game to date that's done this sort of early access thing. If you really want people to play and test your game before it's done, why would you charge them more and not less? Not only are they supporting your development, they're doing you a service by playing an unfinished product and helping to improve it before it's released, thereby potentially increasing your eventual profits. What kind of senseless greedy ****wit charges you a premium for a less competent product and then expects you to help them work out the kinks?
Just to clarify, I also think the price is over the top, I'm just saying the general basis for making it expensive is valid/understandable. It's simply not an economically motivated decision.