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  1. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    absolutely agree with you... Even though official sites can get hacked too, it is much less likely, since I'm sure they will be running higher-budget security
  2. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    yeah, im sure there is a perfectly good explaination for all of this....IM just waiting for that.
  3. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    He should use something like the name of one of his childhood pets as a password. A lot harder for someone to guess.
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    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    Yeah, now your on the right track Cunni :)
  5. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    OH pish posh, just face the music we were all dupped, i stayed awake an extra hour because of the Announcement, im kinda bitter too, but hey things happen maybe because of this Gabe feels he has to announce its Gold For real, people over at Valve working overtime...
  6. D

    Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

    I mean who passworded his account Gaben, This was mentioned somewhere in Halfife Fall out, I mean for god sakes somone guessed his password and in that very moment exctied thousands of people without even realizing.
  7. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Good night everyone, this thead better double by Saturday evening
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    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    True, i never thought of it but some clever fool could have put this all together into the biggest gaming hox ever, we wont really know until its confirmed Email from gabe, and we will Definitally know on monday if its Gold or not
  9. D

    Make that Special moment that much more enjoyable

    Tight keep em coming, i know u guys can have some Creative ideas, maybe have candles all around ur room and make a shrine to Halflife2, maybe Pray to halflife2 gods b4 u play the game that this will be the best game ever.
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    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Neutrino, i didnt say it wasnt a good game, i just think for 50 bucks im paying for a one time ride? cmon, FOr 5 years ID was working on this game and they couldnt even make a descent multiplayer structure? THis to me doesnt seem professional, And like i said before ID are rich nerds, if we all...
  11. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    blahblahblah, Theif yes, but stupid no. Your stupid if you payed 50 bucks for a game that you play through once and ur left thinking what is there next to do? play through nightmare? what a stupid gimik, *SPOILER* what a stupid gimmik to have ur health consistantly go down so that you have ur...
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    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Lmao, nice redudent, thats quite an imagination to come up with Mr.T body and Gabes face :)
  13. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Icarus, Hey Moderator, Can i get a WooT WOoT, Good morning :) and how did u feel when u found out about the Gold statement?
  14. D

    Make that Special moment that much more enjoyable

    haha nice, and good job working to buy that nice setup, its defintiatlly gonna pay off for Halflife2, but i think that 23" apple display is overboard, i would love to see a pic of ur setup if u can, but damn good job.
  15. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Neutrino, Dude u have no idea what ur talking about, if u go back and read, Doom3 b4 i downloaded it. I saw it was a 8.5 ok, thats ok, then i saw multiplayer was crap, ok fine ill beat Doom3 Single player and then what waste my 50 bucks on a nice experience that will only last me once? bullshit...
  16. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    BaNDiT, very nice setup, and once agian what made u go from AMD and ATI as opposed of INTEl and Geforce, and LCD over CRT, and why OCZ over Corsair xms
  17. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    yeah i understand where u are coming from Mr. Redundant, and its nice to have people who are so honost that they will buy two copies of the game for two computers, which to me is crazy but ok :) People just need to accept information and if its bad then merely accept, dont act upon it just becuz...
  18. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    I hope somone actually goes back and reads all this stuff, it would be a shame to have this all wasted becuz we decided to discuss this topic at such a late time :)
  19. D

    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Quote Guinny Gabe said one line, that ended the long wait, and triggered the life of a new and fresh journey, as we all leave the memories of half-life, and all it has brought to us over the past 6 years, behind, and travel forward, with half-life 2. May God bless you all, and Valve. I dont know...
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    (fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

    Mr. Redundant. Well thank you, SO whats ur side of the arguement, u said u like to be on both sides