Gabe Should have learned from his mistakes....

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Oct 6, 2003
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I mean who passworded his account Gaben, This was mentioned somewhere in Halfife Fall out, I mean for god sakes somone guessed his password and in that very moment exctied thousands of people without even realizing.
Spare us the sermonizing, really.
OH pish posh, just face the music we were all dupped, i stayed awake an extra hour because of the Announcement, im kinda bitter too, but hey things happen maybe because of this Gabe feels he has to announce its Gold For real, people over at Valve working overtime...
D@Linkwent said:
I mean who passworded his account Gaben, This was mentioned somewhere in Halfife Fall out, I mean for god sakes somone guessed his password and in that very moment exctied thousands of people without even realizing.
Excited thousands without realizing? What are you saying here? I'm sure he knew darn well what he was doing, and did it for that very reason! It's not like he said, "Oops, I didn't mean to stumble onto his password"
He should use something like the name of one of his childhood pets as a password. A lot harder for someone to guess.
[/QUOTE]He should use something like the name of one of his childhood pets as a password. A lot harder for someone to guess.
Its alwayz good for people to think before they act.
It wasn't his fault, they've got his password from the so called "secure" HL2Fallout boards.
Or even have a strange/illogical combination of letters and numbers, written down on a stickey note, and stuck somewhere on his desk. Unless he doesn't trust his employees...
yeah, im sure there is a perfectly good explaination for all of this....IM just waiting for that.
D@Linkwent said:
[ /QUOTE]He should use something like the name of one of his childhood pets as a password. A lot harder for someone to guess.[ QUOTE] Its alwayz good for people to think before they act.

Nice "reverse" quote attempt there buddy...
This is why they should use the official site for announcements and not fan sites.
ShadowFox said:
This is why they should use the official site for announcements and not fan sites.
I absolutely agree with you... Even though official sites can get hacked too, it is much less likely, since I'm sure they will be running higher-budget security.
[/QUOTE] absolutely agree with you... Even though official sites can get hacked too, it is much less likely, since I'm sure they will be running higher-budget security
your right
absolutely agree with you... Even though official sites can get hacked too, it is much less likely, since I'm sure they will be running higher-budget security[/QUOTE]
Cunni said:
He should use something like the name of one of his childhood pets as a password. A lot harder for someone to guess.

My password for "important" sites is extremely hard to crack or guess. :smoking: It includes interesting characters ;)
Use the quote button, man muahaha

What if hl2fallout forums were hacked and the hacker changed the g man's password to make him look like an idiot?
This pisses me off. For the next few months I am going to have to do nothing but listen to people constantly post stuff like "OMG HOW STUPID CAN HE BE USING A PASSWORD LIKE THAT". It was stupid of course but its already getting old, cut the man some slack. He has already been embarrassed in front of thousands now.
Was it even confirmed that the password was actually "gaben"? Couldn't the hacker of just changed it to that like someone else said to make Gabe look stupid.
The Mullinator said:
This pisses me off. For the next few months I am going to have to do nothing but listen to people constantly post stuff like "OMG HOW STUPID CAN HE BE USING A PASSWORD LIKE THAT". It was stupid of course but its already getting old, cut the man some slack. He has already been embarrassed in front of thousands now.
Someone give this man a prize, because he is 100% right.

of course it WAS an insanely easy password to try and crack... i even joked something along the lines of this on irc earlier :eek::

'imagine if his password was gabe or gaben or valve or halflife or something hehe''

dragonforce - fury of the storm
Was it even confirmed that the password was actually "gaben"? Couldn't the hacker of just changed it to that like someone else said to make Gabe look stupid.

I considered that as well. To me it doesn't matter either way. We've all made stupid mistakes, and I'm not going to beat up gabe about it.
I'm afraid several people have reported this thread as useless, and I agree with them.
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