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  1. L

    HL2 Mod-need help please

    By the end of the week i'll have done an overview of the first map in 3dmax.
  2. L

    HL2 Mod-need help please

    It's a been a while since i've done any 'work' on the mod, but today i made a logo for the mod and because the links to sketches of the proposed maps no longer work, i'll post them again;
  3. L

    Message to Valve

    Thousands of Steam users entered in their credit card information incorrectly, using several different credit cards when the first credit card payment was denied and the vast majority of those payments were cancelled, by chance, at the same time by Valve?
  4. L

    Message to Valve

    Wow, i hadn't seen that one...nice find... Really though, i have yet to get a response from Valve regarding a steam support ticket i filed with them over two days ago. And i thought the valve fanboys were were as ignorant as they come over at the gamespot forums. You've proved me wrong.
  5. L

    Message to Valve

    But, ya see, it is Valve's problem. There are literally thousands of people in the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific who can't play Dod:S because Valve can't process the credit payments for the game. I've tried a Visa and a Mastercard, and Steam doesn't like either of them. It's been at least...
  6. L

    Message to Valve

    No, just for the HL2 Silver Package. I'm checking at the moment if they've redunded or not.
  7. L

    Message to Valve

    No, that's not the cause of my problem. There are thousands of people in the US and Europe who've got the same exact problem. Steam processed the payment and days later it says that the credit card charge has been denied and now i can't play Dod:S. Have a look over at the steampowered...
  8. L

    Message to Valve

    Just thought i'd correct you; i'm not a kid. I'm 23 and i don't own a credit card. Who needs one if you're not constantly buying things on credit. I only use my father's credit card for one-off things like this.
  9. L

    Message to Valve

    I've got an ati-hl2 voucher, so to upgrade to Silver, it's only US$10. With the Silver HL2 package i get (at least i was supposed to have had) Dod:S.
  10. L

    Message to Valve

    Here's a thread i made over at Today a load of people (hundreds at least) found out that when they'd purchased Dod:S on their credit card, through Steam, Valve took the money out of their accounts and then cancelled their subscription to Dod:S. There's still been no official...
  11. L

    HL2 Mod-need help please

    Seeing as the HL2 dev kit is now out, i'm going to reinvigorate this mod. Here're some additions i've made: · Default first-person HUD will be blank, i.e. no weapon/objectives/awareness info. Vehicle HUDs will have the usual setup. · Weather will play a major role in the game, e.g...
  12. L

    Gone GOLD!

    So, i was right after all. Some dipstick, yesterday, was telling me he's convinced that once hl2 went gold that it would be out on Steam.
  13. L

    Gone GOLD!

    When's it gonna be released on steam, for all those who've preloaded it?
  14. L

    About Half-Life 2 Gold / Release Date Posts

    He's right ya know, the marketing boys over at Valve are always making dates up, irrespective of whether the software people are on the same wavelength. How many 10's of times has Gabe, or someone else from marketing at Valve or Vivendi, come out and given us a date for the release of...
  15. L

    About Half-Life 2 Gold / Release Date Posts

  16. L

    Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

    Wow, apprently the HL2 preload has started....but guess what.....valve's P133's can't handle any more preloads.
  17. L

    Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

    You're right, he didn't 'lie' to us, but yet again he's shown that the marketing people are running a show of their own over at Valve. For some reason, the dates that he and his buddies come up with do not match the dates that the software people at Valve have in mind.
  18. L

    Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

    There are tonnes of games producers than come out with demo's and other files for their games all year round...yet Valve cannot do something as straightforward as this without having to delay and delay it.
  19. L

    Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

    So let me get this straight, Valve have been dealing with Steam for quite a while now, yet when it comes to something trivial like getting the HL2 preload out there they fluff it. They didn't adequately go about testing the preload process before setting a deadline for themselves?!
  20. L

    Half-Life 2 Pre-Load - TONIGHT

    So Gabe says 6:00PST and this Erik Johnson fella says 7:00PST...they're part of the same firm, yet Vavle's marketing people obviously have never ever been on the same wavelength as their co-workers in Valve's other departments. I wouldn't be surprised if, after HL2's release (whatever year...