Message to Valve


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a thread i made over at Today a load of people (hundreds at least) found out that when they'd purchased Dod:S on their credit card, through Steam, Valve took the money out of their accounts and then cancelled their subscription to Dod:S. There's still been no official announcement from Valve concerning all this.


The other day i paid US$10.00, using my father's credit card, for Dod:S.

You've now got my US$10.00, but today i find (much to my chagrin) that Steam now wants me to pay for Dod:S again. But this time, i've gotta pay US$20.00 for it. I can't just pay the US$10.00 for the Silver version of HL2.

When i go into ebgames and buy a game, and if i get home and find that it doesn't work, i can go back to the shop and either get a full refund or get a new copy of the game.

Part of the contract between Valve and me, was for me to pay for Dod:S, which i did, and for Valve to give me Dod:S. What actually happened, is that i paid Valve for the Dod:S, i got to play that product for a whole two days, then Valve renegs on the deal. I've done basic contract law at uni, so even i know that you, Valve, have not fulfilled your end of the deal.

Valve; you've taken my money and the product that i paid US$10.00 for. What's going on? Maybe Valve lives in some parallel universe where this kind of thing goes on all the time, i dunno.'s your responsibility to reslove this matter. I'm not gonna send a single e-mail to your billing or support people (i sent an e-mail to your support people, on Sunday, about another problem and still haven't got a reply to that) about this issue because ultimately, seeing as you've got my money and stopped me from using a product i purchased from you, it's up to you do something about the hundreds of us who today found out that we got rooted by Valve.
Why are you posting it here?

It's happened to thousands of people, and i'm sure they're doing something to fix it.

There's even already a topic on this here.
Lanton said:
Here's a thread i made over at Today a load of people (hundreds at least) found out that when they'd purchased Dod:S on their credit card, through Steam, Valve took the money out of their accounts and then cancelled their subscription to Dod:S. There's still been no official announcement from Valve concerning all this.


I must say though, that's a bitch, and I hope the problem gets cleared up soon.
I dont understand why, I set up steam reluctantly for cs 1.6, I didnt want to, and at the time I hated it. Then I picked up silver hl2 so I could see the source engine early, dled it at midnight, fixed a slight bug in the packeting and in ten minutes I was playing hl2. I havent had a single problem with steam, and I am surrounded by friends that do, its the wierdest shit cause I have luck so bad it isnt even luck any more, best to be described as a tragic free fall. I truly dont understand why I am spared the problems of steam and yet my BF2 account gives me nothing but trouble, same with my UBI and various others.

Just saying, Valve, you did something right, dont feel so bad that you cant seem to get this steam thing right, cause its a great Idea and once you get it to work for every one, think of how many developers will be able to make great games with out getting raped from people like EA or UBI. Keep up the revolution valve, but give this poor kid his ten bucks back man...that or some dod source.
TheMastahC said:
Isn't DoD:S $20 and not $10?
I've got an ati-hl2 voucher, so to upgrade to Silver, it's only US$10. With the Silver HL2 package i get (at least i was supposed to have had) Dod:S.
wse_jack said:
I dont understand why, I set up steam reluctantly for cs 1.6, I didnt want to, and at the time I hated it. Then I picked up silver hl2 so I could see the source engine early, dled it at midnight, fixed a slight bug in the packeting and in ten minutes I was playing hl2. I havent had a single problem with steam, and I am surrounded by friends that do, its the wierdest shit cause I have luck so bad it isnt even luck any more, best to be described as a tragic free fall. I truly dont understand why I am spared the problems of steam and yet my BF2 account gives me nothing but trouble, same with my UBI and various others.

Just saying, Valve, you did something right, dont feel so bad that you cant seem to get this steam thing right, cause its a great Idea and once you get it to work for every one, think of how many developers will be able to make great games with out getting raped from people like EA or UBI. Keep up the revolution valve, but give this poor kid his ten bucks back man...that or some dod source.

Just thought i'd correct you; i'm not a kid. I'm 23 and i don't own a credit card. Who needs one if you're not constantly buying things on credit. I only use my father's credit card for one-off things like this.
Lanton said:
I've got an ati-hl2 voucher, so to upgrade to Silver, it's only US$10. With the Silver HL2 package i get (at least i was supposed to have had) Dod:S.

Well, you left that out in your initial post! and thats clearly the cause of the problem.

You made it sound like valve had just decided to steal your money one day.

Either its a glitch in the system (they will fix it) or you didn't read/understand the contract. (which is more common than you think)
bliink said:
Well, you left that out in your initial post! and thats clearly the cause of the problem.

You made it sound like valve had just decided to steal your money one day.

Either its a glitch in the system (they will fix it) or you didn't read/understand the contract. (which is more common than you think)
No, that's not the cause of my problem. There are thousands of people in the US and Europe who've got the same exact problem. Steam processed the payment and days later it says that the credit card charge has been denied and now i can't play Dod:S.

Have a look over at the steampowered forums. Must be two dozen threads or more about this problem. Valve wouldn't manually cancel all of those payments on the same day.
Lanton said:
No, that's not the cause of my problem. There are thousands of people in the US and Europe who've got the same exact problem. Steam processed the payment and days later it says that the credit card charge has been denied and now i can't play Dod:S.

Have a look over at the steampowered forums. Must be two dozen threads or more about this problem. Valve wouldn't manually cancel all of those payments on the same day.

Did you use the CC for anything else on steam? have they refunded you or not?
bliink said:
Did you use the CC for anything else on steam? have they refunded you or not?
No, just for the HL2 Silver Package. I'm checking at the moment if they've redunded or not.
The same thing happpened to me.
Only, my $10 appears to be back in my account.
You think you have it bad, i pre-ordered DoD, i got to play it for two days, then valve email me telling me they have rejected my credit card and they proceed to remove it from my games. This is after they tell me that they accepted my credit card when it was released. no wonder why so many people hate Steam, they need to sort it out.
briggsb2k said:
You think you have it bad, i pre-ordered DoD, i got to play it for two days, then valve email me telling me they have rejected my credit card and they proceed to remove it from my games. This is after they tell me that they accepted my credit card when it was released. no wonder why so many people hate Steam, they need to sort it out.

They would only have rejected your credit card if they could not get payment from it, so that means you played dod:s for nothing, your card details would have been taken in good faith that it could be charged when the game was released for the amount owed. Stop complaining about valve. It is your credit card so therefore your problem. :flame:
GWalker said:
They would only have rejected your credit card if they could not get payment from it, so that means you played dod:s for nothing, your card details would have been taken in good faith that it could be charged when the game was released for the amount owed. Stop complaining about valve. It is your credit card so therefore your problem. :flame:
But, ya see, it is Valve's problem. There are literally thousands of people in the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific who can't play Dod:S because Valve can't process the credit payments for the game.

I've tried a Visa and a Mastercard, and Steam doesn't like either of them. It's been at least four days since this problem surfaced for some people, and there still hasn't been one single word out of Valve headquarters as to what they're doing to resolve this problem.

I'm hoping that one of the big gaming news websites, e.g. evilavatar, shacknews, gamespot, does a news-piece about this, cos it's that kind of negative publicity that's gonna get Valve moving the oceans to resolve this problem. I'm still shocked that none of them have have written any articles about this yet, because it's affected a huge number of Steam accounts and Valve's online support system hasn't offered up a single solution to the problem.

Valve will be opening for business in a few hours, and it'll be the last working day of the week. If there's still no official word from Valve on this credit card denial thing by the end of Friday, then what does that show about how Valve treats it's customers?
Nothing Really... Just found this on steampowered:

"If you are having difficulty making a purchase on Steam - specifically, if you are getting "your card was denied" - please open a support ticket at the support site. That is the best, most direct way to get assistance. Posting a thread here about it is much more roundabout.



Last edited by NickP on 09-29-2005 at 05:19 PM"

Sounds like people are just complaining on forums about it and not asking for support in the support area. I've purchased over steam three times and not a problem.
GWalker said:
Nothing Really... Just found this on steampowered:

"If you are having difficulty making a purchase on Steam - specifically, if you are getting "your card was denied" - please open a support ticket at the support site. That is the best, most direct way to get assistance. Posting a thread here about it is much more roundabout.



Last edited by NickP on 09-29-2005 at 05:19 PM"

Sounds like people are just complaining on forums about it and not asking for support in the support area. I've purchased over steam three times and not a problem.

Wow, i hadn't seen that one...nice find...

Really though, i have yet to get a response from Valve regarding a steam support ticket i filed with them over two days ago.

And i thought the valve fanboys were were as ignorant as they come over at the gamespot forums. You've proved me wrong.
Lanton said:
Wow, i hadn't seen that one...nice find...

Really though, i have yet to get a response from Valve regarding a steam support ticket i filed with them over two days ago.

And i thought the valve fanboys were were as ignorant as they come over at the gamespot forums. You've proved me wrong.

Ha Ha... You funny MoFo.

Seriously though, the problem with credit cards is that if you get one single thing wrong it will not be processed, and as you just said I proved you wrong so you must have entered something wrong when processing the order... :LOL:
GWalker said:
Ha Ha... You funny MoFo.

Seriously though, the problem with credit cards is that if you get one single thing wrong it will not be processed, and as you just said I proved you wrong so you must have entered something wrong when processing the order... :LOL:
Thousands of Steam users entered in their credit card information incorrectly, using several different credit cards when the first credit card payment was denied and the vast majority of those payments were cancelled, by chance, at the same time by Valve?
In the USA yeah, I can believe that... most people in the USA don't know who the president is... WTF... so how are they going to cope with ordering stuff online with a credit card!!
By the way, in regards to my credit card, i have checked with the bank and they told me that my card hasnt even been queried in the past 2 weeks. And yes i entered my information correctly. So it is valves problem and not mine. So please stop being such a steam fanboy and realize they ****ed up.
briggsb2k said:
By the way, in regards to my credit card, i have checked with the bank and they told me that my card hasnt even been queried in the past 2 weeks. And yes i entered my information correctly. So it is valves problem and not mine. So please stop being such a steam fanboy and realize they ****ed up.

Not with any of my orders.

Anyway :upstare: I am just sick of people p***ing and moaning about valve, do you think they woke up one day and thought I know lets f***about with our customers credit card details, No I don't think so. If this is a problem with them then I am sure they are doing all they can, after all they want your money, so just chill play some CS:S, bitching on this or any other forum is not going to do any good. :rolleyes: