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  1. H

    The life of a headcrab?

    reply Yeah Jungle spider you thought of the mod idea, so props to you.
  2. H

    The life of a headcrab?

    check this out guys ) From: Rowland Kelly [mailto:] Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 7:02 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Headcrab mod Sure. Make it a 3D-Joust. You'd want some screen-space effect (HeadCrab-O-Vision). I was thinking what would make a fun mod, and i...
  3. H

    The life of a headcrab?

    mod You could have it be team based.Scientists/security vs the headcrabs.What could the goals of each team be?
  4. H

    The life of a headcrab?

    Yeah maybe like a cross between avp 2 and natural selection :cheers: .Also having some zany humor in it would be cool.
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    The life of a headcrab?

    mod Hey is there anyone in the mod community that would think of making a mod like this you think?
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    The life of a headcrab?

    It would make an interesting mod for sure.You could have like headcrab squad mates lol.Hmm...
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    The life of a headcrab?

    life of a headcrab Yeah i would think a headcrab mod would be cool.Has there ever been one?
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    The life of a headcrab?

    lol! :naughty: sorry about the posts.I dont post often, a little bit of humor never hurts :dork:
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    The life of a headcrab?

    headcrabs but what happens when the headcrab dies, does he have an afterlife? :smoking:
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    The life of a headcrab?

    gnomes evil xen gnomes? :dork:
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    Snarks in Halflife 2?

    Will they appear in Halflife 2?
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    The life of a headcrab?

    How do these unsightly things do what they do? Is their sole purpose just to jump on the nearest unsuspecting persons head?Do they evolve? Hmm, one does wonder. News at 11... :naughty:
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    I have a feeling it will go gold next week on wednesday

    I consulted the gaming gods , and this day seems favorable. :dork: brrrrrrrtzz! We now return you to your regular scheduled forums
  14. H

    Jesus H C@ri%& release it Vivendi!

    Come on the community is tired of waiting, we have waited far too long.Get your ass in gear, and give us what we want :imu: We will be growing long gray beards down to our knees at this rate.
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    collectors edition question

    Why the heck dont we get the prima book and just this sampler thing? Thats kinda dissapointing :sniper: primabooks
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    What movies have influenced Valve?

    I see some of Dawn of the Dead {old version} in Halflife 2, in particular the part with the gasmask swat teams at the start.Obviously war of the worlds has been an influence on HL .What do you think?
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    ot:Where does everyone get those cool animated chick avatars?

    I was just wondering
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    When does the u.s pcgamer issue hit stands?

    the non subscriber issue/newstand
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    I support Valve

    Valve Delays are a part of life in the gaming industry, would you want it to be released and be a subpar sequel or to come out and be totally mindblowing.I for one want the sequel to Halflife to surpass the first, so if delays help the game become more polished the better. But there is no...
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    I support Valve

    I support them and the work they did on Halflife 2, and find it troubling that people would sucumb to stealing their source engine, and also people here who download this "beta" thing.Its deeply disrespectful to a company such as Valve Software who designed this game.I hope the hackers are found...