The life of a headcrab?


Oct 8, 2003
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How do these unsightly things do what they do? Is their sole purpose just to jump on the nearest unsuspecting persons head?Do they evolve? Hmm, one does wonder. News at 11... :naughty:
hmmm.... I am not sure, but atleast we can all agree that snarks are better.
Of course they evolve. The life cycle of a headcrab is this.
The Big Momma lays baby headcrabs. One of those little headcrabs grows up into what we know today as the most annoying little bugger on the earth. When someone happens to have one latched onto their skull its going to mutate into a Headcrab-Zombie or Zombie. Later in its life it will go into a type of "hibernation" and will emerge as a Gnome. This last part is pure speculation but I think if the Gnome survives long enough it would be able to become a Big Momma. Meh. I don't know so don't ask lol.
The Bait said:
Of course they evolve. The life cycle of a headcrab is this.
The Big Momma lays baby headcrabs. One of those little headcrabs grows up into what we know today as the most annoying little bugger on the earth. When someone happens to have one latched onto their skull its going to mutate into a Headcrab-Zombie or Zombie. Later in its life it will go into a type of "hibernation" and will emerge as a Gnome. This last part is pure speculation but I think if the Gnome survives long enough it would be able to become a Big Momma. Meh. I don't know so don't ask lol.

Cool. :)
Life of a headcrab is as follows:

Birth-> Growth -> Meets Freeman -> Death

Pretty simple.

but what happens when the headcrab dies, does he have an afterlife? :smoking:
It flys around as a little headcrab angel trying to latch onto peoples skulls but since it is dead it flys through their heads.
Yes and the headcrab heaven is a beautiful place full of scientist and unarmed marines.
lol! :naughty: sorry about the posts.I dont post often, a little bit of humor never hurts :dork:
life of a headcrab

Yeah i would think a headcrab mod would be cool.Has there ever been one?
junglespider said:
hmmmmm the life of a head crab ... maybe a good mod to do lol
junglespider said:
hmmmmm the life of a head crab ... maybe a good mod to do lol
yeh it would be. There was a good mod for HL1 where you played a Vortagaunt. Playing a headcrab would be sweet, gave some though to makeing a mod about it in hl1 but didnt.

Just crawling along, finding victims and launching yourself at them would be good then getting to control them.
The headcrabs never wanted to hurt anybody! It's just lubs us all so much it wants to kiss us!
It would make an interesting mod for sure.You could have like headcrab squad mates lol.Hmm...
switch said:
yeh it would be. There was a good mod for HL1 where you played a Vortagaunt. Playing a headcrab would be sweet, gave some though to makeing a mod about it in hl1 but didnt.

Just crawling along, finding victims and launching yourself at them would be good then getting to control them.

headcrabys post just made the idea pop into my head lol .. as im no moder i wudent have a clue of what can and carnt be dun .. but hey it wud be awesome :)

Hey is there anyone in the mod community that would think of making a mod like this you think?
I just thought. If you did live a life of a headcrab it would kinda be like the AVP 2 game where if you play as Alien you need to find a host. When you are a headcrab you would have to find a scientist and when you latch on you would need limited control over him. (like he could still move some and you had to fight against his movement) You would have to go somewhere and hide and wait for the mutation to continue. (This would be determined by a bar at the bottem of the screen.) When you are fully mutated you would have to kill and eat from the dead bodys to continue into the next form Gnome and so on and so forth.
switch said:
yeh it would be. There was a good mod for HL1 where you played a Vortagaunt. Playing a headcrab would be sweet, gave some though to makeing a mod about it in hl1 but didnt.

Just crawling along, finding victims and launching yourself at them would be good then getting to control them.
Do you know the name of this mod? I would like to try it out.
Yeah maybe like a cross between avp 2 and natural selection :cheers: .Also having some zany humor in it would be cool.
The Bait said:
I just thought. If you did live a life of a headcrab it would kinda be like the AVP 2 game where if you play as Alien you need to find a host. When you are a headcrab you would have to find a scientist and when you latch on you would need limited control over him. (like he could still move some and you had to fight against his movement) You would have to go somewhere and hide and wait for the mutation to continue. (This would be determined by a bar at the bottem of the screen.) When you are fully mutated you would have to kill and eat from the dead bodys to continue into the next form Gnome and so on and so forth.

coop head crab mode .. you and your team of head crabs have to corner the scientists and trap them .. in a maze like style map .. first level :)

You could have it be team based.Scientists/security vs the headcrabs.What could the goals of each team be?
The Bait said:
Do you know the name of this mod? I would like to try it out.
No :( cant remember.

But it was one of the best SP mods for HL1 so it shouldnt be too hard to find.
Aliens Vs. Predator 2 where you started out as a facehugger,became the chestburster,ate a poor little kitty kat,and became the adult alien...headcrab version would be pretty cool...but VERY short...all them damn crowbars..
The mod could also have an offline mode with a storyline kinda. Then, at the end. The G-Man offers you a job....
Something to add to that. When you beat opposing force the gman says I have relieved you of your weapons.
On this mod he could say something like. I have taken the task of removing you from the body. You cant use it since you will be in HL2 and the crappy model wouldnt look good in HL2. So, HAH! *headcrab thinks in his head? :dozey: * *latches on the g-mans head but bounces off since he is made of metal.*
it's make a great mod... kinda like Alien Vs Predator where you could start off as a face hugger... you'd start off skuttling about, mostly through air vents, not much in the way of attacks. Latch onto a hoast to make a zombie (a scientist would be easy prey, but make weak zombies, a soldier would be tougher to subdue, but would make a kick-ass killer zombie). Kill enough people and your zombie evolves, take enough damage you leave the corpse and run away to find a new body. Messiah meets AvP... in a good way ;)
headcrabboy said:
evil xen gnomes? :dork:

no no no, I think the one Bait meant was a zombie in one of the HL1 expansions, they are tougher and faster etc etc...
Danimal said:
no no no, I think the one Bait meant was a zombie in one of the HL1 expansions, they are tougher and faster etc etc...

teh Gonomes.
I found the name of that Alien Slave mod if anyone want to try it out. Its called Point of View, you can get it at Planet Half-life. Or you could try FileFront, I bet they have it. Scratch the FileFront part. I don't think they have it.
The Bait said:
I found the name of that Alien Slave mod if anyone want to try it out. Its called Point of View, you can get it at Planet Half-life. Or you could try FileFront, I bet they have it.

nice one bait .. i cant try it out tho as i dont own pc version of hl-1 i only got ps2 version now :( bit sad now wish i still had hl-1 on pc .... gues im going to have to wate for them to add paypal to steam :)
junglespider said:
nice one bait .. i cant try it out tho as i dont own pc version of hl-1 i only got ps2 version now :( bit sad now wish i still had hl-1 on pc .... gues im going to have to wate for them to add paypal to steam :)
Someone might make the mod for Half Life 2. :D even though the Alien Slaves are good in HL2 :hmph: Oh well it could be like HL1 just with better graphics!
The Bait said:
Someone might make the mod for Half Life 2. :D even though the Alien Slaves are good in HL2 :hmph: Oh well it could be like HL1 just with better graphics!

nothing stoping them from moding the Alien Slaves to be mean mothers right ? hehehheheh
I havent played the Alien Slave mod yet (still downloading) it looks good. From one screenshot it shows you and 2 other slaves killing those other guys that warped to Xen in the hazard suits with the helmets. So thats how they died....
The Bait said:
I havent played the Alien Slave mod yet (still downloading) it looks good. From one screenshot it shows you and 2 other slaves killing those other guys that warped to Xen in the hazard suits with the helmets. So thats how they died....

wicked! hope you post back on what the mods like :)
The Bait said:
Of course they evolve. The life cycle of a headcrab is this.
The Big Momma lays baby headcrabs. One of those little headcrabs grows up into what we know today as the most annoying little bugger on the earth. When someone happens to have one latched onto their skull its going to mutate into a Headcrab-Zombie or Zombie. Later in its life it will go into a type of "hibernation" and will emerge as a Gnome. This last part is pure speculation but I think if the Gnome survives long enough it would be able to become a Big Momma. Meh. I don't know so don't ask lol.
Side note: they mutate, they don't evolve. This isn't pokemon.

Oh, and after the gnome stage they shed their exoskeleton and become biozeminades.
Tyrsenus said:
Side note: they mutate, they don't evolve. This isn't pokemon.

Oh, and after the gnome stage they shed their exoskeleton and become biozeminades.
LoL I didn't mean to make it sound like pokemon. Mybad :p and uh. Whats a biozeminade?
The Bait said:
LoL I didn't mean to make it sound like pokemon. Mybad :p and uh. Whats a biozeminade?
Someone posted a review for HL2 on about a year ago, and it included a fictious enemy called a "biozeminade." It went into details about them, it was pretty funny.
Well to answer the thread question

Baby Headcrab (from the big momma, I assume there are more of these around to keep the headcrab population alive), then regular headcrab, then either zombie, or poision headcrab, then poision zombie, then crazy fast zombie.