The life of a headcrab?

Ch1cKeN said:
Well to answer the thread question

Baby Headcrab (from the big momma, I assume there are more of these around to keep the headcrab population alive), then regular headcrab, then either zombie, or poision headcrab, then poision zombie, then crazy fast zombie.

i think big momma and big dada do there stuff and that = more baby headcrabs lol
Ch1cKeN said:
Well to answer the thread question

Baby Headcrab (from the big momma, I assume there are more of these around to keep the headcrab population alive), then regular headcrab, then either zombie, or poision headcrab, then poision zombie, then crazy fast zombie.
Or they could just read what I said. And why exactly do you say they can just become a poision headcrab just like that? The poison headcrabs in the game could have been exposed to poison or toxic waste.
Yeah a mod sympathising with the headcrabs would be sweet. Haha.
Wraith said:
no one says gonarch anymore?
Big Momma is easier for me to remember :hmph:
And where did the name Voltigaunt or whatever come from for the Alien Slaves?
check this out guys )

From: Rowland Kelly [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 7:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Headcrab mod

Sure. Make it a 3D-Joust. You'd want some screen-space effect (HeadCrab-O-Vision).

I was thinking what would make a fun mod, and i thought how about one through the eyes of a headcrab? What do you think?


Pretty cool Gabe replied to my email :dork:
Did you give me and junglespider credit on this? Did you even mention us. It was Junglespider who sparked the idea then I started to explain what it could be like.
The Bait said:
Did you give me and junglespider credit on this? Did you even mention us. It was Junglespider who sparked the idea then I started to explain what it could be like.

thx bait :)
The Bait said:
No problem. I sent an email to Gabe with this in more detail and I mentioned you sparked the idea. :)

nice one :)

lets hope he replys this time round lol
headcrabboy said:
Yeah Jungle spider you thought of the mod idea, so props to you.
did you mention me? :frown: I explained what the mod could be like.
headcrabboy said:
Yeah Jungle spider you thought of the mod idea, so props to you.

me bait and ethen you had a part in it as i got the idea from your post and then bait come up with on how it wud work :)
I was feeling a little put out that I didn't get credited for my little addition too... then I looked back and saw that bait posted an AVP comparison that would probably work better than mine. Maybe I should refresh the page I'm reading a little more often ;)

Anyway, regardless of inspiration, it'd make a hell of a mod.

On an added note, each headcrab probably doesn't evolve/mutate/metamorphose into a reproducing Queen. Maybe the zombies exist as sustinance: headcrab goes out, makes a zombie, goes back to the queen (using the host for defense and quicker motion) where it leaves the body to be consumed and heads off for fresh meat.

And if there's anything left of the host's identity, that would be a pretty harsh way to die. You get taken over by an alien parasite, your body is contorted and mutated as your face is eaten away and your brain is broken into, and then just as you think it's over and the head crab leaves... a great big monster eates you.