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  1. B

    Half life SDK

    I just want to see the HL2 SDK to see how 'basic' ppls C++ knowledge can be to get away with working on it.... and i'd also like to ha><0r a scripting system into it if one doesnt exist ;)
  2. B

    Help me please!!!!

    its not the best route as, in the words of weird Al, "everything you know is wrong" learn it properly from the start and you'll be MUCH better off
  3. B

    Help me please!!!!

    your plan isnt far off, however to be able to work properly and effectively you need to do alot more than learn basic C++, that might well let you hack around with the HL2 SDK (but i'll reserve final judgement on that until i see it) but hacking is no real subsitute for learning properly and...
  4. B

    Why do those who hate...

    This is why you never let programmers near the public ;)
  5. B

    Clean code

    ah, well, in that case fair enuff ;) Different languages have different setups so beyond C++ i cant really comment on whats right and whats not beyond a general sense :)
  6. B

    Clean code

    your teacher is wrong, simple as :) its better to do the correct thing all the time then sometime, otherwise you get out of the habit of doing it and end up not doing it all the time. With correctly named varibles and correct initalisation its no less clear declaring at the top than half way...
  7. B

    Clean code

    for an int the cost of redeclare vs set to zero is probably the same thus you are better off writing correct code instead of micro-optermising which gains you nuffin and loses safety. It might not seem like a good idea, but the main issue is construction cost, if say you have to declare 5...
  8. B

    Clean code

    its a scope thing, in the first loop the 'i' comes into scope and is valid until the end of the loop at which point it goes out of scope and is allowed to be used again. In the second example the varible 'i' hangs around from its creation point to the end of the function (or { } block) it is...
  9. B

    My first semi cool program! I just need help making it cleaner.

    I feel the need to comment :) First up, the useage of a short is pointless, anything from a 386 upwards fetches 32bits at a time, which on most platforms is the size of an int, so you might as well use an int and be done with it (the only time shorts are usefull is for packing data together...
  10. B

    Clean code

    OK, do{} while() isnt fairly useless, infact if you think that you're an idiot and dont understand the point of it, do{} while() insures that a loop is run at least once and is much saner than trying to crow bar a while(){} loop to do it. Know the tools for the job, things exist in the...
  11. B

    What everyone is thinking

    Yes, well done you didnt download an illegal, unfinished product, which at the end of the day, would have probably runined the experiance for you Just because you decided not to download something doesnt mean they owe you, heck if the only reason you did it was to get something out of it then...
  12. B

    c# web requests + proxies

    heh, pld :P the question is, will it still work when no proxy is involved without the http? hmm i would guess yes coz of the object involved... btw, i guessed about the no changing the output.Text thingy as exceptions break the program before it gets there (btw, you should trap that to...
  13. B

    c# web requests + proxies

    so i asusme that output.Text has the value you pass in it?.. or not as the above post shows... have you tried it sans http:// in the address?
  14. B

    c# web requests + proxies

    all freeserver users smell, FACT!!! however, have you checked that the proxy settings are getting set right in that proxy object?
  15. B

    c# web requests + proxies

    get a better ISP?
  16. B

    Source Engine

    yes, the engine is designed to be scaleable from a TNT2 and a 600mhz P3 upwards iirc
  17. B

    What everyone is thinking

    nope, i'm not argueing that at all, i'm saying they never promised it, they said they was working towards it but thats not the same thing at all. Planning to and definately going to are two different matters, one implies they are aiming for that date but coz miss it, the other implies they are...
  18. B

    What everyone is thinking

    Hardware aguement is complete bunk imo, new stuff gets released every 6months and you can expect a new product every 12month (18 at the outside), everyone knew there would be new hardware avalible at this point this year. If you buy hardware, for any reason, you have to live with the idea it...
  19. B

    What everyone is thinking That was from around the time it looked like it was going to be delayed to be released, i direct your attension to the line Valve is still planning to ship Half-Life 2 on Sept. 30, keyword 'planning', and as with life, things dont always goto plan...
  20. B

    What everyone is thinking

    ok, heres an idea, if you dont like they way they have treated you DONT buy/play the game because they dont deserve your time. Simple as that. yet some how, i doubt that will be the case... And again i say, show me where they have PROMISED anything, because to my mind they havent, they...