What everyone is thinking



Isn't it funny the way the following has happened

1) Valve promised Video's and we get half of them.
2) Vavle promised comparison with DX8 and 9
3) Benchmark is no where to be seen
4) SDK?

I understand it got delayed and stuff happened etc...etc...When we first got the e3 videos and this site kicked off i used to read it everyday. They promised us all this stuff to keep us interested and talking and now NOTHING for months on end.

Are they really that busy that they can't release a video, even an existing one in BINK format? Or new screenshots? Or even give new information? Why decide to totally stop the hype? 1 video would probably cause so many threads and people getting excited over it BUT NOOOOOO they had to be boring.

I am at a stage now where everytime i come to this site nothing new...same old same old.
{insert Offensive Yet None Ban Worthy Flame About Noobs And Thread Repitition Here!}
Isn't it funny, that

1) Valve don't owe you anything
2) Is your life really that HL2 centered?
3) As above
4) What does the SDK mean to you?

Sorry to come down hard, but this is pointless..
I agree with the first poster. We should be a lot madder. Then you get tools like above that derive their total daily amount of JACKASS from a single post. I agree with you man, it's friggen retarded and I wish people would grow a spine.

The guy above the guy above me that is...I am slow poster
mrBadger said:
Isn't it funny, that

1) Valve don't owe you anything
2) Is your life really that HL2 centered?
3) As above
4) What does the SDK mean to you?

Sorry to come down hard, but this is pointless..

Yeah mrBadger, I was about to say the same thing, these people are so arrogant to VALVe now. I can't wait for HL2, then they will be kissing their feet. :rolleyes:
You guys seem to think they are god and as a company I can critque them however I want. Their PR is assinigne. You can cream your jeans over Gabe and their "community" driven company all you want but they are completly oblivious to us "community".
I cream in my jeans over a company do I? Last time I checked, that has never happened. I'm merely here becuase I am waiting for/hoping for a "game". You know, the kind that people make, becuase they want to, not becuase anyone is forcing them. Oh yes, I see your logic there.

It's a game. Life goes on. Have a cup of tea.
It's passed tea time. Canada isn't a Royal Colony anymore either, guess I will just have to wait on the milk crate until April 2006. By then this game will be so great that computers will be an inferior method of experiencing it.
I am just getting pissing that I haven't been able to redeem by damn HL2 fee coupon yet damn it!
I don't think I agree with everyone going around saying "Valve don't owe you anything". Perhaps if they hadn't said anything at all to begin with, *then* that might be the case, but having announced and confirmed a release date in the past, released numerous videos with the promise of more to come, and told us they'd release an SDK "soon", don't they at least have a moral and professional obligation to not lie to their customers? Are you saying that they're justified in suddenly shoving us in the dark because they screwed up and delayed the game a year (or more)? It's another Valve media black-out, and it makes people think Valve are treating its fans like idiot sheep, for their marketing guys to whip up into a frenzy if and when they please. While they *can* do that, I think people have every right to be mad about it if they do.

Valve's PR was all fine and dandy pre-September last year, but then, perhaps a better test of how a company deals with its customers is when things don't go entirely according to plan. Valve has failed miserably on this point.
wonkers said:
I agree with the first poster. We should be a lot madder. Then you get tools like above that derive their total daily amount of JACKASS from a single post. I agree with you man, it's friggen retarded and I wish people would grow a spine.

The guy above the guy above me that is...I am slow poster

First of all you can use my name, second of all you have no sense of humour and your takeing this way too seriously. It's only in the HL2 community that people give this much of a shit when HL2 is released and what valve have said/done.

I have seen people on other websites takeing the piss out of this behaviour, you really need to put this into perspective.
Bah, people get so worked up over nothing...

But I am gona write down my arguement again.....



They are rich allready, they make games for the enjoyment of making games that people like to play. They don't need your money.

Another thing, the SDK blatently isnt ready so why would they release it.
They are just putting out a HL2 survey tonight at 6.00 or (10.00GMT) so why would there be a benchmark.
They are probably waiting to release the videos when they think the game is close to release because if they release at any other time people will get hyped up again. So whats the point.

Blah blah, I could go on for a little longer. But frankly

And neither should you to be honest.
First of all its funny how no one is actually commenting on anything I have said in the post. Personally i think valve do owe me something. They hyped up the game, I spent hours downloading, registering to get the hyped material. I bought an ATi card with a piece of paper wishing HL2 and contributed to fan sites like this reading everyday and taking active part in the community.

I don't appreciate when they give you all this PR to make you excited about the game and blatently lie in our faces. And the thing that annoys me is everyone is like


Course they owe us something, we are the ones that make or break them. Without us, the community, they can't do s**t. Therefore my feelings as a prospective customer is vital to a company such as Valve.

P.S. They don't owe us anything i can foresee people saying, not even a measily video? Comon be realistic.
Bah, I just replied to you!

They are rich. They don't need your £ or $ or whatever!

But yes, I think the two things that they really really should have done better was the deal with ATI for free HL2 and the fact they didn't give a hint of the delay until september 30th past...

In their defence the deal with ATI might have been made before they thought they would have to delay the game....
Oh my god. Valved 'lied' to you how? You bought a XT card why? XT cards are overpriced but still good, and it's a free copy of the game anyway.

So are you going to buy the game?
I'm sure they would release HL2 right now, if they weren't still makeing it. I know you would like an unfinnished game but some of us like ours complete.

and valve isn't spanking me, you maybe, but I'm definately not being spanked.
/me checks to see if he's being spanked
nope I'm really not being spanked.
This is getting a bit flamey actually, and I'm partially to blame. But keep it clean eh? :)
mrBadger said:
Isn't it funny, that

1) Valve don't owe you anything
2) Is your life really that HL2 centered?
3) As above
4) What does the SDK mean to you?

Sorry to come down hard, but this is pointless..

You are quite right, that was pointless. Your reply that is...
Why can't you just answer the lad in a decent matter?

1. No, valve doesn't owe us anything legally, but if they can't keep a promise they have got to explain themselves. Needless to say, they have a VERY poor PR department.

2. Once again, does this really matter to you? I think the guy was asking for an actual answer not a moral finger.

3. As above

4. Uhh... As above. Be nice. I really don't want to be saying this, especially not to a moderator.

Other than that. I agree with the thread starter. Valve really needs to get some reliable information out instead of this rubbish.

*EDIT* Not intended as a flame to you badger, if you think it is, then delete where you find it suitable :) '/EDIT*
I know, I apologised. I got a bit irate. You have to understand that I've been through moderating the delay.. saw about 20 threads like this per day at it's peak.

My question about the SDK was asking basically does he actually have any need for the SDK. Since I doubt THAT many people here are programmers.

Anyway, like I said, I contributed to the flames in this thread. For this I am sorry.
I didn't see you apologising as I was in a hurry to correct ya :-P I JUST WANT TO FREE THE WORLD OF ALL UNJUST! WRAAAGH!
Its a game, calm down

Who cares if they didn't release shit or make promises they don't keep, wtf are you their wife, christ, you make the damn game if you can do SOOO much better.

This is directed at the orig. post
/me mumbles something about repetition and pointless threads...

I think I posted somewhere that Rick Ellis never reponded to my final confirmation.

Your not understanding..I dont want an unfinished game. Im not saying release the game now and as for the SDK, I couldnt care less about it. Im not gonna use it. All i am saying is that i dont understand why they stopped releasing the videos. Why not give us the rest of the videos or maybe even a one level benchmark. Or how about maybe a couple of F****** new screenshots.

You guys make me laugh when u think that we dont have the right to be pissed off. They could so easilly release these few things, that would make no difference to them as we have seen it allready. Are they too busy for that? I am sure they don't need gabe to release the video's or upload screenshots. They are intentionally not giving us these things and it is annoying people who spent many days consumed by there PR machine.

They are rich already..how did they get rich? Through us buying their games so if they want us to make them richer. Treat the community which they say they care about with more respect. Do something that is so simple. Even at Christmas (LOL) they could have released a screenshot. I aint putting down anyone in all seriousness I am just voicing my opinion on how we are being treated. The more Valve realise this the better.
Thats your opinion and it happens to be wrong in my opinion, but my opinion is wrong to you.. this could go on for hours. You do have a valid point that Valve's PR sucks. But thats not why we are here , is it? It's becuase we want the game :)
wtf is will all these noobies coming in with 3 posts and demanding the world? Valve doesnt owe anyone anything like Badger said. Let them do their work, and shut the heck up about how bad their marketing plans are. Anyone that makes these pointless threads is not a true Half-Life or Valve fan, and I suggest they go back to their xbox and play with the rest of the consolers.
Maybe they are saving it all for E3? Maybe they decided the code being stolen was a good chance to add in some new features. And what do you mean they didn't release all the videos? I think all but one was released, and last time I checked there were more then 2 videos.
Foxtrot said:
Maybe they are saving it all for E3? Maybe they decided the code being stolen was a good chance to add in some new features. And what do you mean they didn't release all the videos? I think all but one was released, and last time I checked there were more then 2 videos.

My thinking exactly. I'm 100% sure we'll see something new at E3. Nice Hyrdalisk.
i'm pretty sure Valve have never promised anything, we've had a lot of 'aiming' fors and 'hope to's but i dont recall a single 'we promise' at all... if you want to read more into it than that thats your problem :)

btw, if you had a clue about gamedev in general you'd understand why things take so long, more so when you've had stuff stolen from you etc etc
Rakim said:
Isn't it funny the way the following has happened

1) Valve promised Video's and we get half of them.
2) Vavle promised comparison with DX8 and 9
3) Benchmark is no where to be seen
4) SDK?

I understand it got delayed and stuff happened etc...etc...When we first got the e3 videos and this site kicked off i used to read it everyday. They promised us all this stuff to keep us interested and talking and now NOTHING for months on end.

Are they really that busy that they can't release a video, even an existing one in BINK format? Or new screenshots? Or even give new information? Why decide to totally stop the hype? 1 video would probably cause so many threads and people getting excited over it BUT NOOOOOO they had to be boring.

I am at a stage now where everytime i come to this site nothing new...same old same old.

dude this is retarded, wait till e3, or when the game comes out, then you'll behappy

o yea, and let valve do their work, if you have faith in the game you'll enjoy it that much more
Six Three said:
wtf is will all these noobies coming in with 3 posts and demanding the world? Valve doesnt owe anyone anything like Badger said. Let them do their work, and shut the heck up about how bad their marketing plans are. Anyone that makes these pointless threads is not a true Half-Life or Valve fan, and I suggest they go back to their xbox and play with the rest of the consolers.

Do post counts make your opinion any more or any less valid? No, that's what I thought...
Now I suggest that you stop defining whats a Half-Life fan is and whats not. Protesting with Valve's way of informing us, doesn't mean one can't love Half-Life.
And let me repeat something I said wayy back: If we aren't here to discuss Half-Life 2, what in the seven hells of lucifer are going to do then?
Champ said:
Do post counts make your opinion any more or any less valid? No, that's what I thought...
Now I suggest that you stop defining whats a Half-Life fan is and whats not. Protesting with Valve's way of informing us, doesn't mean one can't love Half-Life.
And let me repeat something I said wayy back: If we aren't here to discuss Half-Life 2, what in the seven hells of lucifer are going to do then?

Thank you Champ. We are here to discuss it and we are all here to see and support the game. However its hard to support a game with no new Material since September.
It's not about wether Valve owes anyone anything, it's about Valve treating the community like ass.

They have made so many promises to the community, and the community praises them for being the most community focused developer, then they screw the community over on every single pledge they made. Valve has handeled this entire ordeal terribly, as they have with their previous game, and anyone in the community has more than enough cause to be frusterated with Valve. They act like such amateurs and it's now at the point that no one really believes anything they say.

It's not about what Valve owes us, it's about them acting like pricks.

And can someone please explain to me the meaning behind the phrase "taking the piss out of.....".
Valve owes me months of my life for making me play their bloody game hours on end :(
Still, we aren't talking about gamedevelopments in general. We're talking about Valve's. And when they don't make their goals, in this case, what they're aiming for, then they need to explain themselves. That's where Valve lacks. In their responsiveness. But other than that, I think it's good that they give a good shot on when it's coming out (or the SDK). I'd just want some answers afterwards, when they don't make those goals...
Damnit... I have got to use the reply button more often. One can't see who I'm replying to...
ok, heres an idea, if you dont like they way they have treated you DONT buy/play the game because they dont deserve your time.
Simple as that.
yet some how, i doubt that will be the case...

And again i say, show me where they have PROMISED anything, because to my mind they havent, they have said they will 'try' and 'aim' for but that ISNT promising... unless your version of english is different to mine :)

Ofcourse, would you have prefered a game to be released 'on time', with bugs a gogo and a patch ON RELEASE DAY, as alot of other "shove 'em out of the the door" publishers work...

I used to blame the publishers for shoddy games, however i'm start to suspect some of the gamers at at fault for demanding games now and not letting them finish their craft...
I would just like to agree with everyone who said that we'll buy the game anyways.
The delay sucks, but so what?
It'll be here in less than six months.