What everyone is thinking

wonkers said:
They are treating us like bitches because they know we will come back for more.

Treat em mean, keep em keen :thumbs:
Jimlad said:
I'll begin by saying that the term "overpriced" means different things depending on who you are. A person buying the latest hardware accepts that they are paying a premium for that privelage, and knows that the price-time curve for computer hardware is non linear. They make a judgement based on what they can afford and the benefit they will get from spending that much more money, but in this case Valve's decisions caused certain people to make an unfortunate misjudgement.

I think you're missing the point in questioning whether they would have bought those cards eight months on. Whether they would have or not is not something we can answer, but in all cases it ends up with them having paid too much for something they would not have bought otherwise. Wouldn't you be disappointed if you had done the same? The likelihood is that even if they would not buy the same card now, they could have bought a better one for the same money.

The 9800 had plenty of good press extolling it's virtues well before Valve chipped in with the DX9 benchmarks, likewise the cracks were already apparent in Nvidias jocular attempts at promoting the FX range as DX9 compatible cards.
Kadayi Polokov said:
The 9800 had plenty of good press extolling it's virtues well before Valve chipped in with the DX9 benchmarks, likewise the cracks were already apparent in Nvidias jocular attempts at promoting the FX range as DX9 compatible cards.

ok, that's all well and good.. but I don't understand what your point is. :p
Wow that's the most horrible thing I have ever heard.

"Treat em mean, keep em keen" holy crap. I seem to remember a certain columbine incedent in the US that would like to dissagree with you.

Pressure changes everything, some people focus, others fold. I turn into smoke, run around you then cut your head off in the dark but that's just me. I am kinda glad steam is screwed up now because that's a problem they deserve to have right now. It's friggen Karma if you ask me.
Jimlad said:
ok, that's all well and good.. but I don't understand what your point is. :p

The card issue is overlaboured in these debates.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Given the time delay, it is highly probable that they have been reworking the look of the game to a greater of lesser degree (what else are the art department going to do for 8 months? they aren't all coders). In which case there would be little point in releasing any media prior to an updated showcase at E3.

Agreed, though they are not reworking the entire game. Anything new (to us anyway) is better than just going cold the way they have, don't you think? So release a screenshot or two of things that are not being worked on. That would give the community weeks of analyzing and discussion and passify it's hunger.

The other thing here is I am not much of a computer guru, so to speak. Therefore, I did not download the leak after reading about complications, console commands, compiling and all the rest that has been discussed about it, on the basis that I wouldn't be able to get it to work anyway. I believe the people who have not viewed the leak are even more eager to see something new, as opposed to those who have and can play it at their leisure. You get me?
wonkers said:
Wow that's the most horrible thing I have ever heard.

"Treat em mean, keep em keen" holy crap. I seem to remember a certain columbine incedent in the US that would like to dissagree with you.

Pressure changes everything, some people focus, others fold. I turn into smoke, run around you then cut your head off in the dark but that's just me. I am kinda glad steam is screwed up now because that's a problem they deserve to have right now. It's friggen Karma if you ask me.

LOL, you've never heard that phrase before? Must be a transatlantic thing I guess. Nothing to do with Columbine in any shape or form. If fact I'm fascinated to understand as to how you arrived at that interpretation, or are you going off on some kind of lateral rant, big Lebowski style? :dozey:
Doc Brass said:
Agreed, though they are not reworking the entire game. Anything new (to us anyway) is better than just going cold the way they have, don't you think? So release a screenshot or two of things that are not being worked on. That would give the community weeks of analyzing and discussion and passify it's hunger.

The other thing here is I am not much of a computer guru, so to speak. Therefore, I did not download the leak after reading about complications, console commands, compiling and all the rest that has been discussed about it, on the basis that I wouldn't be able to get it to work anyway. I believe the people who have not viewed the leak are even more eager to see something new, as opposed to those who have and can play it at their leisure. You get me?

I get what your saying. Certainly your right not to download the beta and potentially spoil your playing experience. I wouldn't really say it is particularly playable though, as the beta is unfinished and compiled from a very old build. Personally with regard to the delay I think that the situation is not dissimilar to what happened with the original game, but in this case the information, exposure and expectation is far greater than last time. Annoying as it is, it would make little sense in releasing 'old' data such as the missing bink videos if that data is now redundant.

When you've added an extra ten months or so of development onto your production costs, you want to capitalise on as much free publicity and headlining as you can. The media focus is going to be at E3, and the press are going to be eager to see what Valve have done with HL² since the delay was announced, any form of media release beforehand is going to take some of the gleam off of that occasion. Valve wooed the press last year, they will want to wow them this year as well.
Hardware aguement is complete bunk imo, new stuff gets released every 6months and you can expect a new product every 12month (18 at the outside), everyone knew there would be new hardware avalible at this point this year. If you buy hardware, for any reason, you have to live with the idea it will be outdated possibly within months, to think otherwise is nieve.
btw, if you had brought hardware in sept you'd still have "out dated" hardware approx 1 to 2 month(s) later when ATI released the XT series of cards and Nvidia released the 5950.

besides, you are acting as if a gaming running late without the developers saying anything is a new thing, its probably happened loads of times in the past, a developer has said they will hit a date and low and behold they shoot over it without taking the time to explain in detail whats going on.
Truth of the matter, the guys at Valve were probably upto their ears in code and trying to work out how stuff got out of the network at the time the release date was appearing so they had more important things to do than take a few hours out of the day to explain why the game wasnt on time... and i cant blame them, because lets behonest here, you'd still have people bitching and moaning about it now because they have no clue how it works, the problems involved and anything else related to gamedev, all they want is the game they think they are owed now and the rest be damned.

oh, and i did twist any words or meaning above, that was a direct quote and its pretty clear in its intent, if you have a problem with english and meanings thats not my problem :) If you can find the quote you refer to then i might concede the point, however no evidance = no point.
thanks for playing :)
bobvodka said:
Hardware aguement is complete bunk imo, new stuff gets released every 6months and you can expect a new product every 12month (18 at the outside), everyone knew there would be new hardware avalible at this point this year. If you buy hardware, for any reason, you have to live with the idea it will be outdated possibly within months, to think otherwise is nieve.

Correct. Nobody's disputing this. It still doesn't change the fact that people bought expensive hardware in order to play HL2, and ended up not being able to use it for its intended purpose, thus making a purchase they otherwise would not have made.

bobvodka said:
oh, and i did twist any words or meaning above, that was a direct quote and its pretty clear in its intent, if you have a problem with english and meanings thats not my problem If you can find the quote you refer to then i might concede the point, however no evidance = no point.

Are you seriously trying to argue that Valve never announced a Sep 30th release date? Also, you've pretty badly misinterpreted that source... I really don't see how you figure that saying "Valve is still planning to ship Half-Life 2 on Sept. 30" somehow suggests that they wouldn't. In any case, it's not much of a quote, seeing as it's from a non-Valve source... I could quote you a whole load of complete rubbish from other "reputable" websites too. You can hardly lecture me on "evidence".
nope, i'm not argueing that at all, i'm saying they never promised it, they said they was working towards it but thats not the same thing at all. Planning to and definately going to are two different matters, one implies they are aiming for that date but coz miss it, the other implies they are going to release on that date whatever, i'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to work out which is which :)

And 'boohoo', people spent aload of money on kit which they couldnt play the game on right away, well poor them, the fact that the game will play just the same on said kit a year later doesnt seem to have accured to them, the difference between what they could have brought then and now is tiny performance wise.
Also, its generaly only 'hard core' gamers who buy 'top of the range' systems to play games on, so chances are they would upgrade this year anyways, and if not they still have a damn good system so whats the fuss about?
I think this is what everyone is worked up about: They are not treating us badly. They are IGNORING us. And honestly I don't blame them.
It doesn't sound like the nicest thing to do and it will definitely continue to draw sides for and against but to me, I just want them to concentrate on the game and hype it up when they are ready to release.
So, to sum up:

1) You bitch, moan and complain about Valve, about delays, and about the lack of forthcoming new media.
Guess what? You're still going to run down to the shop on release day and buy it like the good little sheep you are. In fact, you probably pre-ordered it.

2) If you upgraded your hardware for HL2 and blame Valve for it, then you're a grade A moron. Did Gabe come to your house and threaten to deny you AAA gaming goodness if you didn't upgrade? No.

3) Are Valve ignoring the community? Er, no. If you'd care to take a look at the "Info from Valve" thread located for your convenience at the top of this forum, you'll see a wealth of information given by Valve to the community. I don't recall seeing in Valve's charter that they must release new media because you want it.

4) People are stupid.
I'm also one of the ones who upgraded for HL2(sorta), and while sad it didn't get released on Sept 30, I think I was a bit more ticked that the delay was announced on my birthday than anything else. Perhaps they just got the year wrong :D

While I did upgrade my system towards HL2, I have to admit it was time for the upgrade. My system before:
AMD 900mhz
128 Megs of RAM
nVidia GeForceII MX with a whopping 16 Megs of video RAM

Not exactly up to date really. I was waiting until after they anounced the release of HL2 to get my HW, but unfortunately for me my video card comitted suicide. So I researched which cards appeared to run HL2 the best. I was kinda leaning towards ATi anyway, as I liked the stability(when my nVidia went out I grabbed the old ATi Rage3D that was shoved in my drawer, Been sitting there for a while dropped it in and it worked great). Hehe since HL2 wasn't out yet I wasn't about to spend $500 on a card that I wouldn't be able to use yet. So I settled...

Intermetiate platform(what I'm on now)
P4 1.8Ghz
256 Megs
ATi Radeon 9800 SE with 128 megs video RAM.

Whe HL2 is finally released I'll probably upgrade again(and my son will get the one I use now). I highly doubt I'll go with the latest greatest HW. By the time it is released I can pretty well expect the 9800XT to be at the prices of the 9700 Pro is right now. Since HL2 looks to be one of the first games utilizing a greater amount of DX9 capabilities I expect the 9800XT to last about as long as my GeForce2 did :cheese:
PiMuRho said:
So, to sum up:

1) You bitch, moan and complain about Valve, about delays, and about the lack of forthcoming new media.
Guess what? You're still going to run down to the shop on release day and buy it like the good little sheep you are. In fact, you probably pre-ordered it.

2) If you upgraded your hardware for HL2 and blame Valve for it, then you're a grade A moron. Did Gabe come to your house and threaten to deny you AAA gaming goodness if you didn't upgrade? No.

3) Are Valve ignoring the community? Er, no. If you'd care to take a look at the "Info from Valve" thread located for your convenience at the top of this forum, you'll see a wealth of information given by Valve to the community. I don't recall seeing in Valve's charter that they must release new media because you want it.

4) People are stupid.

I think firstly that I should say I'm not bitching and moaning. I'm simply questioning the way that Valve has handled their PR lately and wondering why it's been the way it has. A few simple opinions and questions about this process, and where else would you have us ask these? Certainly not the DOOM3 forums, yes?

I never said that I was not going to buy the game as soon as it's released and in fact, yes I have preordered the game. I think your comments here are completely uncalled for.

I have not upgraded for HL2, and I haven't complained that I was lied to by Gabe himself. That said, I don't believe that what they did to the community in that respect was "right" and if you believe that the way they handled it was up to par, then that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Just as I'm entitled to mine.

I'm not starting a flame war here, I'm just ending what you started. There are people on these forums with black and white opinions of these issues, as there should be. But your above comments added absolutely nothing to the debate, except to piss people off more. Ban me if you must, these are just my opinions.
PiMuRho said:
So, to sum up:

1) You bitch, moan and complain about Valve, about delays, and about the lack of forthcoming new media.
Guess what? You're still going to run down to the shop on release day and buy it like the good little sheep you are. In fact, you probably pre-ordered it.

2) If you upgraded your hardware for HL2 and blame Valve for it, then you're a grade A moron. Did Gabe come to your house and threaten to deny you AAA gaming goodness if you didn't upgrade? No.

3) Are Valve ignoring the community? Er, no. If you'd care to take a look at the "Info from Valve" thread located for your convenience at the top of this forum, you'll see a wealth of information given by Valve to the community. I don't recall seeing in Valve's charter that they must release new media because you want it.

4) People are stupid.

You either missed what this whole thing is about, or you might just be plain bad at summing up...

1) No, we don't moan, we don't bitch, we might be complaining, but did it occur to you why? Perhaps because Valve is lacking somewhere, more accuratly in their Public Relations. And yes, we'll be running down to the store the day HL-2 hits the shelves. Is there anything ****ing wrong with that? No, there's not. Most of us love this game, and that's exactly why we're worried.

2) Agreed, It wasn't the smartest thing to upgrade your system BEFORE the game was released. Simple as that. But thats called being naive, and not being a moron.

3) Sure, we get a crapload of techstuff there, but go ask yourself if that has any real relevance? Once again, no it does not! I'd rather hear some status on their work instead of hearing how many pixel shaders HL2 will support and whatnot. That is, in my opinion, much more relevant, as we're actually able to use that kind of info.
Funny how you've both replied as if my comments were aimed at you. If you don't bitch or moan (as you say) then I can't have been referring to you, can I?

Doc Brass: You've attempted to refute everything I said as it applies to you. Well done. Obviously, you're not one of the people I was referring to. Stop being so defensive.


1) See above.

2) Re-read what I said - "If you upgraded your hardware for HL2 and blame Valve for it". If you blame Valve because you upgraded your hardware then yes, you are a moron. Naivete doesn't come into it.

3) That's a matter of opinion. Plenty of people find the info interesting and useful. Just because you don't is irrelevant. I was pointing out how Valve aren't ignoring the community.

4) I suggest that you retract that comment
PiMuRho said:
Funny how you've both replied as if my comments were aimed at you. If you don't bitch or moan (as you say) then I can't have been referring to you, can I?

Doc Brass: You've attempted to refute everything I said as it applies to you. Well done. Obviously, you're not one of the people I was referring to. Stop being so defensive.


1) See above.

2) Re-read what I said - "If you upgraded your hardware for HL2 and blame Valve for it". If you blame Valve because you upgraded your hardware then yes, you are a moron. Naivete doesn't come into it.

3) That's a matter of opinion. Plenty of people find the info interesting and useful. Just because you don't is irrelevant. I was pointing out how Valve aren't ignoring the community.

4) I suggest that you retract that comment

Well, you'll have to dig up some quotes of those people who moan, as I don't want to read this thread through again. Oh, and if you're summing up, you'll have to get the main points of the text, in this case the thread, which you obviously haven't...

2) I see it now, and I agree. That does fall in under the moronic category.

3) Ahh, but I'm sure even the modders would agree with me, that we could use some of the "real" news instead of more techstuff. We're only bugging Valve for info that will be included in the game and/or the SDK anyway.

4) I'll remove my statement, when your's is gone. Granted, your talking of nameless people, I'm talking about you. But that's just my opinion, and it still stands.
Well, you'll have to dig up some quotes of those people who moan, as I don't want to read this thread through again. Oh, and if you're summing up, you'll have to get the main points of the text, in this case the thread, which you obviously haven't...

I'm summing up the HL2 situation as a whole, this thread being only a small example of it.

3) Ahh, but I'm sure even the modders would agree with me, that we could use some of the "real" news instead of more techstuff. We're only bugging Valve for info that will be included in the game and/or the SDK anyway.

*shrug* My point is still valid - Valve are communicating.

4) I'll remove my statement, when your's is gone. Granted, your talking of nameless people, I'm talking about you. But that's just my opinion, and it still stands.

As I already pointed out, my statement doesn't refer to you. Yours clearly refers to me. I've removed it myself, and you can consider this a warning.
you might not be referring to me, but you must be referring to someone here. And that leads me to the question of how that makes your statement anymore "legal" than mine? I think there's to words to describe that; double standards...
And pardon me, but did I also just recieve a warning? That's both unfair and very hypocritical...
I'm referring to people in general, not specifics. You were explicitly referring to me. There's a world of difference. Let's take a look shall we?

"People are stupid" - sweeping generalisation that people don't take offence to, because they mentally exclude themselves.

"You are stupid" (paraphrased from your post) - specifically-aimed remark intended to offend.

So where's the hypocrisy?
wonkers said:
The real Reason that we are angry about the current situation is simple .

They are treating us like bitches because they know we will come back for more. It's 100% true and you know it. We want the game so much that they can steal our money (pre-orders), keep us in the dark, make vague hints about the releas date, and generally be assholes about the whole thing.

Do any of you (Valve ows you nothing) people think that they will apologize about the way they handled this? As soon as the game is out they will do nothing but self-glorify themselves.

"Look at this Great game we made, look at this stuff we give you, go buy it. Make us money, we could call you all morons and you would still buy the game. Your our bitch and you love it."

And in the end we will be somewhat happy that we have our game. I will be happy that it's all over.
LMAO! SO SO SO TRUE...no need to say anymore on it as this is the truth!
I do not care how good your psychological explanation fits. Fact is that you called people that is bitching about Valve stupid, and I'm call you stupid for bitching about us. Don't try to work your way around this, you're as guilty as I am.
Yes valve does need our money. Without our money they have no market, no reason to make games, they lose jobs, lose money ect.

"VALVE OWES YOU NOTHING"- Is a ridiculous statment. They owe us a lot after making us wait through unbelivible delays, lies (saying we would get new videos frequently), absense of SDK that was promised "soon" in early January, and much more. So yeah, I'd say valve owes us quite a bit.

Without our money valve is nothing. Same goes for every other game company.

Hmm where's that SDK that we were told we would recieve "soon" during early-mid January? Oh wait I forgot when valve says "soon" it means 5 months. Of course Ill buy HL2 when it comes out. But I think valve owes us, the community, new videos, a little tech demo to toy around with, at LEAST a benchmark. Come on valve we've waited through delays since september. I think we deserve a little tech demo to toy with. How hard is it to make a tech demo, how long could it possibly take to build? A day?

They say they delayed the game to prevent cheating by people stealing the source code and finding ways to cheat with it. DOES IT MATTER? There will be cheats about 2 days after hl2 comes out for MP, aimbots,hacks, ect.

You people act like gabe will come to your house, preform a dance, and give you a copy of HL2 early if you come on the internet and act like a fanboy.
Rakim said:
Your not understanding..I dont want an unfinished game. Im not saying release the game now and as for the SDK, I couldnt care less about it. Im not gonna use it. All i am saying is that i dont understand why they stopped releasing the videos. Why not give us the rest of the videos or maybe even a one level benchmark. Or how about maybe a couple of F****** new screenshots.

You guys make me laugh when u think that we dont have the right to be pissed off. They could so easilly release these few things, that would make no difference to them as we have seen it allready. Are they too busy for that? I am sure they don't need gabe to release the video's or upload screenshots. They are intentionally not giving us these things and it is annoying people who spent many days consumed by there PR machine.

They are rich already..how did they get rich? Through us buying their games so if they want us to make them richer. Treat the community which they say they care about with more respect. Do something that is so simple. Even at Christmas (LOL) they could have released a screenshot. I aint putting down anyone in all seriousness I am just voicing my opinion on how we are being treated. The more Valve realise this the better.

this post was the truth, if u disagree you are WRONG, i whole heartly agree with everything you said. we are the community, the fans, the supporters who are keeping them fed. but when they ask us to not download the Beta most of us well more then what expected agree to not download, but when we ask something from them we get nothing. no new footage, screenshots, nothing. i rememeber reading in a interview where Gabe said EA's marketing will not last long, what a f*ckin hypocrit especially when hes running his own like this? haha.
Steam is the only thing holding HL2 back

They won't release the game till it's fixed and they won't release CS:cz till it's fixed. You all know that CS:cz is done. Any 2-bit geeky modder could make that POS. It's a guinnee pig for selling games on steam. If CS:cz goes bad then you better get ready for the long haul guys cuz HL2 won't ship till Steam is TIP top.

I am gonna buy halflife 2 no matter what. I still hate valve at the moment. They are acting like jerks, my other post sums that up. The only reason I will pay for the game is because it's too much of a hassle to steal it. I have money to burn aswell. For that I suppose they are lucky. The way they have done things, it's like an invitation to steal their game.

I wish the worst on them and I have no sympathy for the constant screwups and hardships. They get "hacked" (like it friggen mattered) , they get denial of service attacks (just annoyed us), They think their great (theiy're not).

One thing for sure is that I don't give a rats ass what happens to this company. I would be just as happy if they went bankrupt as to them putting out HL2.

Good companies die all the time, and for stupid reasons. Cave dog was a good company then BAM. They put out a dumb game. They die it's that simple. Valve is no Blizzard, they don't have many titles under their belt. All I see now is a huge crash and burn project. I am pretty synical but at least I am different from most of you people who conform like pudding.
Conform to what pudding? I could understand the whole 'Valve good.Valve bad' thing going on and I understand that something like that would occur when you have so many people with different views on the subject and on Valve itself; I have to say that a lot of what is said is based on ignorance (ie. Valve think they are great, Valve purposely created the leak, Valve must be redoing their engine, etc.) The lack of the info and the variety of people will certainly cause this kind of disagreement to occur and the only thing that will put everything back on track is releasing the game.
But I don't understand why you have given yourself the status of being more different, non-conforming (read: better) than most of us. You are just another guy on a side in a disagreement. Be humble and respect others. Don't buy into that "I'm special and unique!" garbage you learned in school/TV/magazines/etc.)
Champ said:
I do not care how good your psychological explanation fits. Fact is that you called people that is bitching about Valve stupid, and I'm call you stupid for bitching about us. Don't try to work your way around this, you're as guilty as I am.

Way to miss the point. You lose.
My feeling is... they wouldn't get us hyped up over nothing. There is a game people. Something got messed up, and now they're trying to get their act together. I feel a big upset and disappointed that the game isn't out. I'm sure they've love to sell it RIGHT NOW! I mean, HELL, get it out before D3, get a head start, you know? There's a reason it's not out. So yeah, I'm grateful, but i'm also saddened. Just watch the BINK videos and dream about kickass mods :-p

PiMuRho said:
Way to miss the point. You lose.

I lose? If you had just taken your head out of your arse, you would have realized that my reply fits perfectly well. Also, why don't you stop being so arrogant and trouble-seeking, and start replying with something other than pointless remarks, bitchy replies, and arrogant statements? Heck, even your original post was full of self-explanatory points and other rubbish, and added nothing other than a warning for me.
Perhaps if you'd actually read my post properly, then you wouldn't have had to comeback with an insult. Example time...

Fact is that you called people that is bitching about Valve stupid, and I'm call you stupid for bitching about us.

No, I didn't. I said "people are stupid"

Also, why don't you stop being so arrogant and trouble-seeking, and start replying with something other than pointless remarks, bitchy replies, and arrogant statements?

Why not practice what you preach? I made a comment to the thread in general. You jumped in with the insult by calling me stupid. Call me Mr Funny, but things like that tend to annoy me, hence the warning.
wonkers said:
Steam is the only thing holding HL2 back

They won't release the game till it's fixed and they won't release CS:cz till it's fixed. You all know that CS:cz is done. Any 2-bit geeky modder could make that POS. It's a guinnee pig for selling games on steam. If CS:cz goes bad then you better get ready for the long haul guys cuz HL2 won't ship till Steam is TIP top.

I am gonna buy halflife 2 no matter what. I still hate valve at the moment. They are acting like jerks, my other post sums that up. The only reason I will pay for the game is because it's too much of a hassle to steal it. I have money to burn aswell. For that I suppose they are lucky. The way they have done things, it's like an invitation to steal their game.

I wish the worst on them and I have no sympathy for the constant screwups and hardships. They get "hacked" (like it friggen mattered) , they get denial of service attacks (just annoyed us), They think their great (theiy're not).

One thing for sure is that I don't give a rats ass what happens to this company. I would be just as happy if they went bankrupt as to them putting out HL2.

Good companies die all the time, and for stupid reasons. Cave dog was a good company then BAM. They put out a dumb game. They die it's that simple. Valve is no Blizzard, they don't have many titles under their belt. All I see now is a huge crash and burn project. I am pretty synical but at least I am different from most of you people who conform like pudding.

Mmmmm, pudding...

HL2 is delayed because valves entire reputation is riding on it... They must assure themselves that it is perfcct, oh and uh steam held it back too.
They say they delayed the game to prevent cheating by people stealing the source code and finding ways to cheat with it.

That is not correct. Valve said several times that the delay has nothing to do with the source theft.

Steam is the main reason HL2 is hold back! Steam wasn't ready in September 2003. They even had alot of problems releasing a 40mb movie via steam. Don't forget HL2 will at least be 1 gig or more...
PiMuRho said:
Perhaps if you'd actually read my post properly, then you wouldn't have had to comeback with an insult. Example time...

No, I didn't. I said "people are stupid"

Why not practice what you preach? I made a comment to the thread in general. You jumped in with the insult by calling me stupid. Call me Mr Funny, but things like that tend to annoy me, hence the warning.

You know, you're not the only person who's annoyed right now.
When you come up with a sentence that starts with "You bitch, you moan, you complain" I feel like it's directed at me, as I'm against Valves current PR policy, and seeing as I was pretty active in this particular thread. That sentence and the "people are stupid" are bound to offend some people, especially when you won't specify who you're talking to.
When the comments apparently wasn't directed at me(or were they?), I asked you to dig up those posts that made you come up with the annoying sentence. But no, you were caught up in psychological explanations and grammatically correct phrasings.
And your latest reply; I made a comment to the thread in general. <--- How come you didn't write 'This thread is stupid' instead of 'people are stupid'? Once again, do not blame me for taking it personal, because of your lack in specifying who it's directed to.
wonkers said:



Look Mom!!

I can use colours!!

Now my posts are both pretty as well as pointless aren't you proud of me?.

Wow, simply wow:dozey:
Champ said:
You know, you're not the only person who's annoyed right now.
When you come up with a sentence that starts with "You bitch, you moan, you complain" I feel like it's directed at me, as I'm against Valves current PR policy, and seeing as I was pretty active in this particular thread.

Well, that's your prerogative. I've explained who it was and wasn't aimed at.

That sentence and the "people are stupid" are bound to offend some people, especially when you won't specify who you're talking to.

It would only offend stupid people, surely? Allow me to clarify. A person is (usually) intelligent. People are stupid. Understand yet?

When the comments apparently wasn't directed at me(or were they?)

I said they weren't. Whether or not you believe me is entirely your choice.

I asked you to dig up those posts that made you come up with the annoying sentence. But no, you were caught up in psychological explanations and grammatically correct phrasings.

I could quote half of this thread. People are complaining about Valve, the delay, lack of new media etc etc, and yet they'll still buy the game. That's what I (and several others) said.
Not that it matters, but is there something wrong with grammatically correct phrasing? This is how I write - deal with it.

And your latest reply; I made a comment to the thread in general. <--- How come you didn't write 'This thread is stupid' instead of 'people are stupid'?

Because I don't feel that this thread is stupid, obviously.

Once again, do not blame me for taking it personal, because of your lack in specifying who it's directed to.

I most certainly specified who it wasn't directed to i.e. you. Yet you still take it personally and decide to specifically insult me.

So you disagree with (some of) my points. Yay. That's discussion for you. It doesn't give you the right to call me stupid.
wonkers said:
Steam is the only thing holding HL2 back

They won't release the game till it's fixed and they won't release CS:cz till it's fixed. You all know that CS:cz is done. Any 2-bit geeky modder could make that POS. It's a guinnee pig for selling games on steam. If CS:cz goes bad then you better get ready for the long haul guys cuz HL2 won't ship till Steam is TIP top.

I am gonna buy halflife 2 no matter what. I still hate valve at the moment. They are acting like jerks, my other post sums that up. The only reason I will pay for the game is because it's too much of a hassle to steal it. I have money to burn aswell. For that I suppose they are lucky. The way they have done things, it's like an invitation to steal their game.

I wish the worst on them and I have no sympathy for the constant screwups and hardships. They get "hacked" (like it friggen mattered) , they get denial of service attacks (just annoyed us), They think their great (theiy're not).

One thing for sure is that I don't give a rats ass what happens to this company. I would be just as happy if they went bankrupt as to them putting out HL2.

Good companies die all the time, and for stupid reasons. Cave dog was a good company then BAM. They put out a dumb game. They die it's that simple. Valve is no Blizzard, they don't have many titles under their belt. All I see now is a huge crash and burn project. I am pretty synical but at least I am different from most of you people who conform like pudding.

So you think HL2 is going to be to HL as TA:K was to TA... which means your also saying HL2 is going to fail and Valve is going to die on it's feet...


I'm convinced now that some people are here just to take the piss. Cynicle my ass, your just plain stupid.