What everyone is thinking

Pitbul said:
but when they ask us to not download the Beta most of us well more then what expected agree to not download

Yes, well done you didnt download an illegal, unfinished product, which at the end of the day, would have probably runined the experiance for you
Just because you decided not to download something doesnt mean they owe you, heck if the only reason you did it was to get something out of it then, well it makes you a normal human i guess, but it doesnt make you a good one (oh, and i can take the moral high ground because i didnt download it out of my own choice and i do a fair few things for people and expect nuffin back, yey me!)

oh, and people are stupid. FACT!!!!!¬"`12`22`121`1
I stand down Pimhuro... This is getting absolutely nowhere. We're both obviously far from getting to an agreement, or defeating each other (even though you will think otherwise). But I'm just tired of going in here to tear down your arguments, and I'm sure you tired of tearing down mine. So let's just stop here, and let Valve be Valve, and morons be morons ok?
Fair enough. Nice arguing with you :)