Search results

  1. r4z0r_bl4d3


    best drink EVER is jagermiester (I can't spell.) and Dr. Pepper. Best tasting drink EVER. Better than jager and red bull. Best beer I've had so far is Heileman's Old Style. American beer sucks, only semi good american beer is Coors original. I usually dont drink frequently, but when...
  2. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

    *smacks forehead* Dammit I haven't finished the first one, now i only have less then 24 hours to finish. *runs around on floor, like curly in excitment*
  3. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Favorite Flight Sim Game

    oh a couple of years back a game called F22 lighning 3. It had tactical nukes for crying out loud! Fun as hell especially with nukes in multiplayer...LoL haven't played a new flight sim in awhile now. But if you are up for oldschool flightsims, Chuck Yeager's air combat is awsome (runs in...
  4. r4z0r_bl4d3

    weed..whats the big deal??

    I skipped a few of the last pages hope this applies/hasnt been said before. Remeber a littler thing in the 1920's called prohibition? alcohol was perceived as harmful to society, but after it was illegal we saw that it generated more crime than before. What did we get from...
  5. r4z0r_bl4d3

    The end of the world

    This is just to funny, i couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes oh, no! **warning, latsa cursing***
  6. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Letter to Irrational Games (System Shock 3)

    If anyone is interested, you can download the whole game at And it is legal (I think) just search for system shock 2 -Oh and I am new btw.