Favorite Flight Sim Game

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't played a good recent flight sim game. I'm wondering what everyone else's favorite one is.

Right now, mine is "A-10 Cuba!"

It's really old-school. Terrible graphics. Good physics (for the most part) and a lot of fun to mess around with.

EDIT: Ok.. how about a combat flight simulator?
I guess MSFS2004

but soon it will be "Lock-on! Modern air combat"
Crimson Skies

Its not really a flight sim because its more of an arcade flier. Anyhow, this game is quite a few years old and may be hard to find now. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is interested in fast paced flying...
I have never really played a flight sim. Just screwed around at a friends house once or twice. I played BF1942, but the planes in that game are hard to fly.
Spectrum Holobyte's immortal Falcon 6.0...

Nothing will ever come close, nor surpass.

-Mr. Bildo
Hands down, F-22 ADF by DID.
the sequal, Total Air War, which is basically the same game, was chosen by the USAF to train F22 pilots.

It's just plain FUN, and frankly, I've yet to find another FUN flight sim. LoMAC I was hopeful for, but its another "Graphics, no gameplay" game IMO. they keep striving for realism in some form, and compleatly lose the fun factor. Its a shame, saddning really. USAF, Janes F-15, Falcon 4.0, and now LoMAC...no fun to play when all you want to do is have fun. :(

I Like big explosions and LOTS of them, ergo, F-22ADF, stationed in the RedSea area, meaning oilfeilds, tons of gas tanks, etc.

my typical flight plan:

Take off, do a loop and take out wingman while he's still taxying, blow up all hangers and planes at airport, along with the fule tanks, trucks, etc. Head to the city, blow up all fule tanks, sky scrapers, etc. at this point I'll be out of LAUs (Rockets) Land, automatically refules/re-arms your plane, doesn't repair damage though, and you'll take some from the shratnel.

there are fule depots all around the city, I take all the ones within, ohh....50-100K out. land to refule, if still alive. head to next major city with fule tanks, along way take out the large Dam, and flood the area.

arrive at next city, refule. (By this time I always have a fule leak, and usually ALOT more wrong, I'm happy so long as I have landing gear.

repeat process untill you blow up. Also, sometimes your to low on ammo, time to land. at this point I'll have...no landing gear, no airbrakes, no rudder, half a wing on one side or the other, low cabin pressure, a massive fule leak, and near impossible controls. DUMP ALL AMMO thats still attached to plane, and attempt a belly landing. my plane is so damaged that it is VERY hard, but I've managed a few times.

other alternative is to get up to as fast as your plane can go, inverted, at ten-20 ft, over the runway, and eject. :)
Guy goes rocketing into the ground. his foot even twitches. ;)
Oh, almost forgot..

The original X-Wing was amazing as well.

-Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by A2597
Hands down, F-22 ADF by DID.
the sequal, Total Air War, which is basically the same game, was chosen by the USAF to train F22 pilots.

It's just plain FUN, and frankly, I've yet to find another FUN flight sim. LoMAC I was hopeful for, but its another "Graphics, no gameplay" game IMO. they keep striving for realism in some form, and compleatly lose the fun factor. Its a shame, saddning really. USAF, Janes F-15, Falcon 4.0, and now LoMAC...no fun to play when all you want to do is have fun. :(

I Like big explosions and LOTS of them, ergo, F-22ADF, stationed in the RedSea area, meaning oilfeilds, tons of gas tanks, etc.

my typical flight plan:

Take off, do a loop and take out wingman while he's still taxying, blow up all hangers and planes at airport, along with the fule tanks, trucks, etc. Head to the city, blow up all fule tanks, sky scrapers, etc. at this point I'll be out of LAUs (Rockets) Land, automatically refules/re-arms your plane, doesn't repair damage though, and you'll take some from the shratnel.

there are fule depots all around the city, I take all the ones within, ohh....50-100K out. land to refule, if still alive. head to next major city with fule tanks, along way take out the large Dam, and flood the area.

arrive at next city, refule. (By this time I always have a fule leak, and usually ALOT more wrong, I'm happy so long as I have landing gear.

repeat process untill you blow up. Also, sometimes your to low on ammo, time to land. at this point I'll have...no landing gear, no airbrakes, no rudder, half a wing on one side or the other, low cabin pressure, a massive fule leak, and near impossible controls. DUMP ALL AMMO thats still attached to plane, and attempt a belly landing. my plane is so damaged that it is VERY hard, but I've managed a few times.

other alternative is to get up to as fast as your plane can go, inverted, at ten-20 ft, over the runway, and eject. :)
Guy goes rocketing into the ground. his foot even twitches. ;)

Sounds very fun,

where could I find it? Bargain bin? or shelves?
oh a couple of years back a game called F22 lighning 3. It had tactical nukes for crying out loud! Fun as hell especially with nukes in multiplayer...LoL

haven't played a new flight sim in awhile now. But if you are up for oldschool flightsims, Chuck Yeager's air combat is awsome (runs in DOS though) You might be able to get it free on the web by now, its that old, but still good, and not super realistic like falcon 3.0

If you are into world war 2, european air war is pretty good(again its 4-6 years old and hard to find)

cant think of any others.

Also I saw in a store they had 3 games, silent hunter 2, IL2 sturmkov, and some other good flight sim. All 3 of those for $20 US. Almost bought it just for IL2 sturmkov.

/edit: oh yeah that 3 pack had flanker 2.5 as well.
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
Crimson Skies

Fun game. Like you said, not really a flight sim, but fun nonetheless. Lots of fun to just stunt-fly and stuff.

I'm definitely gonna try that F22 game or Total Air War.
Originally posted by The Terminator
I have never really played a flight sim. Just screwed around at a friends house once or twice. I played BF1942, but the planes in that game are hard to fly.

Actually they're damn easy to fly, just try some flight sim and you'll notice the difference. ;)