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  1. Monder

    surfing the web while in source?

    Somehow I don't think Valve will have coded an entire HTML renderer just because some people who use win 98 have removed the IE COM component (and if you did do this you'd probably be crippling my computer as I'm pretty sure that uses the IE COM component in some way).
  2. Monder

    MSVC.Net for the SDK

    Well I couldn't see anything on there about this, plus I've seen many people stating that valve are still using VC 6.0 and that the SDK will work fine with it (which may not actually be true).
  3. Monder

    MSVC.Net for the SDK

    Alfred Reynolds posted this on the hlcoders mailing list: So it may be that if you've got VC 6.0 you won't be able to compile the SDK cleanly (note he only says he wants to release project files for MSVC.Net with the SDK and doesn't preclude the possibility that it'll work with other...
  4. Monder

    surfing the web while in source?

    Do you have access to the HL2 SDK or something? I'm just wondering how you know about the implementation details.
  5. Monder

    surfing the web while in source?

    Somehow I don't think they'd implement an entire HTML rendering system when there's already a ready-built one there just ready to drop in.
  6. Monder

    Which compiler and IDE to use for HL2 coding?

    I've heard VS 2003 compiles the HL 1 SDK fine apart from a couple of easy to sort out errors, the HL 2 SDK should be the same. So get VS 2003 (or even VS 2005 if you can wait for it to come out) it's a far better IDE than VS 6 anyways.
  7. Monder

    SDK within weeks (aparently)

    For those of you who don't subscribe to the hlcoders mailing list Alfred Reynolds from valve posted this: So we may be able to start coding for HL2 mods pretty soon now (possibly even before HL2 itself is out), though I guess you'd need CSS (i.e. from preordering HL2 on steam) first.
  8. Monder

    out of order!

    I've got a normal debit card and I use that online all the time. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to, it just means the money comes direct out of your account rather than you having to pay it at the end of the month in your credit card bill.
  9. Monder

    Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta???

    Any reason why you don't like MinGW? It's a perfectly good compiler, MinGW Studio is an IDE for it that I use. Ok it's not as good as MSVS.Net but it does the job. iostream.h will not work as it's not a standard header as you can see from the error message it gave you, you have to use just...
  10. Monder

    Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta???

    Just be aware it's a beta and it'll stop working march 2005, oh and you're not really allowed to distribute anything you make with it :)
  11. Monder

    New Mod - Valandil Looking For Concet Artists & Modelers

    Well we've actually got a team together now (I'm Lead Coder BTW) but we're still recruiting. If you go take a look at our site at you can see some of the work we've done. Currently we're looking for texture artists, skinners and mappers. If you're interested please send...