surfing the web while in source?


Jul 30, 2003
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is it possible to have a server browser running within sources environment? I don't just mean in the GUI, but actually displayed in the 3D world for others in multiplayer to see aswell.
like in a window?

You can alt tab out of cs:s and have a browser open.
he is talking about a mod or soemthing where internet content is displayed in-game, like maybe a big screen where he can type in an internet address and eeryone can see it.
like a controlable wall within the game itself. sort of like the interfaces in Doom 3 but better.

it's just that I heard that the guys at sourceworld are planning on doing this. my question is, is something that cool even possible?

here's their quote.

we've already got plans for that, basically meeting rooms users can "hire" out for private group meetings, have the group turn up, lock the door from the inside, and have privicy. We'll probably try put in some controlable wall for browsing a website too, so the group could view things on its site if they need to/have one.

well, if you can display HTML in the server's welcome screen, I bet you can make source display HTML inside the game ..
You can draw vgui on any surface I believe, so all you'd need to do is give vgui the ability to parse html if it doesn't already.
wow! that is simply amazing!

my question is now how will the interface work in-game? will you have to point and click to each key with your cross hairs on a virtual keypad or something?
Sounds pretty kewl... although I guess they'd need a whole HTML engine to parse and render it all. Does anyone know how sophisticated the current Wecome screen vgui one is? They can't use IE window because that's just shite, and people on 98 etc may have uninstalled it. Still a cool project though.
Arrowhead said:
is it possible to have a server browser running within sources environment? I don't just mean in the GUI, but actually displayed in the 3D world for others in multiplayer to see aswell.
Yep its possible, with a bit of work. Don't expect it to work with all sites though, just basic ones, depends how much you work on it though I expect.


Hasan, not gonna tell you again about your sig *edited*
They can't use IE window because that's just shite

Somehow I don't think they'd implement an entire HTML rendering system when there's already a ready-built one there just ready to drop in.
But people may not have it installed, IE I mean (98 etc). And using an external browser thing in-game is just very poor, I'd imagine a hundred problems resulting from using it. It's not even worth considering using it.
This might prove to be complicated, in the slightest.. but, uhh.. you.. err, I don't know if it's really possible, or even worth it. It takes a lot of time, effort, sweat, and blood to make a browser, then trying to incorporate one into a video game, (which would just end up getting people "pain'd," "goatse'd," or "*******'d,") would, seriously, be extremely hard. Maybe like, fake browsing, with a list of things you can click, or shoot, and it takes you to a texture of the home page..

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, here.
Sunlight said:
This might prove to be complicated, in the slightest.. but, uhh.. you.. err, I don't know if it's really possible, or even worth it. It takes a lot of time, effort, sweat, and blood to make a browser, then trying to incorporate one into a video game, (which would just end up getting people "pain'd," "goatse'd," or "*******'d,") would, seriously, be extremely hard. Maybe like, fake browsing, with a list of things you can click, or shoot, and it takes you to a texture of the home page..

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, here.
You could just have the "terminal" or wherever you can use the internet link to specific websites only. Posting on while in Sourceworld anyone? :D
Still, you have to code a browser. I'm sure you're smart enough to know what the source to a webpage looks like, well.. It's complicated to code something to read all of that, and output it correctly, without errors.
Husan said:
Baghdad in my heart ...
oh, and I support the Iraqi resistance.
and if you still don't get it, I'm Iraqi

You have spelt Hussain wrong so I am guessing your lieing with your sig.
Sunlight said:
Still, you have to code a browser. I'm sure you're smart enough to know what the source to a webpage looks like, well.. It's complicated to code something to read all of that, and output it correctly, without errors.
Very true, however aside from work load I can't see what would actually stop anyone from doing this.
You have spelt Hussain wrong so I am guessing your lieing with your sig.
don't mess with my sig, everybody puts bush/cheny 04 and a "terrorists want us to give them a blind eye" bush quotes.

and I didn't spell Hussain wrong, because I didn't even spell it, and second, even if I did, it's an arabic name, not an english word, so I can write it anyway I like, there is not correct spelling of it.
IchI said:
You have spelt Hussain wrong so I am guessing your lieing with your sig.

lol, so did you if you're refering to Saddam Hussein.

Anyways, Hasan is another arabic name altogether. It's not even pronouced like the ex-dictator's sir name which I assume you're thinking about. More like Has-sawn.
it's a different name, but not altogether. the names are related. Hussien is a .. (something I dunno how to express) of Hasan
We aren't really able to disclose implementation details for this particular feature, but I can assure you, it is possible and it is something we are considering for Sourceworld. There are reasons for keeping this feature, and reasons for perhaps discarding it, but none of them are really of a technical nature.
We aren't really able to disclose implementation details for this particular feature, but I can assure you, it is possible and it is something we are considering for Sourceworld.

Do you have access to the HL2 SDK or something? I'm just wondering how you know about the implementation details.
Yeah but what abiout people on 98 who can uninstall IE? Lots of people do this in fact.

edit: unless it's just a dll or something? I dunno, just pointing it out
Yeah but what abiout people on 98 who can uninstall IE? Lots of people do this in fact.

Somehow I don't think Valve will have coded an entire HTML renderer just because some people who use win 98 have removed the IE COM component (and if you did do this you'd probably be crippling my computer as I'm pretty sure that uses the IE COM component in some way).
well, can't the mod redistribute the dll required to make the IT engine work?

anyway, I'm pretty sure Soure has ATLEAST a basic html renderer.

tbh, I wouldn't want any java applets running inside a multiplayer mod, an evil admin can use it to hack me!!!!11111
Monder said:
Do you have access to the HL2 SDK or something? I'm just wondering how you know about the implementation details.

Qckbeam means in a gameplay sense is all. We can't say what exactly we plan to use it for because it ties into a whole other set of things we want to keep secret for the time being.
Arrowhead said:
is it possible to have a server browser running within sources environment? I don't just mean in the GUI, but actually displayed in the 3D world for others in multiplayer to see aswell.
We plan on implementing this in our mod.. tho not so others in multiplayer can see what you're browsing, as that would open up lots of hacks, etc. Rather, just a 3d window where you can type in a URL and browse the pages (with the same crosshair interface as doom3).

I can't tell you anything about the gameplay implementation in our mod, but technically we believe this is possible.

just reviving this thread to see if anyone has accomplished anything like this yet. Last year I saw a couple of screenshots from the hostile-planet mod, and they had loaded on a wall in-game. but I haven't heard anything from them since...
This is the only example I could find being the shot on the far left.

anyone know any other mods/maps availiable now that will let me browse freely from within a map? possibly in an online environment as well?
I think that the dystopia mod team got it working in-game too....
Incidentally, several of the defined screen types for a vgui_screen were intended to open URLs.
Arrowhead said:

just reviving this thread to see if anyone has accomplished anything like this yet. Last year I saw a couple of screenshots from the hostile-planet mod, and they had loaded on a wall in-game. but I haven't heard anything from them since...
This is the only example I could find being the shot on the far left.

anyone know any other mods/maps availiable now that will let me browse freely from within a map? possibly in an online environment as well?

The MOD you see in this picture is or better was called Hostile Planet. obviously, this MOD is dead for a long time...they had released a lot of good videos...its a pity that they are dead...if someone can prove me the opposite i would be soooooo happy...

the HomePage:
I know, but I want to see it in person so bad. ;)

so I suppose no one else has accomplished this, and maybe released a little map or something? what a shame. :(