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  1. W

    Jailbreak: Source 0.6 Released + Exclusive Interview

    No offense taken at all man! Can't make a game that everyone will enjoy! :D
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    Jailbreak: Source 0.6 Released + Exclusive Interview

    Hope the rest of you guys enjoy it! I'm just glad to have finally released it :D The servers are filling up and the players seem very happy, and that's good enough for me!
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    Jailbreak: Source 0.6 Official Trailer

    Thanks for the comments guys! (except for you Barnz... *shakes fist*) ;) Just dropping by to let you all know that we're releasing Jailbreak: Source 0.6 this Friday and will be holding an IRC Party on #JailbreakSource to celebrate. The server files went up today aswell, so if...
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    Alienware Team Up With Steam

    Randy Pitchford SMASH.
  5. W Interview with Valve's Chet Faliszek at Eurogamer Expo

    I was there too, and got a little bit more out of Chet regarding this. He explained that they're considering releasing a free "Asset Pack" for people who don't own L4D1 so that players are able to play custom campaigns made for the first game, in the second game.
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    Valve Responds to L4D 2 Criticism

    Who say's they wont continue to update L4D with new content? Have Valve ever said "We've stopped working on L4D to concentrate solely on L4D2"... Who's to say that L4D and L4D2 wont be updated in tandem with each other forming two seperate takes/viewpoints on the same story-universe? Noone knows...
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    World of Goo - Out Now

    You should... It's incredible, beautiful, all sorts of adjectives... In short, it's brilliant, and well worth the price!
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    Steamworks Supported Mods Revealed

    I *think* that you can own any Source game and download the Orange Box SDK Base, regardless of whether you own the Orange Box or not now. Either way, congratulations to all five mods! I hope this turns out to be a great success, and that more mods will follow in the coming months! Hopefully...
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    Far Cry 2 is Now Available for Pre-Order

    And there I was looking forward to getting this... I have both a desktop and a laptop capable of running this beast, and I was sooo looking forward to kicking ass on the African plains... I ain't buying it retail either now, on principle... If they're happy to ignore UK customers on Steam, they...
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    Synergy Release soon (launch delayed)

    You mean you got invited to go on Steam, or you didnt send over the info for the Mod page? I love that Valve are doing this though, it's very exciting, but I do hope that in the future every mod gets the opportunity (as long as they meet certain criteria) to get on Steam... as it would be a...
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    Synergy Release soon (launch delayed)

    Well, I can confirm that it ain't Jailbreak: Source, and it ain't Pirates, Vikings and Knights II either (I'm a dev for JB and we're close to some of the devs for PVKII). So that shortens the list by a little bit. Not that Jailbreak is listed on the Steam mods page anyway :( I have heard that...
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    Eternal Silence 3.0 Nears Release

    I really can't wait to play this! Been looking forward to it since the last version. Nothing like a good space combat game :D
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    Firearms: Source + Berretta 92FS = Win!

    LOL! Fair play KineticAesthetic! :D I'm not saying reports NO mod news, I just tend to find out about new and upcoming HL2 mods elsewhere over the last six months to a year, and I was really pleased to see something more "minor" than a "full release" or a "flashy" news post. Hence why...
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    Firearms: Source + Berretta 92FS = Win!

    I think it's great! I've been very sad that hasn't posted much mod news of late... which simply served to push me away to other HL2 sites to get my mod news fix. So is letting down the concrete barriers a little and reporting a wider base of mod news? Or is this a one...