Jailbreak: Source 0.6 Released + Exclusive Interview

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
[br]After a long time in development, version 0.6 of Jailbreak: Source has been released tonight. A selection of mirrors are available on the Jailbreak: Source website. If you missed our article earlier this week, you can check out their pre-release trailer to see what JBS is all about. Moreover you can also check out my exclusive interview with the team!
We've overhauled all the weapons, added new perks, new maps, updated old maps, updated the HUD, added new in game announcements, included new and improved executions, new player models, ducks and new radio commands to name but a few things. Oh, and two new game modes.[br]We’ve always been aware of is how easily we can get blinded to problems with the game by simply not seeing it from a newcomer’s perspective. To counter this, during the beta testing phase, every six or so development increments, we’ve invited a new beta tester into the squad, and forced them to play cold and afterwards provide feedback and what was confusing, intimidating or just downright wrong to them.
Be sure to check out the full interview and download the client from the Jailbreak: Source website.[br]

Maybe Glenn was the problem?
Hope the rest of you guys enjoy it! I'm just glad to have finally released it :D The servers are filling up and the players seem very happy, and that's good enough for me!
Sorry Wills. I love the theory of it, and it looks amazing, especially with such a small team it's impressive what you've achieved. The main problem I have is balance, especially when it comes to the perks system. it seems after a few rounds (or even the first round), the winning team has such an advantage that they're practically invincible. I joined Glenn and I assume the game had been going a few rounds. I didn't manage to kill one dino (not for lack of trying).

Do you have a mid-game point boost set up for people joining mid-map?
No offense taken at all man! Can't make a game that everyone will enjoy! :D
No offense taken at all man! Can't make a game that everyone will enjoy! :D
I'll give it a go some other time with more folks, it might have just been glenn putting me off with his magnificent breasts.
Gave this go, and was impressed at the quality, the maps were nicely designed, and the game was really fun to play, for the first couple of rounds.

As others have mentioned, it went down hill with the slightly better team becoming more and more powerful with perks. At one point we started doing melee vs guns just to give the other team a chance.

I would like to see perk credits being set equally for all players based on the round, so that win, lose, just joined, you have the same ammount to use, and then it becomes a tactical choice to spice up the rounds.
Really I've never got perks systems in games. They've always seemed incredibly counter-productive when going for balance. Designers tend to give perks to those doing well in a game, when ideally it's the losers who should get the most perks points. Golfers have handicaps, which is what should happen with games too.
Over time the good players find more of a challenge (not a bad thing) and newer players get a better chance against said good players.