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  1. gokumike

    can't get shadows to work

  2. gokumike

    tutorial video not working

    i downloaded one of the videos from and when i tryed to open it, it said it was a file that quicktime doesn't understand, anyone know what is up, someone mentioned codec, and ive tried getting some but it doesn't work?
  3. gokumike

    can't get shadows to work

    do you have to have a env sun to have shadows to work? cuase it would look weird to have the sun and the extra one already on the skybox?
  4. gokumike

    error loading map in hammer

    hammer froze up on me and i had to restart comp manualy, when i try to load my map in hammer i get a message first saying ( out of memory loading solid), then ( file c:/programfile/valve/steam/steamapps/myusername/halflife 2/hl2/maps/trench.vmf, line 50604: error 7, is my map fubar and i have to...
  5. gokumike

    can't get shadows to work

    thanks, what would be a good pitch yaw setting to set to see some shadows, and i have shadow detail set on high in advanded options.
  6. gokumike

    can't get shadows to work

    ive placed a light evironment, set the pitch to all kinds of settings, i have a skybox and a no leak map, but i can never get shadows to work, ive tryed reading stuff and people say light env should cast shadows, but it doesn't, ive heard people mention VRAD and i have no idea what that is...
  7. gokumike

    getting custom sounds to loop

    i couldn't figure out in the env_explosion properties how to make a trigger it triggered?
  8. gokumike

    getting custom sounds to loop

    how do you get custom sounds to loop in ambient generic? and has anyone figured out how to make a mine, like when a npc walks over a certain area(trigger?) and it explodes?
  9. gokumike

    get ai to come to attack you?

    I am building a defense map with npc_makers off a distance away,the combine spawn but just sit there, how do you make them come attack you from spawn?
  10. gokumike

    can't get random explsions to work

    so i make a trigger box around them? or triggerd like i have to make a button to keep pushing?
  11. gokumike

    can't get random explsions to work

    I have been trying to make explosions at certain points in my map go off over and over, ive tried placing env_explosion at diff spots and changing the flags on it somewhat but nothin works, anyone have any idea?
  12. gokumike

    Map idea for HL2DM, can anyone do this?

    ok sounds pretty cool, I will try to make a hl2 mp map of it, will post some pics of it after some progress on it.
  13. gokumike

    Map idea for HL2DM, can anyone do this?

    ive made hl2 singleplayer maps, seems like a cool idea, i guess i could give a try at making it.will have to look up how to make the random explosions tho, but should be no prob.
  14. gokumike

    How do I add water???!!!

    add the entity water_lod_control on top of the brush.
  15. gokumike

    Map idea for HL2DM, can anyone do this?

    you wanting to make this for cs:s or hl2 multiplayer?
  16. gokumike

    brush into controlable vehicle?

    where can i get XSI? and how hard is it to make models compared to maping with hammer?
  17. gokumike

    17 Half-Life 2 Video Tutorials[MNeMiC****]

    I am getting page cannont be displayed on the links?
  18. gokumike

    brush into controlable vehicle?

    I am making a map with a container ship in it, and was wondering is it possible to make a brush into a controlable vehicle and if so how do you do it?
  19. gokumike


    compiling makes it a .bsp file
  20. gokumike


    go to the entitys on the side, it kinda looks like a cylinder thing with a sphere as a head, it is silver, go to the side and scroll down through the list until you find a info_player start, place it anywher in the map where you want to spawn when you first start the game. to make the bsp...