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  1. K

    Wouldnt it be cool if u could play as a strider?

    dont worry someone will make a mod like this
  2. K

    Multi-Level Interaction

    Say...i needed to have 4 maps for the main area of a mod, would i be able to impliment a way for user and map data to remain the same while the player transisitions between the maps? i.e for an rpg style game where large areas with the same data are needed?. single-player btw
  3. K

    Java man

    mrchimp bring on the delphi
  4. K

    New game type idea...

    lol tru, also thought about implimenting a jump feature like the one on the "bounce" game on the Nokia mobile phones. Also the implimentation of features such as small explosives to affect the surroundings and other opponents "balls". Im no imagining this to be a cross between "Ballance" +...
  5. K

    New game type idea...

    Just thought about a crazy multiplayer mode where you can race like 2-4 people on a course that interlinks and you can block paths off for a race to the end, this could become a very addictive online game if done correctly i rekon. ----- Ok i think i like the idea of thise game and what it...
  6. K

    New game type idea...

    Yeah i was really thinking of it being a small type of game, maybe you can have different types of "balls" in the game that can be affected by, Fire (i.e paper), Freezing, Water etc, which would be a good way to introduce a kind of particle system. and different thingys that are happening around...
  7. K

    New game type idea...

    I dont know if any of you have played the game (like marble madness) but i thought that it would be pretty cool if a game like this could be implimented into the halflife2 engine with all the physics etc... Atm Ballance doesnt really have a level editor and levels get pretty...
  8. K

    Valve and steam engine naming

    Hey, was doing some geography revision and look what i came across when i type in Equilibrium on ^^ Equilibrium valve (Steam Engine), a balanced valve. See under Valve. something todo with Valves naming or just a...
  9. K

    Please Everyone Read......

    shows how people are, too lazy to read something, but then critasize something else without any knownledge in the field they are talking about, dont this show you something?
  10. K

    Please Everyone Read......

    ..Ok I too am very excited about getting half-life 2 in my dirty paws and seeing what all the secrecy has been about, but then again what about all these delays. The thing is why would they delay a game that is so anticipated, ten’s of communities dedicated to it with ten’s of forums jam packed...