New game type idea...


Jul 16, 2003
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I dont know if any of you have played the game (like marble madness) but i thought that it would be pretty cool if a game like this could be implimented into the halflife2 engine with all the physics etc... Atm Ballance doesnt really have a level editor and levels get pretty repetative so new content is a must. But i rekon with the halflife2 engine and the Hammer editor complex puzzles could be created realtivly quickly. Would be a cool little 2/3 person project for someone to work on :), atm im learning to program so i may have ago at it when halflife2 comes out.

Any Suggestions?
i loved marble madness :)

you could probably make a game like this on the half life 1 engine, as you don't need havok physics to create player (or marble) movement & momentum.

i think if you're going to use the hl2 engine, you could probably aim for something a little more "out there" in terms of concept..
Yeah i was really thinking of it being a small type of game, maybe you can have different types of "balls" in the game that can be affected by, Fire (i.e paper), Freezing, Water etc, which would be a good way to introduce a kind of particle system. and different thingys that are happening around the map as you play like things falling around you and thing affecting the track you are currently on?.
Just thought about a crazy multiplayer mode where you can race like 2-4 people on a course that interlinks and you can block paths off for a race to the end, this could become a very addictive online game if done correctly i rekon.


Ok i think i like the idea of thise game and what it could develope in so im gonna start writting up a game design DOC tomorrow, wish me luck.

P.S gonna try and make it unique and fun as possible, and try to copy games such as MarbleMadness and Ballance as little as possible.
lol tru, also thought about implimenting a jump feature like the one on the "bounce" game on the Nokia mobile phones. Also the implimentation of features such as small explosives to affect the surroundings and other opponents "balls". Im no imagining this to be a cross between "Ballance" + "Marble Madness" + "Bomberman" + "<insert>Some crazy puzzle game</insert>".
Marble Madness was a game of games.

*Roll, roll, roll*

*Roll, roll*

Marble Madness == Hardcore gaming.

Bahh, the Havoc Physics engine could come into play when you run over little combine soldiers, or something. I'm sure they flatten in a realistic way...

-Angry Lawyer