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  1. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    It's not finished but it will probably be something like
  2. Rwk-Damage

    Help Needed For New Hl1 Mod!!!!!!!!

    PS he edited his post.
  3. Rwk-Damage

    Help Needed For New Hl1 Mod!!!!!!!!

    wow ur dumb. Tell me why you brought my mod into a conversation about you making a idiot move. Also urmom is not even a location.
  4. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    We have the first running copy of stick deathmatch up but it is not fully animated and we need to fix some bugs. We are also going to impliment some antihack stuff so that the hacks won't be able to hack because a hacker in a game like this would suck big time!
  5. Rwk-Damage

    Brawl mod (HL2)

    what do u need?
  6. Rwk-Damage

    Any Mod Want a modeler?

    Stickdeathmatch does I PM you
  7. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    Thank you very much. On our first release we are not going to have all the martial art moves in we will have basic punching. We are going to release the first beta version just to get the guns down so the public likes them then when we get the guns finished its on to kickass xiao xiao moves and...
  8. Rwk-Damage

    Looking: Programming Position

    Insergency mod looks amazing i would love to be on that mod team but for now i am going to be making the ugliest game to ever come out for hl2!!!!! Stick Deathmatch!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA
  9. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    My idiot friend who made the models made some mistake in them, which long story short we need new models for the mod. So i am going to need a modeler/skinner/animator to help make the models. if you are able to plz help out and contact me at [email protected] 1,2,3 w00t Rwk-Damage
  10. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    Thanks for the support. LOL i never would have thought i would get as much feedback as i am.
  11. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    Good Idea Thanks Guy. Thats a sweet idea. I know we are difinatly putting in puching and other stuuf of that nature. Our coder is working on a third person view so we can have hand to hand or feet combat.
  12. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    First Map Media! Hey There Everyone. I would like to put some screenshots of the new map. it is finally finished after 10 minutes of work. You probably have noticed that the models are not in the game, I know i know, They should be in and coded very very soon. 1,2,3 w00t Rwk-Damage!
  13. Rwk-Damage

    p228 wip

    Looks really good. Can't wait to see the final results! Good Job
  14. Rwk-Damage

    Looking: Programming Position

    I think its funny how much everyone wants this guy. He is an all around coder. gj with the coding be sure to check out Stick Deathmatch! 1,2,3 w00t! Rwk-Damage
  15. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    Wow I'm Happy! I cannot believe all the people that are actually excited for this mod. To be honest i thought i was going to get hate mail but every hour or so I get a email saying "OMG This mod KICKS ASS!". It made me quite happy. Thanks for the support and remeber don't put your tallent to...
  16. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    Dont worry its not only guns, and also i do not want bad noisesi want them to be funny. andfor all the people who are interested are website is currantly under construction. For all the people who would like to make maps for use, i am working on making a wad for hammer so i will put a link to...
  17. Rwk-Damage

    The Coming of a New Mod

    I dont understand who naturel selection and day of defeat could possibly go together to make a game that actually makes sence?
  18. Rwk-Damage

    Stick Deathmatch!

    I am in need of someone to help make me a texture pack of all the basic colors.(white,black,orange,red,light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, light brown, dark brown, yellow, purple, pink, and beige)
  19. Rwk-Damage

    Audiophile looking for work

    Stick Deathmatch needs someone to do there sound. w00t!
  20. Rwk-Damage

    Brawl mod (HL2)

    Good luck with this mod. It looks so much fun but instead of making it so that the gun is for people who camp make it so campers show up on like a radar(make the radar like a cell phone because you probably won't have a radar in a brawl)