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  1. Hipshot

    IF I wanted to go about making a Star Wars mod(licensing)...

    It would still be as stupid...
  2. Hipshot

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Im pretty sure there will be a HL2 demo, but as with Uplink, im sure it will come after HL2. I could be wrong though.
  3. Hipshot

    There gotta be scripted sequences

    (havent read the whole thread cause im short of time right now) The most stupid of all things is that people actually belived that, after E3, that HL2 wasent supposed to have ANY scripted sequences, I know in another forum that people wrote like 'O my god, this is the first game where there...
  4. Hipshot

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Historical :rolleyes:, VALVe never released a demo until full game was in stores...
  5. Hipshot

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Actually, HL1 is one of them few games that made me get that WOW feeling, that was when I walked the clifs in the mid-game and looked out on the sky, and it was (I thought then) so good blended, so I felt that it was so far down, and I was really afraid that I would fall. There are only two more...
  6. Hipshot

    This has been pretty boring.

    The Nvidia storry is sad, cause its really not a problem with the cards, or well, ok. But the thing is that the GeForceFX series is far more advanced than current Radeon line up, BUT they are far less optimized for DX9, thats why they get so low bech-scores and works 'less good' in DX9 games as...
  7. Hipshot

    Best Mapper In The Forums....

    Certainly, thats just one good way to make HL levels look better, since you cant have to high LOD else. This map I made not just to look good, but to have good gameplay to.
  8. Hipshot


    What I mean is, that even if you are on another planet, the gravity still would be to the center of the planet, not up agains some wall :) And I think that it would be odd if you in HL2 in City 17 suddleny could walk on the walls, of course, if you were in a room where the gravity would be none...
  9. Hipshot

    R.I.P HL2 Hype

    Alco, the summer begins when you want it to begin, for me it begins when I can be outside without my jacket. Metrologicly the summer begins in June in this part of the world... And, I dont care if sales are bad at the summer, I still think its more fun to play then. Of course then I can be...
  10. Hipshot


    Yea, SS did the gravity thing, and it was very cool to, but I dont think that would fit in normal HL2, probobly in a mod. In SSSE you could have like a rotating tube and people could walk free inside of it while it was rotating and stuff, also you could throw a grenade from one wall to another...
  11. Hipshot

    R.I.P HL2 Hype

    Hmm, something inside me says that its bette if HL2 comes around april, cause its summer then and I think everything is so much more fun then, play games to, now everything sucks. Are the green-cards hard to come around these days? ;)
  12. Hipshot

    Half Life 2: what do you think will happen?

    Dont think so either :( But still, as reed says, the game will sell good, and better than any other game that is released that year I think, even if thier name is Doom 3, Unreal 2004 or The Sims 2. Also HL2 must be the most hyped and anticipated game EVER, feel free to write any game that...
  13. Hipshot

    Best Mapper In The Forums....

    I tag to the part 'I might not be the best out there, or in this forum' but this is my latest finished map.
  14. Hipshot

    Lo ppl!!

    Hmm, shouldnt you two get some new material soon? ;)
  15. Hipshot

    Hi :)

    Whats wrong with mappers? :) Mapping is the golden jewel of game editing :) Done any cool map DarkelP?
  16. Hipshot

    Live weather effects in Half-Life 2

    Even if HL2 don't support day/night shift 'out of the box' no one says that a mod team couldn't make that pretty easy through diffrent skies blending and overall dynamic lightning.
  17. Hipshot

    Hi :)

    uhm... hi... well im a mapper and I cant wait for HL2.
  18. Hipshot

    Live weather effects in Half-Life 2

    HL2 supposedly would use a system like Unreal and Wolfensten, where you could make a minimal scene on the map 'outside' the playable area, and then project that as a skybox, making it possible for very detailed skyboxes with great distances, blending fog, and rich detail.
  19. Hipshot

    Mean xmas wallie :)

    Is the image dark? Its very bright over here. Might be my screen then, seems that its much brighter than any other screen, sometimes that can be an issue.