Half Life 2: what do you think will happen?



I think HL2 will end up coming out early-mid 2004, I know the hype has died down but I also know that everyone will still buy the game. I think the game will be a top seller for a long time, mods will be developed and the game will raise the bar for what games should look like, how they should play, and the hardware that runs them. However thats only my opinion, i'd like to see what everyone else thinks will happen.
Agreed. Although, I'm still optimistic for a holiday release.. :) :)
I agree with you reed. We won't be seeing HL2 for a long time.
reed never said HL2 won't be out for a long time and April isn't THAT far off. Besides, it's not like we'll be seeing any of the other nextgen titles any sooner (maybe Far Cry, but I'll bet that gets delayed too, although I really hope it doesn't, I'm almost looking forward to Far Cry more than HL2 at the moment)
Dont think so either :(

But still, as reed says, the game will sell good, and better than any other game that is released that year I think, even if thier name is Doom 3, Unreal 2004 or The Sims 2.

Also HL2 must be the most hyped and anticipated game EVER, feel free to write any game that even is close, not TF2, Daikatana, Quake 2 and Doom 3 thats for sure... not even the forever delayed Duke...
All I have to say is Duke Nukem Forever.
:cheers: -When The Game Is Done- :cheers:
So are we speculating here? :p


I'm still semi optimistic... But I have a weird feeling CS:CZ might be delayed which means HL2 is NOT coming out until at least April.
Originally posted by Chris_D
So are we speculating here? :p


I'm still semi optimistic... But I have a weird feeling CS:CZ might be delayed which means HL2 is NOT coming out until at least April.

YOU MUST REMAIN OPTIMISTIC! Optimism is what holds this community together (well, not really, but.. lol)!
I think valve has made a smart move in cutting way down on the information they are sharing with HL2 communities and the media. This will keep the game safer and will allow them to work more efficiently. However it does cause the HL2 communities to lose the optimism they once had. I am itching to play their game but I dont want to play it until its finished; I hope valve takes their time to make a superb game that will revolutionize they PC gaming industry.
I was under the distinct impression CS:CZ had already gone gold.
Yeah it has. However, is Steam going to be ready in 6 days for a worldwide internet release? IF and only IF they get all of their current listed servers up in time they'll still have only about 2600mbps of bandwidth. Is that enough?

I mean, as it's just a glorified bot match at the end of the day, I don't want to bother going to the shop or to even spend £30 on it. If Steam does it for say, £15 or even £10 then I and a lot of other people are bound to get it on the day. Is 2600mbps enough?!

How many people would you say are going to download it upon release?
you cant really judge HL2's scenario with that of CS:CZ since Valve are working on HL2, and have had little (honestly) to do with CS:CZ's developement.

however I have no faith in any release date from Valve (or anyone else) this is not a sign of frustration (although I am) merely that I realize it will be here... When its here (Lol.. they dont call me redundant for nuffin')

I whole heartedly recommend trying out (or re-trying) America's Army 2.0
it really has changed for the better... and I play it frequently.

some people (like me initially) will turn their nose up to it based on their previous play experience with it, however I assure you the gfx alone deserve a second look.

anywhoo.... its sad but HL2's features become less impressive by the day (especially playing AA :D )
but when it is here I am sure it will be great.
(Im buying it regardles... however I probably will buy the normal sp/mp game instead of my before planned Special edition)
*shrugs* :)

EDIT: oh very good point, steam does play a big part in CS:CZ's release.... I love steam, but if it truely is the reason all this delay is happening its not really worth it.

and people give the hacker too much credit, I doubt he affected Valve the way people make it out to have.
Valve stated themselves, the game simply was not done.
It's going to spring upon us when we least expect it... plain and simple. We'll all be most likely surprised. :)
w00t w00t! M4d pr0wl3r st4tu5 4 m3z! :p [/excitedness]
Originally posted by NSPIRE
It's going to spring upon us when we least expect it... plain and simple. We'll all be most likely surprised. :)

heres to wishful thinking eh? :cheers: :)
Valve may just be waiting to suprise us (I hope). It would be a bad move on their part to not release it during the holiday season.
end of 1st quarter 2004 will be earliest realease IMHO. (could we even see a slight month or 2 slippage then?)

but i must say i have some compulsory leave to take around christmas (construction industry shutdown period) and a little hl2 would fill that perfectly.

/me sighs
My birthday is in April, HL2 would be really nice present indeed. ;)
"I think valve has made a smart move in cutting way down on the information they are sharing with HL2 communities and the media."

GJ reed, it's really refreshing to me to hear such a mature look at the whole half-life 2 delay debacle. It is personally how i feel about it, and i really don't see how anybody feels justified in feeling they owe us anything........in fact i would go so far as to say it's the OTHER way around. After all we aren't the ones who made half-life, nor are we the ones who are making Half-life2....so frankly i think we should STILL be lending them our support, as they are the only ones who are going to make this game possible, regardless of wether it's delayed or not.

Also, i think that to say that "they owe US because we are giving them our money, and it's people like us that support these companies." is flawed reasoning, because THEY are the ones making the product, a product that WE want, and we should give them the proper thanks that a developer who strives to make genuinely good games deserves. Furthermore i think it should be said that it's due to Valves' prowess as a developer that this community exists at all......we are all here because half-life was such an awesome game, and that's something a lot of us tend to forget too easily. It is due to companies like this that the game industry as whole is furthered. It's spelled like this-----> R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
That's my story and i'm stickin to it.