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  1. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    lol, why do you think Valve doesn't respond as often as they do, they have people like us to drive it into the heads of the confused till they understand ... :D on a side note ... hot damn this post grew .... rofl I think my last responce was like ... 10 pages ago or something :eek...
  2. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    I think it'd be great that once you put in the $50 through subscribing, you got to keep the game .. but, I'm not Valve .. so, I can't really comment on that .. lol
  3. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    It depends on Valve. They own CS. They can really do what ever they want. If they want to make it a stand alone game .. they can. However, I think you'll see some form of CS on HL2 - even if its just a port with better graphics.
  4. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    I understand that much. The point I was making was, whats going to stop someone who's only interested in the SP to Drop $10 for a subscription, get HL2 - play it, beat it, then cancel their subscription. Basically, playing for only $10. I guess it works out though - as Renting the game...
  5. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    probably not. if it bugs you, buy HL2, get the subscription later, when they start releasing stuff... that way, when you cancel, you still have it
  6. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    Let me get this straight .. You just asked if you could give Valve $10 and they would let you have HL2 ..? Come on .. seriously. You think it'd work like that? I suppose a loop hole in their system might be to only pay $10, play HL2 till the end, then cancel your subscription ...
  7. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    Im sure Valve will give those who only paid for the SP version plenty of oportunities to upgrade to the MP version as well ... no worries
  8. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    lol, why bother with the sticky? Its up here all the time anyway ... rofl :D Frag - that makes no sense. HL2 is going to be an awesome game. SP will own, and what ever they do have for multiplayer will own. That alone is worth the $50. Any bonus mods that come along should be...
  9. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    lol yay \:D/ now, can we move from this "The sky is falling .. the sky is falling!!" stage ...? :O
  10. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    your still missing the point Frag ... Valve will NOT be charging you to play mods. At all. Period. The MOD teams themselves are the ones that will or will not charge people to play their mod. The only thing Vave did was give the mod creators the option to make people pay. Valve...
  11. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    Did they then? Excuse my ignorance .. rofl it just .. always looked like Q3 to me, I figured they just changed the usual mod crap .. lol
  12. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    yea, excuse my rush in typing .. fast thread .. rofl I ment things like Elite Force and the Team Fortess version for Q3 I can't remember the name to ... rofl
  13. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    yea, it is :P
  14. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    Thats because other gaming communities dont LET you download their mod - they make you PAY for them. Any time you see a game that says "Built off the [insert game] Engine" for $50 - guess what, its just a fancy mod. Just like expansion packs - those are nothing more then Mods of the...
  15. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    <3 DSCoboy :D love that example :P
  16. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    if by suck, you mean Steam+HL2 = giving the freedom of mod creators to finally make money on their hard work, then yes, I suppose. Oh no ... I can't get anymore free games ... the sky is falling .. the sky is falling ... -_- Its not like your going to have to pay $50 for every mod. Get...
  17. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    exactly Feath. Thank you besides, its not like we're talking a $50 charge here. More likely, if anything, $1-$25. So .. go without lunch for a week .. ffs.
  18. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    TF2 is not a mod ........ -_- Valve will more then likely make "their" games (CS, DOD, TFC etc) free to play with HL2. But I completely expect mods like Specialists, NS, Fire Arms, Front Line Force .. what ever .. to charge people.
  19. S

    Cool Things I Hope Happen In HL2

    hehehe :D
  20. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    There is also another fact most people seem to ignore or not see. You think - for one second - the a large majority of the mods out there wouldn't charge you for it if they could get through all the legal mumbo jumbo? I have no doubt there are people out there who would create a mod for...