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  1. J

    Well I was wrong!

    After all my moaning about how Valve were turining into Microsoft and needing an internet connection etc etc to install the game, I now realise why! I finaly got HL2 last night and setup my modem and internet account. Popped the cd into the computer and went through the install process and oh...
  2. J

    UK retail version.....

    does it come with an instruction manual? I opened the box and in it was the cd and a quick reference card. Is this the same as everyone else?
  3. J

    Performance = GeForce 5600FX 256MB

    Anyone played HL2 with this card? If so what was the performance like? I have a P4 1.6Mhz Ram = 780MB 133 Any suggestions on how well it will run?
  4. J

    Overall Verdict

    Hey everyone, I have the game, but have not started playing it yet! (Its sitting in my gf's house as she has bought it for my birthday which is on the 27th of NOv......not too long to wait.) Anyway just wondering what everyones verdict of the Steam packages and cd-key verification has...
  5. J


    OK mate chill out I was only asking.........jeez theres a lot of angst on these boards!
  6. J


    I have been hearing mixed reports that the CD verification for HL2 may be cancelled. Is this true? Its just I read on another message board that you will be able to play the game without the need for the tinternet! Anyway if true it will save a lot of hassle....if not then I need to...
  7. J

    Scariest movie?

    The Shining (Kubrick Version) is the scariest film I have ever seen. Seen it when I was 12 and still at the age of 25 find it hard to walk down a long Hotel Corridor without getting freaked out! Also found Ring a scary film (The end is horrific!) Just watched SAW last night and thought it...
  8. J


    Oooh haven't I caused a little bit of trouble.. I'll be off then. But before I go.....I never criticised Steam I mearly said that people should be given the choice to sign up or not. You are all blinded by your obsession with Valve.......
  9. J


    Fair enough, but not everyone will feel this way. I have an Internet Connection and I am going to get the game when it comes out so its not a problem, but I do feel I am being used by Valve when I have to sign up to Steam to play a game I bought with my hard earned cash. I should be able...
  10. J


    Yeah but should you not be allowed the choice to do this?
  11. J


    Not everyone knows the game needs steam to play it. Also do you think its right that you have to give your information to Valve to play a game? I don't. Of course its not complicated in that sense but it is compared to buying other games and it doesn't need to be. Its just Valve wanting...
  12. J


    Not everyone looks at the box when buying a game....unless there is a big sticker saying "INTERNET NEEDED" but I bet its in small print on the side or something. Also you are missing the point this is more about the fact Valve is forcing you to use Steam to play a game.
  13. J


    Yeah thats right I am an idiot for expressing an opinion.
  14. J


    But you can't denie it has made the purchase of HL2 a complicated one. Just remember not everyone who plays this game spends time on messageboards. They will read in a magazine that HL2 is out pop down to the shops and buy it. Get home pop it in the drive and OMG they need to connect to the...
  15. J


    I know VALVE feel this is the way forward in gaming and maybe it is, but it has really made this HL2 release one of the most complicated piece of nonsense I have ever seen. You have retail versions, gold versions, silver, bronze, collector editions etc etc. Then you need to log onto Valves very...
  16. J

    Have you played Half-life?

    Think of all that time wasted. Take a long hard look and say.............why?
  17. J

    Windows 98=bad performance ???

    You can update from any version of Windows. If you have Win 98 and pop the XP disk in it will ask if you wish to upgrade. You are better going for a fresh install and buying the XP Pro version.....very reliable. I have had it on my machine for 1 year and it has never crashed once. Windows...
  18. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    so would I but I just think that a company of Valves stature would mess up something like this. All it needs is an automated answer machine on a telephone line....pretty simple to a team of people who have built the best FPS ever.
  19. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    There will be a number you can phone to get the game authenticated! Valve will not be so silly in not allowing people without internet connections play the game.....there are a lot you know.
  20. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    Yeah so why don't they tell you that aswell? Why? Because they want you to install Steam....its all very clever what they are doing, but I don't think it will pay off in the long run. Valve need to be careful with what they say as they may lose customers because of this.