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  1. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    B) Say "Screw you and your crappy practices" and show that you don't support them by not buying their product. right. It's a different story though when it comes something like this. I bad company who doesn't keep you up to date on backordered products, or a company who sells crappy...
  2. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    there's nothing wrong with debating, this generation doesn't do it enough. we accept everything "but I realize that I'm not in a position to make any demands," you know what, I'm starting to look at this in an even more extreme view now. Technically, you , we, we ARE in a position to...
  3. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    correction , 5 pages Genocide604, good post
  4. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Gossoon Holy crap nice post :naughty: That's what boggles my mind. I don't want these threads confused as 'oh geez, another teenager who has nothing better to bitch about' My entire issue relies w/ trust. If Id Software decides to NEVER GIVE DATES except for WHEN IT'S DONE, that's...
  5. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Yeh, this thread is done :x :D in closing - my opinion Companies should tell their customers what they know, as soon as they know it, IF IT CONCERNS THE CUSTOMER don't tell us you can't elaborate on anythign better than sometime Summer when you just told someone else August...
  6. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "i hope u see my point.. it is pointless emailing fans about the game.. its best handled with the media as word would spread better and less email flooding for Valve (yes.. morons will still email Valve for confirmation on news despite the news site reporting is reputable)" if we agree on...
  7. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    so is Autechre and BOC, but yes, Richard James, well, I'd have sex with him, and I'm so NOT gay ...he's that good
  8. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    perrkele - Aphex Twin is the most creative and talented artist I've ever personally discovered. back on topic :p Again, what would it hurt for them to let just one person/ Half Life related website be directly told of these updates ? I am wrong to assume that Valve knew they'd be...
  9. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "Your marketing strategy would be suicide for a company." You're serious ? A company letting its customers know what's going on as soon as they themselves are aware of it ? W o W
  10. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    You wouldn't be...well I would. A number of other people probably would too. There's a certain level of satisfaction that I feel needs to be met in this day and age...I don't appreciate the fat cats getting estimation updates sooner than the community my opinion
  11. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    I lied Poly, have you ever emailed Valve directly ? If we were to pretend that you just emailed them Friday, asking if they have a better idea as to when the game should be completed (shouldn't be brain surgery at this point) and they were to reply Monday saying, "No, unfortunately we...
  12. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    my last post, guys still don't get where I'm coming from and this is pointless Freeman "why would Valve want to be speaking at all about release dates or even estimations after going through the embarrassment of September 30th?" Why the !@#^ would they tell that magazine August then, let...
  13. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Freeman, I'll take that into consideration but again, still missing my point I've yet to mention release date...did you even look at my last post with the link ? can you understand that ? It must be the most frustrating job on the planet to be a MOderator here, trying to keep these...
  14. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    This is why it's important for us to get ESTIMATIONS "I Have to get on with my life " is what it comes to...not literally, but so these forums don't become a Mecca for redundant threads about release dates and continous...
  15. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Kaf, thank you for replying intelligently to me very good point...but again, my point is if Valve ENCOURAGES the loyal fanbase to email them every single day, with hundreds of emails, then WHY the heck would they not give us their most accurate estimations....what do they have to lose in...
  16. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    sigh, so the lesson for today is Accept everything , question nothing super the Real 1984 can't get here soon enough
  17. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    it's fact. And I've done it too. the same loyal fans that are eager for any freaking morsel of news have to beg for it, with no resolve. Some fricken journalist talks to Lombardi and "OH MY GOD ! WE GOT A SUMMER TIMEFRAME " I do'nt understand how people can NOT agree with me on this
  18. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    LMAO, you silly hypocrites "Hey, I got an idea ! I'll email Mr. Lombardi today yet again and ask him if they can give a better release estimate" the reply "Sorry, we're still looking at the situation, have no idea, can't elaborate" a day later on an article from MSN M O N E...
  19. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Again, all missing the point...I'm THRILLED we have a MONTH now that they can 'promise' on. Now my long have they been aware of this ? The f'n fans are THEE LAST people to get the LATEST NEWS when it comes to release dates, and all I'm saying is why is that ?? What the hell...
  20. D

    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    is when these companies refuse to give the customer a more specific timeframe with this shit. What would it have taken for Newell to let the community know that they're aiming for August ? A MSN Money gets to hear that they're expecting it in Summer...we weren't told before then. Now we find...