What just pisses me the @#$% off

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Dec 11, 2003
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is when these companies refuse to give the customer a more specific timeframe with this shit. What would it have taken for Newell to let the community know that they're aiming for August ? A MSN Money gets to hear that they're expecting it in Summer...we weren't told before then. Now we find out August....we weren't told before then.

The loyal fans simply ask for their best UP TO DATE estimate....we shouldn't have to wait for a fricken reporter to get it out of these guys

thanks for letting me vent

oh and P.S. - So help me God there better not be ONE DAMN reply that says Valve/Software companies don't owe us a thing, that's not the point.

Point is if a die hard Doom 3 fan emails Carmack, he'll hear when it's done
if the Chairman of Activision emails him to get a weekly update, the answer will differ ...if you don't think so, you're naive
Someone delete this post please, people like this make me sick.
think about it this way.

if they give a date. and they fail of making it. how will they look?

now if they give a shot in the dark date that they can make, and then make it. they will probally look better to everyone, including fans.
Man, quit your whining...everybody's wanted something a bit more exact than summer and when they are finally more confident with the date and feel ready to announce it all you do is complain about how they told us???

He did say it in the interview about HL2D a few days ago too anyways, so that's a pretty decent way to announce it too.

Valve doesn't do press releases much. They rely on the media and e-mails to get new info out. This article was just one of the first to come along after they decided they were ready to say August was when Vivendi was getting it. There's nothing surprising or wrong about it.

Just be happy that we have a slightly more solid date!
Again, all missing the point...I'm THRILLED we have a MONTH now that they can
'promise' on. Now my question....how long have they been aware of this ?

The f'n fans are THEE LAST people to get the LATEST NEWS when it comes to release dates, and all I'm saying is why is that ?? What the hell do they lose ? They'll let the FAT CATS know their best estimate ...that's all I / WE ask for
Blahblahblahblah.... yadadadadada

I'm sorry, did you say something?

*in before lock*
devvingiorgio said:
Again, all missing the point...I'm THRILLED we have a MONTH now that they can
'promise' on. Now my question....how long have they been aware of this ?

The f'n fans are THEE LAST people to get the LATEST NEWS when it comes to release dates, and all I'm saying is why is that ?? What the hell do they lose ? They'll let the FAT CATS know their best estimate ...that's all I / WE ask for

Waaaaaaaah ;(
LMAO, you silly hypocrites

"Hey, I got an idea ! I'll email Mr. Lombardi today yet again and ask him if they can give a better release estimate"

the reply "Sorry, we're still looking at the situation, have no idea, can't elaborate"

a day later on an article from MSN M O N E Y...."We're looking at summer"

HOW HARD WAS THAT !?!?!?!?!?
wow you guys sure know how to flame somebody. hes just pointing out his opinion, and not everybody has the same one. no need to flame.

devvingiorgio said:
LMAO, you silly hypocrites

but when you put it that way, let the flaming commence. :cheers:
devvingiorgio said:
Again, all missing the point...I'm THRILLED we have a MONTH now that they can
'promise' on. Now my question....how long have they been aware of this ?

The f'n fans are THEE LAST people to get the LATEST NEWS when it comes to release dates, and all I'm saying is why is that ?? What the hell do they lose ? They'll let the FAT CATS know their best estimate ...that's all I / WE ask for

Far as I'm concerned Valve haven't given a release date but a timeframe that the game will be given to the publisher.
Now that to me isn't that big a deal to tell the world about...

Let Valve do what needs to be done. They've already missed one release date, I'm sure they're adament not to miss another.
People like you pisses me off :sniper: :imu:
it's fact. And I've done it too.
the same loyal fans that are eager for any freaking morsel of news have to beg for it, with no resolve. Some fricken journalist talks to Lombardi and "OH MY GOD ! WE GOT A SUMMER TIMEFRAME "

I do'nt understand how people can NOT agree with me on this

so the lesson for today is Accept everything , question nothing


the Real 1984 can't get here soon enough
now stop and think why valve might want to tell cnn, or an interviewer about new information. would you like them to personally email you? because if gabe sent you an email saying "were shipping on september 1st" and you told us, we would have a 12 page thread about how we dont believe you. the alternative is for us to hear it from a more reputable source.
Kaf, thank you for replying intelligently to me

very good point...but again, my point is if Valve ENCOURAGES the loyal fanbase to email them every single day, with hundreds of emails, then WHY the heck would they not give us their most accurate estimations....what do they have to lose in doing that ? They only gain popularity and trust in the gaming community when they at least make an attempt to update us when we ask every damn day

Munro, you around ? I'd like to hear what your opinion is on this
devvingiorgio said:
very good point...but again, my point is if Valve ENCOURAGES the loyal fanbase to email them every single day, with hundreds of emails, then WHY the heck would they not give us their most accurate estimations....what do they have to lose in doing that ? They only gain popularity and trust in the gaming community when they at least make an attempt to update us when we ask every damn day

Remember September 30th? And "Holidays 2003"? People got pissed off. They're trying to avoid having their reputation taking a hit if they miss any specific dates. A more vague estimate gives them more breathing space.
devvingiorgio said:
Kaf, thank you for replying intelligently to me

very good point...but again, my point is if Valve ENCOURAGES the loyal fanbase to email them every single day, with hundreds of emails, then WHY the heck would they not give us their most accurate estimations....what do they have to lose in doing that ? They only gain popularity and trust in the gaming community when they at least make an attempt to update us when we ask every damn day

One of the things I love about these forums, is that from time to time we get to see some of us, HL fans, losing it!!! Get it out of your system brother, you're right Give us the ****ing game !!!!!!! I WANT TO PLAY THE DAMN THING!!!!! WOOOOOW, time for my medicine, if you excuse me...
The point is that your obviously a fan of the game. True enough.

But we are fans of the company. We think they are doing great. Well I do anyway.

Why the hell do we need a release date so bad. It wont actually speed up the release in anyway. It comes when it comes regardless. Also, as many have said before me, it could be delayed again.

Well, I dont see what the fuss is about release dates anymore. I have been on this site for long enough to realise that when it is released I will get it and it doesnt matter if I know when that is. :)
Looks like you're very confused here, devvingiorgio... Valve is a money making organisation, not your personal biatch. Why should they prioritise a bunch of drooling forum fans (me included so please don't take it as an insult) with the publicity of potentially the biggest grossing gaming product to date?
Perhaps it's you being naive.
This is becoming silly guys, just leave the tread alone. *Runs away*
To be honest I was annoyed with Valve after Sept 30th last year, because they lied to us. They knew half-life 2 was definately not up to a release stage yet they continued to tell people they were hopeful for a sept 30th release.

Telling people nothing is much more honest and respectable than telling people lies.

That said, I respect Valve more now for keeping quiet about a release date, because if they gave a date, anything could happen to cause a delay, and they would be branded liars again.

You do not deserve a release date. You should not ask for a release date, and you will not be given a release date.

So please stfu and wait patiently, like the rest of us.
This is why it's important for us to get ESTIMATIONS


"I Have to get on with my life "

is what it comes to...not literally, but so these forums don't become a Mecca for
redundant threads about release dates and continous emails being sent to Valve askign the same f'n questions.

guys my intentions are good, I'm not here to piss anyone off, it's just something I want to understand
Wha? Valve said mid summer... and.. now they confirm . .yes.. it will ship mid summer! Ready to go to Vivendi in August.

I don't see how they did anything wrong again?
KagePrototype said:
Remember September 30th? And "Holidays 2003"? People got pissed off. They're trying to avoid having their reputation taking a hit if they miss any specific dates. A more vague estimate gives them more breathing space.

it amazes me that pple want release dates and get angry after going through the September 30th fiasco.. one would think Valve have learned their lesson (and that they have.. i think.. i hope..) and fans have learned to be patient and just accept that the game will eventually be released, just not when they want it released.

man.. if release date stuff makes ur blood boil.. maybe its time to contact the psychiatrist and arrange for some sessions and/or medicine :|
Freeman, I'll take that into consideration

but again, still missing my point

I've yet to mention release date...did you even look at my last post with the link ?

can you understand that ?
It must be the most frustrating job on the planet to be a MOderator here, trying to keep these threads clean from people who get into f'n arguments over whether it'll come out in June, July, or August for God's sake

This all has to do with keeping the customers up to date, nothing more. THAT'S IT. And YES, they do that, but we should have it before some guy from MSN Money, etc.
If you don't agree with that, then I don't see the point of even arguing
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."
- Shigeru Miyamoto
devvingiorgio said:
Freeman, I'll take that into consideration

but again, still missing my point

I've yet to mention release date...did you even look at my last post with the link ?

can you understand that ?
It must be the most frustrating job on the planet to be a MOderator here, trying to keep these threads clean from people who get into f'n arguments over whether it'll come out in June, July, or August for God's sake

i am not missing ur point... but i think u are missing mine.
why would Valve want to be speaking at all about release dates or even estimations after going through the embarrassment of September 30th?

it does not matter which way u slice it... Valve needs to be very careful this time around to get it right.

if i were Gabe Newell and the September 30th fiasco happened, i would not comment about the game until the game was in GOLD status.

why? because it ain't worth the hassle.. in life, things happen that are out of ur control...like the stolen source code so who knows.. what if it happens again? now Valve would look bad giving an August/September estimation..

its a no-win situation for Valve if anyone of their employees' comments on a release date/estimation date
Why does Valve need to be very careful this time around? Is this because, if they give another false release date, people won't actually buy it? Dream on man. You sound like another person who thinks Valve owes them something. Gabe Newell and Valve Software can do what they want. They make projected release dates. If they don't make them, that is NOT for you to get pissed off about.

You never deserve this game, ever. There is no physical right for you as a gamer to actually deserve this. Even if you spent 3 years on a webpage devoted to HL2, and it was cancelled, you have no buyer right to be angry.

It's a win-win situation for Valve. The game will still break world wide numbers, most likely crushing The Sims, and everyone will be happy. Most gamers only care about the moment. When a game is delayed, people are going to get pissed, which they honestly have no right to be. Valve "lied" to us? How did they lie to us. By trying to finish a game FOR the community, and failing to do so? Grow up.

When the game comes out, you will buy it, I will buy it, and nobody will ever care about the delays again.

Some of you make me sick.
my last post, guys still don't get where I'm coming from and this is pointless

"why would Valve want to be speaking at all about release dates or even estimations after going through the embarrassment of September 30th?"

Why the !@#^ would they tell that magazine August then, let alone tell US, the CUSTOMER, FIRST

"You never deserve this game, ever. There is no physical right for you as a gamer to actually deserve this. Even if you spent 3 years on a webpage devoted to HL2, and it was cancelled, you have no buyer right to be angry."

If I pre-order an item from a company and they me tell me an estimation date, than I would assume, as any good company would, would update me the very @#%^ moment they have a narrower estimation of release of that product. I shoudln't have to find out from a third party source

This thread is for people like me who are anxiously awaiting Half Life 2 and Doom III and simply want to be given IMMEDIATE UPDATES on ANY NEWS OF A PRODUCT THAT I'M INTERESTED IN OR HAVE PRE-ORDERED.

With software, it's more important than ANY product to be given this information, ASAP
We don't get that...instead we get to hear it from journalists who don't give two shits about the product...only when the stockholders can buy their shares of Activision and Vivendi on time
Why the !@#^ would they tell that magazine August then, let alone tell US FIRST

Again, they can do what they want. Thats a projected release date. Stop acting so childish.

If I pre-order an item from a company and they me tell me an estimation date, than I would assume, as any good company would, would up date the very @#%^ moment they have a narrower estimation of release

Your writing is a little confusing, so I cannot get a clear understanding of what you are trying to convey. Further, on the subject of pre-ordering items. Pre-ordering is something you physically do. It is not a promise of a company, and never merits an actual purchase. There isn't a contract involved which states that if X pre-orders Y, they are going to get it sooner or later. A Pre-Order is simply that, you are inputting money into an account at a store or online network, so that you can pay for the game before it HOPEFULLY comes out. Notice how I Say hopefully, because no game is ever set it stone. If you pre-order a game, you should do so while understanding that the game might never come out.

This thread is for people like me who are anxiously awaiting Half Life 2 and Doom III and simply wants to be given IMMEDIATE UPDATES on ANY NEWS OF A PRODUCT THAT I'VE I'M INTERESTED IN OR HAVe PRE-ORDERED.

With software, it's more important than ANy prodcut to be given this information, ASAP
We don't get that...instead we get to hear it from journalists who do'nt give two shits about the product...only when the stockholders can buy their shares of Activision and Vivendi on time

Why is it more important than any other product to be given specific information regarding a release date? Do you think you deserve it? Sounds to me like it does. "That isn't the point" he says'. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you are saying that.

Right, we are indeed the impeded morons of your so called "justified" statement. That we also, somehow, cannot seem to comprehend. Dream on my friend, dream on.

Personal interest means nothing. Pre-ordering means nothing. You mean nothing. You will still buy the game when it comes out, and slobber all over Valve.


I'm so glad that was your final post, as your intelligence on this subject is so mind boggling.
I lied

Poly, have you ever emailed Valve directly ?

If we were to pretend that you just emailed them Friday, asking if they have a better idea as to when the game should be completed (shouldn't be brain surgery at this point) and they were to reply Monday saying, "No, unfortunately we can't" .... and THEN finding an article released that was probably WRITTEN the MONTH PRIOR saying that we're looking at a 'definite' August month timeframe now....how would that make you feel ?

I'd be upset, would you ?
devvingiorgio said:
This all has to do with keeping the customers up to date, nothing more. THAT'S IT. And YES, they do that, but we should have it before some guy from MSN Money, etc.
If you don't agree with that, then I don't see the point of even arguing

So you're saying you're right and no one else should have an opinion on it? If you're going to be so obtuse, why even bother posting in the first place? A lot of people have posted civil and intelligent replies but you still insist on being the martyr. Yup, great thread.
Nope, and why should I. Valve can give information to who they want, when they want, how they want. You are not subject to be angry if Valve does not actually personally tell you and/or the community. It's Valves game. Again, they can give information to whoever they want, whenever they want. I pity you if you would be angry at this.
This all has to do with keeping the customers up to date, nothing more. THAT'S IT. And YES, they do that, but we should have it before some guy from MSN Money, etc.
If you don't agree with that, then I don't see the point of even arguing

By the way, this is entirely wrong. You do not deserve information before someone else. YOU DO NOT DECIDE WHO GETS IT. That is NOT for you to decide or value. You don't deserve it, and you never will. How you think the general public deserves information before news-cast selling systems is beyond me. Your marketing strategy would be suicide for a company. Having a relationship with the community is great, but you have to keep it at a business level. When you start getting buddy buddy with the community, and specific individual people, that is when you cross the line. It's much better, and SAFER to hand out information to large spread journalist systems.

You wouldn't be...well I would. A number of other people probably would too.

There's a certain level of satisfaction that I feel needs to be met in this day and age...I don't appreciate the fat cats getting estimation updates sooner than the community

my opinion
I would imagine Valve rather tells a magazine/journalist/site etc which can reach a bigger crowd at once, instead of answering billions of individual e-mails asking the same question.
"Your marketing strategy would be suicide for a company."

You're serious ?
A company letting its customers know what's going on as soon as they themselves are aware of it ?

W o W
Pardon me if I say your opinion is wrong. Again, you deserve nothing. This already makes my opinion fact. It makes yours a simple urge, until the actual game is released. I don't understand why some people post that their opinion is such. We already know that. My problem is when people use statements as opinions, when they are actually personal rants.

You're serious ?
A company letting its customers know what's going on as soon as they themselves are aware of it ?

Yes, that is a terrible relationship to have. I don't understand your concept of business logic. It's as if you are giving your opinion from a personal stand point. It's one thing to let customers know whats going on, it's another to give them let them know everything 1 on 1 as soon as they "themself" are aware of it. That is suicide. It's much better to feed the information to news inlit systems, where it would be broadcasted at a broad level. There isn't a single software company out there that honestly deals with PR the way you describe it. You just...don't do it...
perrkele -
Aphex Twin is the most creative and talented artist I've ever personally discovered.

back on topic


Again, what would it hurt for them to let just one person/ Half Life related website be directly told of these updates ? I am wrong to assume that Valve knew they'd be done this time around in August, like 2 - 3 weeks ago ?
What does it hurt for them to tell us this immediately ? Just the moderators job alone of regulating thread after thread of personal attacks based solely on the freaking release date would be lessened, therefore advantageous
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