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  1. TheCheckt

    HEV suit capabilities

    Xen is like a completely different dimension. So who knows. It doesn't matter though because Gordon can breathe fine in the dimension.
  2. TheCheckt

    Spoilers! GCF update! Spoilers!

    *Possible Spoilers ITT* Looks like the latest update on episode one is coming! I'm downloading it right now, but I can't wait until it's done. Then I'm going to take a little looksy. Samon, maybe you'd take a look and shed some more light on the storyline. You seem to have pieced together...
  3. TheCheckt

    HEV suit capabilities

    That's just stupid. I like this idea of yours a lot more.
  4. TheCheckt

    HEV suit capabilities

    I'd like to clear one more thing up too. A lot of people ask how does suit power actually help protect against bullets and the such. The HEV suit probably utilizes electric reactive armor. The armor is made up of two or more conductive plates seperated by space or an insulating material. This...
  5. TheCheckt


    I was thinking more along the lines of different headcrabs attacking all sorts of people. Like instead of a regular headcrab, maybe a speedy headcrab gets a CP. Oh boy would that be cool. Or a combine soldier zombified by a poison headcrab.
  6. TheCheckt

    Episode One Gold!

    Indeed. :farmer:
  7. TheCheckt

    Short gameplay movies

    I'm a little more calmed down and not as hyped up for the release probably because a lot of stress that was on me is gone. I mean school's almost over and I just finished my thesis paper along with a few missing assignments.
  8. TheCheckt

    GMan's Origin idea

    I wouldn't say he is an Advisor because, I don't know makes it seem cheesy, but he's most likely unhuman. We'll probably learn more about the gman as the story unfolds.
  9. TheCheckt

    Half-Life 2 Story

    It just means that there is more than one city. He was from City 14 then had to take a train and move to City 17. He's probably just talking about how he was sick of hearing those Breen Casts.