GMan's Origin idea


Doctor Evil

You probably know of GMan's voice- Fading in and out, changing tones, odd word choice and the like, makes him seem like he's not used to using human speech. So is he a Combine Advisor?

This may seem like a ridiculous thought, but read on for things that may prove or dis-prove this theory.


As breen said to the Combine Advisor,
A host body? Well I couldn't possibly... Oh, all right, if that's what it takes, just hurry up, they're right behind me! Oh, ****!

People have speculated that he was being teleported to Xen or the Combine Homeworld, and needed a host body to survive in that atmosphere without Gordon's H.E.V. suit. What I was thinking is GMan is a Combine Advisor, but with a host body to survive on earth.

It would also explain the sighting of GMan for a split second on Breen's Breencast screens or GMan being all-out there in his Vortigaunt TV sighting in Route Kanal. Did Breen's Breencasts and the Combine Advisor signals got mixed with the damage?


If this is so, then how is the Combine Advisor on Breen's screen if the Combine Advisor is GMan? Why isn't GMan on the Combine Advisors messages to Breen if this is true? And if GMan was on Xen at the end of Half-Life 1, why wasn't he the Advisor there, if the host bodies can only support their respective species atmospheres?

Again, this is just a thought. If you have any evedence proving this right or wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me.
I wouldn't say he is an Advisor because, I don't know makes it seem cheesy, but he's most likely unhuman. We'll probably learn more about the gman as the story unfolds.
And that in HL1 he was urging the scientist to halt the experiment, if he was a Combine Advisor why would he be halting that?
He was urging the scientists to go ahead with the experiment actually. But the fact that the G-man is in HL1 pretty much necessitates him not being a Combine Advisor.
Yes, but the Episode 1 offical home site refers to him as a "sinister interdimensional bureaucrat". I doubt that he is a Combine advisor, since he seems to be working against Combine's goals, but it isn't an entirely impossible idea, that he is an alien in a host body.

My personal belief, at the moment is, that he isn't even physically real, but rather a some sort of projection that only interacts with the world through some sort of rather limited, telekinetic powers - it appears that the only things he's ever seen manipulating are all electrical devices - electrical locks, nuclear bombs, televisions etc.
Why would a Combine advisor be using Gordon to stage a revolution against the Combine dominion on Earth? It's like shooting your balls off or something like that.
The G-man also has more powerful teleportation technology than the Combine. (so powerful it can cross time (time is just another part of space (I do physics))) :p
I'd say the G-Man is an alien 'mercenary' that performs tasks requested by his clients. You are his tool to accomplish the task he has gotten assigned here on Earth. I'd also go with that he's not physically here.
He could be a rebel Advisor.
The same one from Minerva!!! :p
... Damn. I had just downlaoded Minerva this morning and was just about to play it, and I've already got a spoiler... Damn.
Doctor Evil said:
... Damn. I had just downlaoded Minerva this morning and was just about to play it, and I've already got a spoiler... Damn.
Well, he just spoilered me too, if that's the case...
Poor Cargo Cult :p

I dont think that G-Man is a Combine Advisor, but I dot think the G-Man is human, either.

We shall see...
I was joking. Or maybe I wasn't. I'll leave that to you. MUAHAHAHAHA :devil:

EDIT: Note the "!!! :p" before going OMFG spoiler
CrazyJeepDriver said:
Poor Cargo Cult :p

I dont think that G-Man is a Combine Advisor, but I dot think the G-Man is human, either.

We shall see...

Nihilath said he is not human and he will decieve you.
I could probably spoil all of Metastasis 3 if you wanted: Mossman falls in love with Lamarr.
Yeah...uh having G-man as a Combine advisor makes no damn sense at all. Why explode his own Citadel? Kill his own people? Topple his own regime? Makes NO sense at all.
Maybe the Gman worked for the Combine in half life 1, by making the RC and by some way fooling Gordon into Xen by talking with the scientists or something..But later in half life 2 changed his mind...Or something, a lil blurry theory but i hope you understand
I'm pretty sure the G-Man is not at all connected with the Combine.

Maybe with the vortigaunts, because they both have shown the ability to distort space and time. On the other hand, maybe not due to the fact that the G-Man can do it by himself and the vortigaunts have to go all "hive-mind."

Now that I think about it, the combine are the only ones who seem to have no experience with warping space-time. Remember when Alyx and Gordon go into stasis for a week(?) and scare Kliener when they all of a sudden appear in his lab?
I also think the gman is an alien mercenary. But it would be really cool if he is actually human, as far as his motivations are (or ARE not) explained in a convincing way. Or possibly in a way that involves an explosion.

Anyway, the vortigaunts interact with the gman at the beginning of episode one, so I think they are aware of him or the threat he poses. Where do you think they teleported him to? Xen? Hell? Did they seal him inside his suitcase? And will they tell us what they do know of him in episode 2 and 3?
Cargo Cult said:
Well, he just spoilered me too, if that's the case...

:O a designer spoiling his own game! unheard of! call Gabe! :dork:
I've always liked to think that the G-Man really isn't a force we can describe, and in the most pure sense, he's the ultimate agent of chaos unleashed. I don't know why he messes with Earth, but perhaps he doesn't really have a reason, it's just for the moment that he wants to, and later he'll move onto another target, where he can see an area to exploit and cause more chaos.

In this sense however, I think that therefore the Vortigaunts are some latent species for Order, and therefore when the G-Man caused chaos, including the breaking of the Nilianth's control over them, they now oppose him. He probably didn't expect that, from order to come from chaos.

Just my disambiguous two cents.
I used to think G-Man was this "all-knowing matter of ultimate power" but him being beaten out by the vortigaunts and him even losing his eternal prisoner (Gordon) seems like he does have a weakness. Not quite the kind of person that would be "Chaos Unleashed"

After playing HL1, I didn't think the vortigaunts were that powerful, but in HL2 they did seem to be more powerful. in HL2:EP1, they seemed to replace the G-Man in knowledge of time and space.

Hell, how much more powerful can the vortigaunts get?
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Gman's orgin is that he is Half native american and half Xenian.

Sorry im bored.

Half Native american 1 quarter Xenian, 1 Quarter chinese, 2 Quarters Vietnamese.
There have been many specualtions on this lol, but I bet none of them are right lol, hopefully Valve has a big twist that will plop up for us, though I have to say why would, if the Gman was a combine advisor, destroy his own citadel unless it was a front that the the combine were being defeated but only to release a mega destruction weapon or something. Unless he did it, still assuming he is a combine advisor, because the combine had grown sick and tired of the resistance and earth and decided to trigger the self destruction capabilities of the citadel to kill all people in city 17 and so to show what happens to resistances to the other humans, you see them ejecting back off into space from the citadel in episode 1, so maybe this signifies his theory is unlikely but possible.
Please note the GMan was originally supposed to be the Administrator.
Yes thats true I can't believe we all thought that though it seemed realistic as his case used to bear the Black Mesa symbol, I wonder why it disappeared by HL2.

Maybe he thought his old briefcase was getting a bit tatty and he needed a new one, who knows could be anything I guess as valve has revealed nothing about him except, he seems inhuman.
I think GMan is in a host body, hence the weird look and speech. The way Breen was offered an alien body to to survive in Combine universe, he has a human body to survive in our world.

But, meh... Probably not. Perhaps he is a human who was born in another dimension.
99.vikram said:
I could probably spoil all of Metastasis 3 if you wanted: Mossman falls in love with Lamarr.

Don't worry, its not true.

Mossman was in love with Lamarr all along.

But alas, all Lamarr wants is a little head.
i dont know if someone else has said this, but if he's an advisor, why would G man send in a guy (Freeman) to attack the very empire he supports? thats just plain illogical, though the idea of him not bein completely human is pretty plausible