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  1. TenaciousPLo

    Any Open Beta players for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

    I agree with what that guy said. ^ Archer is at a disadvantage in the beginning more so then other classes, its a shame.
  2. TenaciousPLo

    Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election

    :angel: Anyways, if there is any irrefutable evidence, I sure would like to see it. I'm sure alot of us(in the states) have heard claims of this sort.
  3. TenaciousPLo

    Bush still using 9/11 to justify invasion of iraq

    US citizens won't do anything besides do the occasionally rally against him, including me. Most of us don't have the spirit for it anymore. Media will continue to confuse alot of us, though I'm not solely blaming our media for it.
  4. TenaciousPLo

    Do you consider "American" a race of people

    Not a race.
  5. TenaciousPLo

    Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election

    Nice argument there.
  6. TenaciousPLo

    black metalll

    Well, that's how it is. Vocals in a band can ruin the music for ya. Just your matter of preference. Personally I'd have Michael Jackson doing the vocals.
  7. TenaciousPLo

    Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election

    Look at this guy, he sure loves to belittle people for watching things that may differ from his beliefs. Do you ever stop to wonder that maybe people want to know what all this hoopla and what not that they may have heard/read of is all about? Wow, it's not like everyone who watches these videos...
  8. TenaciousPLo

    I think I'm a Nazi.

    Now that you have found guidance, experience it. On that note: LOL MESTIZOS!
  9. TenaciousPLo

    The truth about Islam

    Most people like to be comfortable with others who share the same beliefs. Whether they are denying a certain portion of their religious documents or not, some will always try to fit in. They just haven't realized most of the history behind their religion, or do and try to reform/change what...
  10. TenaciousPLo

    Do you believe in, like, aliens?

    Settle down, I didn't see your post. Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the info, but my intention was never to prove alien lifeforms through crop circles, if thats what you thought. :P
  11. TenaciousPLo

    The truth about Islam

    So does that mean the jews are the reason for all the wars in the world? :o
  12. TenaciousPLo

    Lack of Canadian goats turns swiss man into leadfoot

    What in sam hill.....well if I wasn't a monkey's uncle, I'd say dat dere is a goat on a darned dirt bike.
  13. TenaciousPLo

    Do you believe in, like, aliens?

    Well, just because they may be more advanced than us doesn't mean they would have a justified reason for doing this, even though it may seem to us to be a trivial thing to do for an advanced being. Who can know for sure who has done some of the more complicated crop circles that have been seen...
  14. TenaciousPLo

    Do you believe in, like, aliens?

    I'm willing to believe there are other intelligent lifeforms out in space. Have they visited here, be it past, or the present? I don't think anyone knows for sure. Crop circles are an oddity as well. There are obviously faked ones and then there are real intricate ones that seemingly can't be...
  15. TenaciousPLo

    Your 15yr old neighbor is a whore

    When will we ever learn to teach more acceptance of our natural instinct of sexuality? Damn religion repressing our urges, setting a standard that you should marry first. Even then, more or so half of the students taught through abstinence won't follow it and when they do, chances are those who...
  16. TenaciousPLo

    Canada and Denmark in Land dispute this the start of ww3?

    Hey rakurai, Que quieres a comer o tomar? Or would you prefer something..asian..(*looks at name*) :)
  17. TenaciousPLo

    I wanna learn telekinesis

    Both are very likely, tbh.
  18. TenaciousPLo

    I wanna learn telekinesis

    James Randi is a fraud.
  19. TenaciousPLo

    Man can summon UFOs at will.

    Actually he stated that we'll see more (atleast in Vegas) in the next 45 days starting June 1st. So it could be anywhere within that time period.