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  1. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I never once said HL2 should have DM - read the original post as it outlines many things none of which are HL2 DM. In short, I suggested that if CS:S is the main MP that it should be done in as polished and detailed way as the SP is, not just some rush quickie port. It should fully utilize...
  2. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Whatever guys - take CS over and over and over (a game Valve didn't even create) and tell yourselves that it is oh so great and Valve is oh so wonderful for giving it to you but the fact is that Valve jipped everyone. Valve touted MP as much as they did the SP for wuite some time and then...
  3. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Blah, blah, blah - say it any way you want but Valve knows you will take whatever crap they dish out. If you are fine with that then OK I suppose, I will not take a port of a 5 year old game as MP and accept it just like I wouldn't accept HL:Source as HL2 SP. How you can even argue that CS:S...
  4. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    For a major title, and an expensive one at that not having an original multiplayer is just a ripoff. Man, with all the asskissing of the community it is no wonder Valvew keeps selling the same thing over and over - they do it becuase there are plenty of morons who will buy it over and over and...
  5. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Please, Valve punted on MP because they knew that all the sickophants would kiss thier buts even though this would make the third time they are selling the same game. HL2 stands to earn millions upon millions of dollars, they could have easily hired 5 or 8 people to work on CS:S to make it a...
  6. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Maybe - what I am saying is they should have been in HL2. HL2s MP should have been CS2 or at least been what BF:V was to BF '42, a continuation of the orignal with new environments and some new features while the full sequal is developed. Given what Valve did hear I wouldn't touch CS2 if...
  7. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Look, I get that lots of people love CS as it is - I am not confronting that. Heck, I like CS too I just am tired of the same 'ole CS on the same 'ole maps with the same 'old run to choke point and park x-hair on corner and fire gameplay. A couple people here have stated they have played some...
  8. AgentSmith

    Team Fortress = HL2 Multiplayer

    What he said.
  9. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    It is not about one being better than another, it is about the stupidity of releasing the exact same game over and over and over. I mean take BF '42, a succesful game and popular, so they make BF:V but it isn't exactly like BF '42 - it takes the main elements and creates a new game with...
  10. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    What you describe is simply online gaming, Rambos exist in everything. CS is not a team game, it is a collection of individuals split into to teams just as most other games are in public circles. I think other games require more teamwork to achieve the game's objectives than do CS, like...
  11. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Spoken like a true fanboy who has no exposure to other games and what is being done with MP these days. CS is the not at all team opriented compared to games like BF, BF:V, DC, JO, etc - the fact that they have powerful vehicles neccesitates the opposing tean working together. CS is many...
  12. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    NO, CS is a port - you can't have it both ways. Either it is a bad Source MP or it is just a port. When people judge it as a new retail MP game (which I don't think it is at all) the fanboyz scream back it is just a port, if someone says it sucks that HL2 has no MP then they say CS:S is HL2...
  13. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well, all I know is I handed over my money a couple weeks ago and even if everything you guys hope for comes to pass with the MODs it will be nearly a year before I get a true Source MP and for that reason alone I think Valve jipped us. I have NO DOUBT that if HL2 SP comes in the same condition...
  14. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I do not fault Valve for going with CS:S as its multiplayer - I fault them for CS:S being so sloppy and incomplete. Sure, it is CS with great graphics and in terms of CS it may be great overall but this is ot the game world that CS was born in and CS:S is not great in Source terms (I think that...
  15. AgentSmith

    cs:s servers
  16. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I think that is a poor anology as eSports are a pittance compared to game sales and the real sports you mentioned. No game has ever been released to cater to eSports because it would fail miserably. If you want to talk about real sports like football and baseball then look at which game was #1...
  17. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well, we can quible over how much of what makes up CS is Quake and how much is HL. Much of what Valve added, certainly the most revolutionary stuff was mostly SP releated. The core engine is basically the same. That is all my point was as the core engine is even older than HL itself. Much...
  18. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Uh - yes it was. Half Life was not a proprietary engine, Valve liscensed the Quake engine and modified it to make Half Life. The skeletal animation was thier modification as well as some other such innovative additions. Nonetheless, at the core CS is Quake DM with some of the graphics...
  19. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    It isn't a case of wrong or right about what MODs can do - certainly they can do anything a developer can do (well, sorta as the SDK only lets you at some things, not the actual engine source code like if you had bought a liscense of the engine). Maybe some talented MODers will do what Valve...
  20. AgentSmith

    Quick CS: Source Tweak

    Typo - I meant 8X.