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  1. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    Yeah...Blitz Physics really have nothing to do w/blushing but that is a REALLY good idea for the game...and maybe civilians being attacked could SH!T themselves lol. but seriously that is a good point that would make it better
  2. -I(!113R 7-

    How Do U Create Maps?!

    PLZ tell me!
  3. -I(!113R 7-

    What Next Gen System Will Be Best?

    I personally think that PS3 will be the best, although the wii will be cheaper and more innovative. And as of now i have ever system up to 360 and I just cannot get over how, well crappy it is. I wouldn't consider it "next gen" especially considering the games just look shinier.
  4. -I(!113R 7-

    Probably THE BIGGEST n00b question...jme dont make fun do u make maps...i googled it and found no real good results. yes i know i am a n00b u dont have to tell me...but I have a hot GF so w/e idk!
  5. -I(!113R 7-

    Menial things that scare you ****ing SHITLESS about being paranoid, i suggest playing less video games. Am I wrong?
  6. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    thnx 4 the feedback
  7. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    I don't mean to insult HL2(It's my fav game and all), but I was thinking it would be cool if the next installmentperfect physics...gimme ur feedback. improved a "bit" on the basically near perfect physics. Give me ur Feedback.