Could The Physics Be Better?

Could The Physics Be better?

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-I(!113R 7-

Aug 28, 2006
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I don't mean to insult HL2(It's my fav game and all), but I was thinking it would be cool if the next installmentperfect physics...gimme ur feedback. improved a "bit" on the basically near perfect physics. Give me ur Feedback.
I don't mean to insult HL2(It's my fav game and all), but I was thinking it would be cool if the next installmentperfect physics...gimme ur feedback. improved a "bit" on the basically near perfect physics. Give me ur Feedback.
They're already improving the physics as we speak for HL2 Episode 2. Check the trailers and gameplay vids to see exactly what they're doing with the destruction of complex stuctures.
Uh, of course. The real question is is it really necessary? (spoiler: No, it isn't.)
I think the physics is good, just isn't applied as much and as well as I would like to see. Hopefully episode 2 will rectify this a bit.
If you want realistic water physics, get a NASA computer :p
No, we dont need more better graphics or physics. Physics are allrigh. graphics too. i voted NO And victory to NO! :p
It looks good & looks somewhat real but I feel more can be done...

Example: 1) Freeflowing hair.

2) Real teardrops, can sourse do realistic teardrops, like if Alyx were to get scared & cry...That would be soo awesome :p

3) When some is gets embarrased or shy...Id like them to get all blushed up & have rosie cheeks...

Let me show you....





lol nice pics Blitz, free flowing hair FTW!

I think the physics are near perfect, and i think the physics you are talking about blitz i think will most likely make their first appearance in EP2 if not definately EP3 ;)
1) Freeflowing hair.

2) Real teardrops, can sourse do realistic teardrops, like if Alyx were to get scared & cry...That would be soo awesome :p

3) When some is gets embarrased or shy...Id like them to get all blushed up & have rosie cheeks...

1) Considering no one hasn't managed to do automatically free-flowing hair even in big Hollywood studios yet (yes, they're all dirty hacks) you're suggesting something rather impossible here.

2) Rather complex texture effect applied as a decal. No need for particles and fluid simulation.

3) Very simple texture overlay trick, just fade in blushed texture. HL2 already does that in form of skin wrinkles like when characters wringe or smth.
While HL2's physics were top-notch, there is always room for improvement.
I voted for the last option - of course they could be better. If you asked if the physics in reality could be better, I'd vote yes too. I think they work quite well for the game, but naturally there's room for improvement. Even Crysis, arguably about to contain one of the better physics engines, will have room for improvement. I think Source's physics are spot on.

Am I the only one who thinks those pics are creepy? You should have had a woman put the blush on Alyx (although Gordon's look is priceless). It'd make a good "insert your own caption here" contest though.
Since the physics engine is based on Havok(that's what I've heard) they could be better.I voted for the 4th option
Nothing wrong with them.

I think using a PPU is the way forward which means free-flowing hair could be perfectly possible...
Despite my initial reading of this thread title sounding like it should be "Could the physics BE any better??" implying their perfection, there's always room for improvement. More detailed physics models (wood splinters, liquids, etc.) and more fluid handling of objects. I hated the BANGACLANGCLANGCLANG infinite vibration of using the gravity gun to pick up objects that were trapped, especially when I was in a quiet area and my headphone volume was too high.

Blitz, what does blushing have to do with physics? And I think you have a crush on a video game character ...

3) Very simple texture overlay trick, just fade in blushed texture. HL2 already does that in form of skin wrinkles like when characters wringe or smth.

huh? :O
Blitz, what does blushing have to do with physics? And I think you have a crush on a video game character ...

Is it because of the avatar :p?

When I say blush I mean't it to make the game more realistic. sorry about that...

BTW never rule out that HL2 aka source needs improvement, there always room for improvement. Also its not impossible to have freeflowing hair in video games, If Game's like DOA can have overly bouncy breasts...why can't hair be sort of similar?
Since the physics engine is based on Havok(that's what I've heard) they could be better.I voted for the 4th option
They took Havok Engine. They bitch slapped it and made tons of improvements. They worked with Havok to really improve the Havok Engine. There Havok Engine at the time of release of HL2 was more similar to the Havok 2 engine.
Dont know if anyone saw the E3 videos pre-release on Ravenholm, where he ran into a house and used the table to block the door. The door was then realistically kicked open and 2 guards stormed in, so he runs upstairs, takes out a guard at the top with a radiator. Then on the roof, he uses a grenade underneath a wooden-supported dumbster, which then falls from the roof onto the guards patrolling below.

THAT was cool. I was SO dissapointed at how that kind of thing wasnt really implemented as much in the end product. It was just a part of a level that was taken and altered to make the video sure, but still, it was the coolest thing i saw about HL2 at the time.
Dont know if anyone saw the E3 videos pre-release on Ravenholm, where he ran into a house and used the table to block the door. The door was then realistically kicked open and 2 guards stormed in, so he runs upstairs, takes out a guard at the top with a radiator. Then on the roof, he uses a grenade underneath a wooden-supported dumbster, which then falls from the roof onto the guards patrolling below.

THAT was cool. I was SO dissapointed at how that kind of thing wasnt really implemented as much in the end product. It was just a part of a level that was taken and altered to make the video sure, but still, it was the coolest thing i saw about HL2 at the time.

It's also a prime example why people who record those things should always include the debriefings the presentator gives out before the video/demo is may be just a few words but those words are usually worth more than anyone could imagine.

In this case the magical words were something along the lines "Here's what we[Valve] think could be cool to see in game."
Is it because of the avatar :p?

When I say blush I mean't it to make the game more realistic. sorry about that...

BTW never rule out that HL2 aka source needs improvement, there always room for improvement. Also its not impossible to have freeflowing hair in video games, If Game's like DOA can have overly bouncy breasts...why can't hair be sort of similar?

Because you have to take into account every single strand of hair...
Liquids and in-depth Terrain Deformation are the next step. Also, while we do have good Rope physics, they could be better utilized, such as having the use of a physics-enabled flail or whip in some game.
1) Considering no one hasn't managed to do automatically free-flowing hair even in big Hollywood studios yet (yes, they're all dirty hacks) you're suggesting something rather impossible here.

What on Earth are you talking about? Pixar developed a system for automatically animating hair in a realistic manner for The Incredibles, and yeah it required some tweaking, but that's just so that the hair would behave how they WANT it to, not how it actually would.

Animated hair is actually not THAT far off for games. Due to features of D3D10 (and vendor extensions of D3D9) it's very possible, and practical, for the GPU to calculate hair that animates and collides with the character and to some extent the environment as well.
Is it because of the avatar :p?

When I say blush I mean't it to make the game more realistic. sorry about that...

BTW never rule out that HL2 aka source needs improvement, there always room for improvement. Also its not impossible to have freeflowing hair in video games, If Game's like DOA can have overly bouncy breasts...why can't hair be sort of similar?
Well, hair is much more complex than DOA breasts. I would guess that those fighters' plasticky love kegs probably only have one axis of movement, whereas hair could potentially bend anywhere along the strand from a variety of sources, including other hair, wind, etc., in addition to the character's movements (the only factor in Tecmo gazongas).

On a more serious note, hair physics is something that has been missing in Source and I would really like to see that added some time down the road.
Trust me, I think we will see it incorporated pretty soon. EP3 if not definately the future Half-Lifee games ;)
They're already improving the physics as we speak for HL2 Episode 2. Check the trailers and gameplay vids to see exactly what they're doing with the destruction of complex stuctures.

well this is true that the engine is improving to some extent but the scenes of destruction that we see are not random occurences. they are prescripted entirely. I believe that the source engine has the potential to pull off such kickass shit as random buildings being destroyed by combine but are to lazy to implement it.
well this is true that the engine is improving to some extent but the scenes of destruction that we see are not random occurences. they are prescripted entirely. I believe that the source engine has the potential to pull off such kickass shit as random buildings being destroyed by combine but are to lazy to implement it.

LOL "too lazy"

You know ****ing nothing about development, limitations, performance, or anything.
LOL "too lazy"

You know ****ing nothing about development, limitations, performance, or anything.

yes this is true i am just a simple gamer but i see games like crysis promising physics that will have random kickass shit such as building being destroyed and then i see valve not doing that. so it is disapointing but i guess they arent *THAT* lazy because i am loving all thier other work i.e. portal TFC2
You're judging Valve because their competition is promising "random kickass shit"? You do realize that the requirements of their game is going to be far steeper than Episode 2's, right? Furthermore, what makes you so sure they're going to make good on their word?

But in the end, I don't see why it should matter. I'm all for scripted destruction if its effects are the same, because I'd prefer it if my computer didn't die trying to process neat eye candy.

Crysis' large-scale environmental destruction will probably be exactly the same as Valve's method, because there's no point in wasting CPU resources on it further. That's not lazy. That's practical.
I don't recall any game so far that is comparable to Half Life 2(Source Engine) being really flexible on a widespread level and offering the type of physics implementation that it does.
You're judging Valve because their competition is promising "random kickass shit"? You do realize that the requirements of their game is going to be far steeper than Episode 2's, right? Furthermore, what makes you so sure they're going to make good on their word?

well the reason that i think they will keep to their word is that the technological quality of their game farcry was par with halflife two on many levels and better on a few. physics and graphics were just as good but with far more impressive and massiveopen ended enviroments kinda like what is promised by valve in EP:2. the only major con of this game was its ridicoulously bad storyline. and furthermore yes i realize that requirements of crysis are going to be higher than EP:2 but higher requirements walk hand in hand with better physics n such.

But in the end, I don't see why it should matter. I'm all for scripted destruction if its effects are the same, because I'd prefer it if my computer didn't die trying to process neat eye candy.

im in the same boat with you. I have a terrible computer that runs hl2 at the bare minimum settings and by computer would die if i tried to run crysis. i applaud valve for letting me play their games even though my computer is shit, but i would rather there be a game with true real life physics and not be able to run it(thats what friends computers are for) than vice versa.

Crysis' large-scale environmental destruction will probably be exactly the same as Valve's method, because there's no point in wasting CPU resources on it further. That's not lazy. That's practical.

well the thing is that the destruction will not be the same. in one hand you can play the same one thing over and over again and in another hand you can play the one thing differntly everytime (to some extent).
well the reason that i think they will keep to their word is that the technological quality of their game farcry was par with halflife two on many levels and better on a few. physics and graphics were just as good but with far more impressive and massiveopen ended enviroments kinda like what is promised by valve in EP:2. the only major con of this game was its ridicoulously bad storyline. and furthermore yes i realize that requirements of crysis are going to be higher than EP:2 but higher requirements walk hand in hand with better physics n such.

So then, by your own argument, the implication is that any restraints would be due to the technology as opposed to laziness.

well the thing is that the destruction will not be the same. in one hand you can play the same one thing over and over again and in another hand you can play the one thing differntly everytime (to some extent).

And there's no reason to think Crysis will be any different from the former for the most part.
MuToiD_MaN said:
Blitz, what does blushing have to do with physics? And I think you have a crush on a video game character ...

You are not th only one who think that Blitz have a crush on Alyx...the pictures says everything :O
So then, by your own argument, the implication is that any restraints would be due to the technology as opposed to laziness.

well yeah but valve could update the source engine like they have done before with HDR lighting.
well anyways im going to bed n all do some flamein tomorrow

That's easier said than done. They can't just snap their fingers and have it so.

I have no doubt that they will eventually rehaul their physics system when their games start requiring it. Until then, such an addition would be superfluous and taxing.
It's fine and I like it, but there is room for improvement. Valve has done an awesome job on the physics, and it's probable that they could add on to an already excellent aspect.
You are not th only one who think that Blitz have a crush on Alyx...the pictures says everything :O

well she looks and acts so lifelike its hard not to have a crush on her, i find hilarious lmao
well she looks and acts so lifelike its hard not to have a crush on her, i find hilarious lmao

The next victim of Alyx Vance=Shift.Is true is acting like a real person but is just a character.