Could The Physics Be Better?

Could The Physics Be better?

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The next victim of Alyx Vance=Shift.Is true is acting like a real person but is just a character.

lol yeah but some people get too involved with the game, especially with sort of graphics I play with but yep, is just a character in the end =)
I don't mean to insult HL2(It's my fav game and all), but I was thinking it would be cool if the next installmentperfect physics...gimme ur feedback. improved a "bit" on the basically near perfect physics. Give me ur Feedback.

Personally, the physics are great, like grenadesbeing pushed out of the way by other explosions, rag doll physics, the crossbow, it's all the best, I just wish the striders were easier, seriously, if you shot at a leg of one, it SHOULD knock down, or atleast try to keep balance, but then, the struggle of the strider war in 'follow freeman' would be too easy!
HL2 physic's is'nt perfect..How? Well, When you use you crossbow on an enemy...when it pin's them to the wall, It kills them but The rods never even touch them?????? but they still get killed by it.

Take a look & see what I mean:

hmm, you have a good, and supportive concept. I've never looked at post fired crossbow ammo... I thought that they either disappeard inside the enemy or vanished over time. What I meant was how you can hit a guy (combine) with one and then he'll fly against a wall with some of the best physics I might've ever seen
Somehow I doubt it's realistic though. I mean, a part of me doubts that the crossbow bolt has so much momentum as to carry a guard's body all the way to the wall like that.
Somehow I doubt it's realistic though. I mean, a part of me doubts that the crossbow bolt has so much momentum as to carry a guard's body all the way to the wall like that.

yep I agree, how can a crossbow projectile pin against the wall like that....Its not a .50 calibre bullet (12.7x99mm).

And Steel rods that thick & that heavy going that fast...Impossible!
What on Earth are you talking about? Pixar developed a system for automatically animating hair in a realistic manner for The Incredibles, and yeah it required some tweaking, but that's just so that the hair would behave how they WANT it to, not how it actually would.

Animated hair is actually not THAT far off for games. Due to features of D3D10 (and vendor extensions of D3D9) it's very possible, and practical, for the GPU to calculate hair that animates and collides with the character and to some extent the environment as well.

Being huge fan of Pixar's work (I actually think that The Incredibles is the best movie ever) I'm sorry to break it to you but that system is faked. The way it works is that it precalculated overnight several possibilities for hair movement and when they animated their stuff, they saw an approximation which after the initial animation was recalculated overnight to see how well it actually worked.

Note that I used the word "overnight" twice.
So, does that mean the process takes two nights? Because I'd totally play a game in that framerate.
Yeah...Blitz Physics really have nothing to do w/blushing but that is a REALLY good idea for the game...and maybe civilians being attacked could SH!T themselves lol. but seriously that is a good point that would make it better
ps. u guys all make really good points here. almost all of u*cough*costyn elite*cough* wat is wrong w/havok? they do shaolin monks,psi ops, Halo 2,Rainbow 6,Full Spectrum Warrior,Dead Rising,Ghost Recon,24,Dungeons & Dragons,AOE,Armed & Dangerous,Condemed,Darkwatch,Mercenaries,Max Payne 2,Painkiller,Splinter Cell 3,Swat 4,Saints Row,Elder Scrolls Oblivion Matrix Path of Neo...need I say more! I loved havoks ever since I first played PSI Ops the Mindgate u deeply offended me and my god. jk got that from Igninokt(Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Someone PLZ tell me I am wrong...I DEFY U!!!....but really who agrees w/me
o and yes i thought of all those games on the spot...(well took about 3 mins) Point is, I KNOW MY HAVOKS
yep I agree, how can a crossbow projectile pin against the wall like that....Its not a .50 calibre bullet (12.7x99mm).

And Steel rods that thick & that heavy going that fast...Impossible!

I think they were going for a nifty effect instead of realism.

So sue them.
o and yes i thought of all those games on the spot...(well took about 3 mins) Point is, I KNOW MY HAVOKS

You know you can edit the post you just finished if you want to add something. Most people -- and moderators -- consider multi-posting like that to be in poor form.

Yes, Havok is a great engine, but you can't do everything in it. Which is more of what we've been discussing.
I've seen 2 things that do water physics.
Ageia PhysX Card and the Ps3
Funnily I haven't seen Ageia PhysX do any water physics (besides normal ripple displacement which even HL2 is capable of doing) and the same goes for PS3. Just because the surface has something that looks like waves it doesn't mean it's actually simulated.
Funnily I haven't seen Ageia PhysX do any water physics (besides normal ripple displacement which even HL2 is capable of doing) and the same goes for PS3. Just because the surface has something that looks like waves it doesn't mean it's actually simulated.
PS3 did water physics at E3. They simulated all the water in a tub with a rubber ducky. You could move water from the bucket to the tub, etc.. They then put hundreds of duckiets into the tub and the water splashed. They also simulated cloth physics. Go find the video with google if you wanna see it.

Cell excels at float point processing, which is heavily required for physics.
Funnily I haven't seen Ageia PhysX do any water physics (besides normal ripple displacement which even HL2 is capable of doing) and the same goes for PS3. Just because the surface has something that looks like waves it doesn't mean it's actually simulated.
I didn't think HL2 had rippling water, besides the light-bending effects ... we're talking vertex movement. And I've seen games with actual vertex movement too, like the original Alien Vs Predator.
Cole: Now that I think of it, I think you're right...although it wasn't very high-resolution simulation there was at least some simulation going on there. My bad.

MuToiD_MaN: HL1 actually had moving vertices in water surfaces.
yep I agree, how can a crossbow projectile pin against the wall like that....Its not a .50 calibre bullet (12.7x99mm).

According to this site arrows can travel at 280 feet.per.second. Apparently (grr imperial units) this is about 307 km/h. Conversation of momentum shows
MaVa + MpVp = McVc
I won't bore people with the details unless somebody asks but if the arrow weight is 0.5 kg then when it hits the person (say of 80kg) then the person will be flown back at 1.9 meters per second - so its not that much of a stretch for somebody to be pinned to a nearby wall.

well this is true that the engine is improving to some extent but the scenes of destruction that we see are not random occurences. they are prescripted entirely. I believe that the source engine has the potential to pull off such kickass shit as random buildings being destroyed by combine but are to lazy to implement it.

The problem with destructive envioments is that it make level design much harder. Imagine trying to design a level set in a house when the walls can be destroyed by grenades? Or if the gravity gun could work on doors - all those normally unopenable doors would be a problem from level designers as well.

Personally I'm happy with smaller improvements - eg when you put a wooden box into a fire the box breaks like its been attacked by a crowbar instead of catching on fire.
yes this is true i am just a simple gamer but i see games like crysis promising physics that will have random kickass shit such as building being destroyed and then i see valve not doing that. so it is disapointing but i guess they arent *THAT* lazy because i am loving all thier other work i.e. portal TFC2

Have you seen the min spec for Crysis?

And as the previous poster said, the level-design would be difficult...
Is it because of the avatar :p?

When I say blush I mean't it to make the game more realistic. sorry about that...

BTW never rule out that HL2 aka source needs improvement, there always room for improvement. Also its not impossible to have freeflowing hair in video games, If Game's like DOA can have overly bouncy breasts...why can't hair be sort of similar?

yeah, and if Soul Calibur 2 can do it ON GAMECUBE! why can't the almighty hl2? btw, wish that when you pulled stuff out from heavy things, that the stuff wouldn't fly accross the room, or when you put something small, like a book, under a box, I wish the book wouldn't slowly make it's way to the side, and then fly out... :D

freeflowing hair can't be that too big of a "Omgzors we can't do this, the computers will be teh hottness!!!!11!!1!one!!!11!!!LoLz!11! BBQ!" if gamecube can pull it off, why not super high tech, state of the art, kick ass computers, with Radeon XNT 9800 video cards, or other? :p owned? ^^
Half-Life 2 has never had *realistic phsyics* to be honest. A 2lb metal object flying at a human body isn't going to carry it across a room and pin it to a wall. Thats fun, but not realistic

A grenade isn't going to blow somebody 20ft in the air, nor is a RPG either. Thats fun

HL2 has never had *realistic* physics, its had fun physics.
freeflowing hair can't be that too big of a "Omgzors we can't do this, the computers will be teh hottness!!!!11!!1!one!!!11!!!LoLz!11! BBQ!" if gamecube can pull it off, why not super high tech, state of the art, kick ass computers, with Radeon XNT 9800 video cards, or other? :p owned? ^^

It just depends on how realistic you're going with hair. Soul Calibur 2, your example, has the hair all moving as one unit. It's just a folded 2D texture that bends in very pre-set ways the wind and such. The pie-in-the-sky model that is still going to be a while refers to actual HAIRS not a wiggling set of semi-transparent triangles. Hairs that bend at any point along them, shadow each other, obstruct each other and create volume. Do you know what I mean?
Hairs that get wet.
Hairs that get dirty/bloody.
Hairs that get clean again when you wash them.
Hairs that catch on fire.
Hairs that block your vision when its windy, also Gordon grows long hair.
Hairs that can be pulled out of Gordon's head, useful for when
- the Combine try their new "make Freeman bald" strategy.
- Surviving your next encounter with a Barnacle.
Hairs that turn grey when you put Gordon through a lot of stress.
Valve should also implement a "hair counter" for Kleiner so we can see in real time how many hairs he has left before he loses them all.

I'm sure there are more uses for hair, knowing valve they'll think of some other use for hair that will make us go OMGZOR.
They are great but always room for improvement!

I think they Are really good but could improve

We will see after ep2 and its new physics.
Hairs that get wet.
Hairs that get dirty/bloody.
Hairs that get clean again when you wash them.
Hairs that catch on fire.
Hairs that block your vision when its windy, also Gordon grows long hair.
Hairs that can be pulled out of Gordon's head, useful for when
- the Combine try their new "make Freeman bald" strategy.
- Surviving your next encounter with a Barnacle.
Hairs that turn grey when you put Gordon through a lot of stress.
Valve should also implement a "hair counter" for Kleiner so we can see in real time how many hairs he has left before he loses them all.

I'm sure there are more uses for hair, knowing valve they'll think of some other use for hair that will make us go OMGZOR.

TOOOOOOOO many hairs!!!!!
Half-Life 2 has never had *realistic phsyics* to be honest. A 2lb metal object flying at a human body isn't going to carry it across a room and pin it to a wall. Thats fun, but not realistic

That depends on how fast it's moving, otherwise I agree.
I think they're good, but theres always room for improvement =)