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  1. J

    lil help here

    btw im looking for code that processes all variables possible, then spits out the min and max value...
  2. J

    lil help here

    sorry my is java based..thanks guys, yeah i know u guys like coding..i found this problem fun too;) Ill think of some more to in the midst of changing from java to c++
  3. J

    lil help here

    ok im new to the coding scene and im giving my self some homework to help me out with some c++ coding... I made this problem up. Ok you your library contains anywhere from 10-20 books.. each book has 300-500 pages...however, each book only has 25 words per page. So, what is the least amount of...
  4. J

    Funniest HL2DM Moments!

    funniest for me was building a tower in overwatch out of those empty carts...about 5 high i went inside and up the stairs..then i jumped miraculussy (sp?) onto the tower, it wobble back and forth whilst 2 magnum campers triied hosin me down...i managed to do the pistol trick righ square at both...
  5. J

    Source Code Humor

    good descriptions..very helpfull...i saw one that said, "oh whoops i just shot a squad member, shoot, better go wander off this way"
  6. J

    Funny Faces

    new one
  7. J

    Funny Faces

    ok to redeem my self worth..heres breen trying to escape from gordon...
  8. J

    Funny Faces

    ok *me opens mouth, inserts foot* btw i was jokin when callin u noobs...anyways didnt see this little trick before...sorry guyz;)
  9. J

    Funny Faces

    im just giving people an easier way to do this rather than making thier own gameinfo.txt ....i dont see which way ur talkin about..if u care to explain then okay i will stick my foot in my mouth
  10. J

    Funny Faces

    what are u talking about?
  11. J

    Funny Faces

    for u noobs theres a better way to do this if u dont know wtf ur doing....go into explore C:\programfiles\valve\steam\steamapps\userid\sourcesdk\sdkcontent copy the gameinfo.txt document in that folder.... now go to c:\programfiles\valve\steam\steamapps\userid\sourcesdk\bin paste the...
  12. J giving me virus warnings

    i got the same thing the other day
  13. J

    last thread about MP-hopefully

    i figure why not just consolidate all ideas and progress into one thread? Maybe together we can compile a working Deathmatch utitlity for hl2. Ive already seen the gui interface one of the members has implemented, im not a very good coder but i can make maps and ill get to work on a decent...
  14. J


    you wont be bitchin when half of these mods come out that people are making... in 3-6 months ill be on here seeing the people who were once bitcihing now going" omfg i love you valve!11!!!1one!11 oneoneon without you we would never have all these great mods! hence, this game will never get old!"
  15. J

    shotgun model-first gun model! be nice!

    3dstudio max and i didnt use a reference..just started with a box and went from there...took about 15 mins to model..15 to unwrap uvs and texture..thanks for the crits...
  16. J

    shotgun model-first gun model! be nice!

    ok my first ever gun model...crits are welcome thoug, this is just playin aroudn with textures and mapping...i guess its a nitrous compressed tribarrel shotgun...meh tell me what u think j.w. are my initials btw
  17. J

    first thread and first model

    hope u guys like..its only 135 polys and its a valve radioactive antidote bar dispenser...only 300 bucks a piece and comes in vanilla and chocolate and also nice to meet you all