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  1. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    Check this out, I was in weightlifting in school last year, begening I weight 160 benched 120, end of the year I weighed 145 and benched 200. I'm trying to get back to that cause I was eating all good on my vacation this summer, and now I weigh 157 and bench somewhere between 180-200. So I lost...
  2. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    I dont ahve a real problem, I just never had to run before. I always lifted and what not, but never ran like my buddies in football or baseball.
  3. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    Thats a nice looking machine tho. See my problem haha when i start running I end up stoping cause I have to go to the bathroom, and today my shoes were too lose so I had to stop and tighten them up. But thats what im trying to work hardest on at the moment is running, got to be able to run for...
  4. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    I honestly couldnt tell you, I can lift wieights, do push up and sit ups, but when it comes to running or anything like that I ask for help.
  5. SlagOps

    Behind a firewall at school

    I thought that Novel thing is like Highschool login to the internet?
  6. SlagOps

    What would you do?

    YOUR LIEING, cause I looked!
  7. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    awsome, how much are you benching or squating?
  8. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    heh, I get up at 4:49 and get to my workout place at 5, then work out until school starts everymorning. Its really fun and helps me wake up acually.
  9. SlagOps

    What would you do?

    haha, did you know chinesse fighting fish [vetas] were acually brought back from vietnam by soldiers? Acually mailed over in envelopes with a little water, and they survived, pretty amazing.
  10. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    I work out on a regular basis, but those guys have got some strength in them to do what they can do.
  11. SlagOps

    Planning ahead?

    I think only crappy games are made with the sequal built in so they can just pop it out in a couple of months.
  12. SlagOps

    Maths ruinded my life...

    Check this out, I'm going into the army, but im so horrible at math, I acually have to study for the ASVAB test. haha I'm great in english class tho.
  13. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    Sorry if I offended you honestly, it was a joke haha. That girl is hot tho.
  14. SlagOps

    What would you do?

    I would breaks its neck with my bare hands to put it out of misery.
  15. SlagOps

    Hottest girls in the world.

    I think the first girl Dark Angel posted was very hot, thats the type of women I like anyways. I seriously think the women in the olympic Gymnastics are ugly, and looke 10, and some are.. you know that right? You some kinda weirdo?
  16. SlagOps

    What would you do?

    :devil: hahaha... :flame:
  17. SlagOps

    What would you do?

    What would you do if you ran over a poor little rabbit :imu: or something cute, and you dont ahve a gun or a knife, just your barehands to put it out of missery, cause its still alive. But if you leave it something will surely eat it slow. What would you do? What... would you do..?
  18. SlagOps

    Dangerous hunt

    I dont now, I think it will give people skill, just incase they are ever hunted by a crazy person.
  19. SlagOps

    Help wanted! Fizzle needs you!

    Geeettt Rrrrr Donnnnnnnnnnnnn E Ged r Don!
  20. SlagOps


    Ok, so whats with all of the Counter-strikes out, something needs to happen, its like there are multiple of one game. Just doesnt seem right to me. So are they going to narrow the expanding weird crap, or are they going to make CZ in source? And what about this Counter-strike 2? I thought CZ was...